Industries/Verticals/Market Segments
Real estate
Change in subindustries
SLC: Standard Industrial Classification
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Structures for Businesses
Most common: Sole Proprietorship
Legal structure, tax code
Very easy to start, least filing, decision making efficient
All treated as personal income
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP/LP)
Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)
First business structure
Stock (members allocated by stock ownership)
First organization by which another company owns stocks
Own entity in tax laws, filing practices, insurance
Loans, debt, credit issued in business’ name
Can still ask for personal guarantee by banks
C-Corp: Full corp
S-Corp: Startup, small corporation
Most intensive filing, own independent, separate entity
Citizens United: Corporations can politically participate
Double tax, taxed as own entity (W2 Form), property tax but no stock tax, anything justified as part of business is paid for
Agrees to operate like another business with royalty fees
Use foods, processes, marketing, logistics, employee handbook, etc.