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apush period 3: 1754-1800

  • america became a distinct nation and developed its distinct identity

  • French and indian war - part of 7 years war

    • began because British colonists were bothered by French encroachment on Ohio river valley

  • colonists hungry from land tried to push into the Ohio river valley

  • leader pontiac led raids on encroaching colonists

    • Pontiacs rebellion

    • PROCLAMATION OF 1763 - Britain said to stop going past applaciain mountains so that there are no more issues with native Americans

  • colonists wanted to move westward though

  • war was EXPENSIVE

    • british parliament gave lots of taxes

    • salutary neglect - gave colonists the sense that they managed their own affairs, but the era of salutary neglect was over

    • stricter enforcement of navigation acts

    • and quartering act - empirial troops remained

    • colonists were responsible for feeding and housing the soldiers

    • sugar act

  • virtual representation ?

    • parliament claimed this is what the colonists did

    • sons and daughters of liberty dedicated themselves to the repeal of the stamp acyt

    • stamp act congress - petition to british parliament

    • taxation without representation was tyrrany

    • they rejected stamp act as loyal subjects, NOT for independene

    • parliament listneed

    • also passed declaratory act - right to pass any law they wanted to

  • townshend acts - taxes on paper, glass, tea, etc

    • highly organized protests

    • boycotted many british goods

    • especially women - brew their own tea, avoided their textiles

  • boston massacre

  • “intolerable acts” new tyranny

    • patriots were annoyed

    • colonists created armed groups

    • leaders gathered in the continental congress

    • colonies agreed they needed to resist

    • still wanted to remain british subjects, did not consider indepdenence

  • guiding principles was ENLIGHTMENMENT

    • NATURAL RIGHTS - all are endowed certain rights by god

    • idea of social contract - power to govern is in the hands of people and they give some of that to create a govt capable of protecting their rights

    • separation of powers - various branches to check and balance

  • revolution was not on the table at the continental congress

    • significant factor - COMMON SENSE - Thomas Paine - argued powerfully for independence. used biblical evidence

    • elite folks were reading enlightenment stuff from John locke, etc, while common sense was written for regular people

    • he put language to the things colonists felt but couldn’t articulate

    • only way forward was as independent americans


  • declaration of independence composed by jefferson


    • loyalists - peopel opposed to the war

  • american revolution

    • continental congress approved continental army and George Washington was leader

    • ill-equipped, blah blah blah

    • Britain had a very powerful military

    • needed help from a foreign ally

    • BATTLE OF SARATOGA - turning point - american victory

      • french allied with americans

      • Benjamin franklins diplomatic work

      • maquis de lafayette


    • Paris peace treaty - war was over

  • black americans fought in the war, patriot cause FREE FROM NORTH OR LIBERATED FROM SOUTH, fought right alongside white soldiers

  • hessian soldiers - germans who british paid to fight for them

  • new government

    • how did revolutionary ideas affect american society?

      • slavery - “all men are created equal” so many northern abolished slavery and slave trade was stopped, however, this did NOT work.

      • opening of state and national govts

        • state universalized suffrage - right to vote w/o respect to title or nobility

        • abolished titles etc

      • WOMEN - stayed behind and plowed and planted fields + normal domestic duties

        • ladies association of philidelphia

        • some women dressed like men and fought\

        • REPUBLICAN MOTHERHOOD - women were vital to a healthy democracy because they were able to raise sons well schooled in republican ideas, so WOMEN needed to be WELL EDUCATATED.

    • how did It effect global society?

      • other revolutionary movements were inspired

      • FRENCH REVOLUTION - some formed national assembly, declaration fo rights of man and citizen

      • haitian revolution - French colony, killed & burned many houses

        • victory + formed their own govt

        • first black led independent nation

      • latin american countries as well

        • spain & portugal

        • Mexico, peru, etc all overthrew former colonizing powers

  • articles of confederation

    • sueprmajority

    • rigid unchangeable

    • regards to westward migration - kept having indian problems

      • northwest ordinance !!!!!

        • abolished slavery there

        • created a way they can get a population and apply for statehood


    • daniel shay

      • displayed weakness of articles of confederation

      • alarmed national leaders that wondered about what to do when there was more angry farmers

        • how there was no president or federal army or someone to fix the issue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • constitutional convention

    • supposed to revise articles but realized they need a whole new constitution

    • FEDERALISTS - stronger central government

    • ANTI FEDERALISTS - opposed increase in government

    • how would the people be represented?

  • VIRGINIA PLAN - representation by population

    • favored big states

  • NEW JERSEY PLAN - states represented equally

    • favored small states

  • THE GREAT COMPROMISE/connecticut

    • bicameral congress

    • house of reps was population

    • senate was representaed equally

    • southerners wanted all slaves to be counted

    • northerners opposed this

  • 3/5 compromise - slaves were 3/5 of a person


    • FEDERALIST PAPERS - persuasive essays written by Hamilton, John jay, etc, to get people to ratify the constitution

    • antifederalists - didnt want to ratify constitution

    • bill of rights - individual liberties

      • created for anti-feds support

  • federalism - sharing of power between national govt and state govt

    • supremacy clause - national govt trumps state govt

      • enumerated powers of congress - i.e. power to declare war

    • 10th amendment - powers not delegated for fed govt belong to state govts

  • separation of powers

  • american culture

    • public education

    • artists wanted to paint historical ideals

    • republican motherhood - raising virtuous sons

  • George Washington was elected president and John Adams was vp

    • treasury of state, war, and justice

  • Alexander Hamilton - first secretary of treasury

    • many sweeping policies

    • federal govt assumed states war debts

    • creation of national bank


    • Washington said we were too fledgling to go into war so he made a proclamation of neutrality


      • jay’s treaty - british said they will give up their posts

      • Spanish thought america was getting too cozy with Britain, so the pinckney treaty was created


          • americans can use port of new orleans

          • southern border falls along 31 pallelel

  • rumors that british supplied arms to natives to go against america


    • indian surrender of all land in Ohio river valley

  • whiskey rebellion - attack on whiskey

    • tax collectors tried to collect revenue from farmers

    • federalized militia and sent them to crush the rebellion

    • democratic republicans specifically JEFFERSON opposed this

  • 2 party system

    • FEDERALISTS - Alexander Hamilton, strong govt

    • DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS - jefferson, state rights

  • Washington’s farewell address warned against factionalism

  • John adams was second presidenty


      • war broke out between Britain and france

      • declared neutral

      • adams sent delegation to france

        • demanded a bribe

        • xyz affair

  • alien and sedition acts

    • alien acts made it legal to deport immigrants - i.e. Irish and Scottish who opposed federalist sympathies for Britain

    • sedition acts made it illegal to be rude about the govt


  • virginia and kentucy resoltuions

    • any law passed that is constitutional can be nullified by states

  • Thomas Jefferson was third president

  • republican motherhood - mothers can influence political ideas to their sons, so they needed to be educated

    • sacred duty

    • worked to expand schooling for girls

  • national identity

    • works of art, literature, articeture

    • influenced by European style

    • enlightenment influence on paintings

    • John Trumbull - romanticized ways

      • nationalistic fervor

    • monticello

    • poor Richards alamanack - ben Franklin - only the Bible outsold it

      • aphorisms like a penny saved is a penny earned

      • shaped american identity as industrious and hardworking


    • separated church and state

  • relationship between Britain, Spain, indians

    • concern among political elites

    • indian trade and intercourse act

      • provisions for fair dealings

      • settlers ignored

      • westward migration increased

    • tension with Spain - Pinckney treaty - decided the border - 31st parallel

  • legacy of slavery

    • regional attitudes emerge

    • north had increase of free blacks

    • first African american church

    • south had a huge enslaved black population that was growing

    • new legislation made it impossible to escape slavery

    • people who went to south brought slaves there too


apush period 3: 1754-1800

  • america became a distinct nation and developed its distinct identity

  • French and indian war - part of 7 years war

    • began because British colonists were bothered by French encroachment on Ohio river valley

  • colonists hungry from land tried to push into the Ohio river valley

  • leader pontiac led raids on encroaching colonists

    • Pontiacs rebellion

    • PROCLAMATION OF 1763 - Britain said to stop going past applaciain mountains so that there are no more issues with native Americans

  • colonists wanted to move westward though

  • war was EXPENSIVE

    • british parliament gave lots of taxes

    • salutary neglect - gave colonists the sense that they managed their own affairs, but the era of salutary neglect was over

    • stricter enforcement of navigation acts

    • and quartering act - empirial troops remained

    • colonists were responsible for feeding and housing the soldiers

    • sugar act

  • virtual representation ?

    • parliament claimed this is what the colonists did

    • sons and daughters of liberty dedicated themselves to the repeal of the stamp acyt

    • stamp act congress - petition to british parliament

    • taxation without representation was tyrrany

    • they rejected stamp act as loyal subjects, NOT for independene

    • parliament listneed

    • also passed declaratory act - right to pass any law they wanted to

  • townshend acts - taxes on paper, glass, tea, etc

    • highly organized protests

    • boycotted many british goods

    • especially women - brew their own tea, avoided their textiles

  • boston massacre

  • “intolerable acts” new tyranny

    • patriots were annoyed

    • colonists created armed groups

    • leaders gathered in the continental congress

    • colonies agreed they needed to resist

    • still wanted to remain british subjects, did not consider indepdenence

  • guiding principles was ENLIGHTMENMENT

    • NATURAL RIGHTS - all are endowed certain rights by god

    • idea of social contract - power to govern is in the hands of people and they give some of that to create a govt capable of protecting their rights

    • separation of powers - various branches to check and balance

  • revolution was not on the table at the continental congress

    • significant factor - COMMON SENSE - Thomas Paine - argued powerfully for independence. used biblical evidence

    • elite folks were reading enlightenment stuff from John locke, etc, while common sense was written for regular people

    • he put language to the things colonists felt but couldn’t articulate

    • only way forward was as independent americans


  • declaration of independence composed by jefferson


    • loyalists - peopel opposed to the war

  • american revolution

    • continental congress approved continental army and George Washington was leader

    • ill-equipped, blah blah blah

    • Britain had a very powerful military

    • needed help from a foreign ally

    • BATTLE OF SARATOGA - turning point - american victory

      • french allied with americans

      • Benjamin franklins diplomatic work

      • maquis de lafayette


    • Paris peace treaty - war was over

  • black americans fought in the war, patriot cause FREE FROM NORTH OR LIBERATED FROM SOUTH, fought right alongside white soldiers

  • hessian soldiers - germans who british paid to fight for them

  • new government

    • how did revolutionary ideas affect american society?

      • slavery - “all men are created equal” so many northern abolished slavery and slave trade was stopped, however, this did NOT work.

      • opening of state and national govts

        • state universalized suffrage - right to vote w/o respect to title or nobility

        • abolished titles etc

      • WOMEN - stayed behind and plowed and planted fields + normal domestic duties

        • ladies association of philidelphia

        • some women dressed like men and fought\

        • REPUBLICAN MOTHERHOOD - women were vital to a healthy democracy because they were able to raise sons well schooled in republican ideas, so WOMEN needed to be WELL EDUCATATED.

    • how did It effect global society?

      • other revolutionary movements were inspired

      • FRENCH REVOLUTION - some formed national assembly, declaration fo rights of man and citizen

      • haitian revolution - French colony, killed & burned many houses

        • victory + formed their own govt

        • first black led independent nation

      • latin american countries as well

        • spain & portugal

        • Mexico, peru, etc all overthrew former colonizing powers

  • articles of confederation

    • sueprmajority

    • rigid unchangeable

    • regards to westward migration - kept having indian problems

      • northwest ordinance !!!!!

        • abolished slavery there

        • created a way they can get a population and apply for statehood


    • daniel shay

      • displayed weakness of articles of confederation

      • alarmed national leaders that wondered about what to do when there was more angry farmers

        • how there was no president or federal army or someone to fix the issue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • constitutional convention

    • supposed to revise articles but realized they need a whole new constitution

    • FEDERALISTS - stronger central government

    • ANTI FEDERALISTS - opposed increase in government

    • how would the people be represented?

  • VIRGINIA PLAN - representation by population

    • favored big states

  • NEW JERSEY PLAN - states represented equally

    • favored small states

  • THE GREAT COMPROMISE/connecticut

    • bicameral congress

    • house of reps was population

    • senate was representaed equally

    • southerners wanted all slaves to be counted

    • northerners opposed this

  • 3/5 compromise - slaves were 3/5 of a person


    • FEDERALIST PAPERS - persuasive essays written by Hamilton, John jay, etc, to get people to ratify the constitution

    • antifederalists - didnt want to ratify constitution

    • bill of rights - individual liberties

      • created for anti-feds support

  • federalism - sharing of power between national govt and state govt

    • supremacy clause - national govt trumps state govt

      • enumerated powers of congress - i.e. power to declare war

    • 10th amendment - powers not delegated for fed govt belong to state govts

  • separation of powers

  • american culture

    • public education

    • artists wanted to paint historical ideals

    • republican motherhood - raising virtuous sons

  • George Washington was elected president and John Adams was vp

    • treasury of state, war, and justice

  • Alexander Hamilton - first secretary of treasury

    • many sweeping policies

    • federal govt assumed states war debts

    • creation of national bank


    • Washington said we were too fledgling to go into war so he made a proclamation of neutrality


      • jay’s treaty - british said they will give up their posts

      • Spanish thought america was getting too cozy with Britain, so the pinckney treaty was created


          • americans can use port of new orleans

          • southern border falls along 31 pallelel

  • rumors that british supplied arms to natives to go against america


    • indian surrender of all land in Ohio river valley

  • whiskey rebellion - attack on whiskey

    • tax collectors tried to collect revenue from farmers

    • federalized militia and sent them to crush the rebellion

    • democratic republicans specifically JEFFERSON opposed this

  • 2 party system

    • FEDERALISTS - Alexander Hamilton, strong govt

    • DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS - jefferson, state rights

  • Washington’s farewell address warned against factionalism

  • John adams was second presidenty


      • war broke out between Britain and france

      • declared neutral

      • adams sent delegation to france

        • demanded a bribe

        • xyz affair

  • alien and sedition acts

    • alien acts made it legal to deport immigrants - i.e. Irish and Scottish who opposed federalist sympathies for Britain

    • sedition acts made it illegal to be rude about the govt


  • virginia and kentucy resoltuions

    • any law passed that is constitutional can be nullified by states

  • Thomas Jefferson was third president

  • republican motherhood - mothers can influence political ideas to their sons, so they needed to be educated

    • sacred duty

    • worked to expand schooling for girls

  • national identity

    • works of art, literature, articeture

    • influenced by European style

    • enlightenment influence on paintings

    • John Trumbull - romanticized ways

      • nationalistic fervor

    • monticello

    • poor Richards alamanack - ben Franklin - only the Bible outsold it

      • aphorisms like a penny saved is a penny earned

      • shaped american identity as industrious and hardworking


    • separated church and state

  • relationship between Britain, Spain, indians

    • concern among political elites

    • indian trade and intercourse act

      • provisions for fair dealings

      • settlers ignored

      • westward migration increased

    • tension with Spain - Pinckney treaty - decided the border - 31st parallel

  • legacy of slavery

    • regional attitudes emerge

    • north had increase of free blacks

    • first African american church

    • south had a huge enslaved black population that was growing

    • new legislation made it impossible to escape slavery

    • people who went to south brought slaves there too