2- The sources- origins of Language

The Origins of Language

  • Exploring the question of where language comes from and whether all humans always spoke.

The Divine Source

  • In Christianity, as per Genesis:

    • God created Adam and named the creatures according to Adam's calls.

    • Babel is the site where God confused human language and scattered people across the earth.


  • In Hindu tradition:

    • Language is believed to originate from Sarasvati, the wife of Brahma, the creator of the universe.

    • Sarasvati is associated with knowledge and learning.

    • There is a myth about the Kalpa Vriksha Tree, punished for its pride, relating to language's origin.

From the Americas

  • Aztec belief states:

    • Following a great flood, only two people survived—Coxcox and Xochiquetzal.

    • Their children were initially unable to speak, leading to each child receiving a different language, preventing understanding among them.

From Africa

  • Bantu peoples' myth:

    • Initially, all humans shared a common language.

    • During a famine, a madness struck, leading to nonsensical speech and the emergence of different languages.

Shared Beliefs Across Religions

  • Many religions attribute the origin of language to a divine source.

  • Most theories suggest a monogenesis of language, meaning all languages come from a single origin.

  • Experiments have been conducted to rediscover this original, divinely given language.

Experiments on Language Origin

  • Isolation Tests:

    • Pharaoh Psammetichus: Two infants raised with goats reportedly began speaking the Phrygian word for bread, 'bekos'.

      • Likely imitated goat sounds rather than speaking an original language.

    • King James of Scotland: Similar trials showed children reportedly speaking Hebrew, supporting the idea of a divine source.

The Natural Source (Bow-wow Theory)

  • Primitive words originated as imitative sounds of nature.

  • These imitations referred to associated objects or actions (onomatopoeia).

    • Examples: "coo-coo" (for a bird) translates to "cuckoo."

The Pooh-pooh Theory

  • Suggests language may have evolved from natural cries linked to emotions (pain, anger, joy).

The Social Interaction Source (Yo-he-ho Theory)

  • Proposes that linguistic sounds originated from collective physical efforts requiring coordination among individuals.

The Physical Adaptation Source

  • Human anatomy supports speech capabilities:

    • Upright teeth facilitate fricative sounds.

    • Intricate lip muscles, a muscle-rich tongue, and the ability to modulate airflow enhance vocalization.

The Tool-making Source

  • Suggests language emerged alongside the development of manual dexterity and gestures before evolving into verbal communication.

The Genetic Source

  • Implies children are born with an innate capacity for language, distinguishing humans from other species.

Theories and Arguments on Language Development

  • Sudden Theories:

    • Divine source: language was gifted suddenly.

    • Natural sound source: emergence is sudden through onomatopoeia.

  • Gradual Theories:

    • Social interaction: language develops with group living.

    • Physical adaptation: language evolves along with biological changes.

    • Tool-making source: cognitive evolution leads to structural organization of language.

    • Genetic source: language development is innate over time in children.


  • Language origins are multifaceted, encompassing divine, natural, social, physical, tool-making, and genetic sources.

  • Historical context and beliefs vary widely, shedding light on the complex evolution of human language.


  • G. Yule (2010) The origins of language (pp. 1-9).

  • "The origins of language" (2012) Slideshare presentation by 07437666.

  • Image and gif sources: Google images and Tumblr.
