Belief that communism needs the support of the peasant to work
Key Values
Struggle and activism
Self reliance
Mass Line
Leaders would communicate their will/direction directly to people, but people would communicate through mass line to leaders
Land Reform
Redistributed property from rich to poor
Civil Reform
Freed people from Opium addiction
Enhance women’s legal rights
Five-Year Plans
Nationalized industry
Collectivized agriculture
Private property eliminated
Wanted to free China from Soviet domination
Utopian effort to transform China into an egalitarian society
Equal emphasis on industry and agriculture
Mass mobilization of population
Mixed results
Different from Greap Leap Forward
Goal - remove references to “Old” China
Libraries/Universities destroyed
Emphasis on elementary education only
Wanted to mobilize and convince the youth of China in support of Maoism
Wanted to indoctrinate the youth
Radicals - Led by Mao’s Wife
Supported cultural revolution
Moderates - (Deng Xiaoping)
Emphasized economic reform and some contact with other countries
Won government
Four Modernizations
Industry, Agriculture, Science, Military
Very successful
Open Door Trade Policy
Designted cities and ports for international trade
Heavily regulated trade
Led to rapid advancement in certain areas while others left behind
Expansion of higher education (reversal of cultural revolution policy)
Restored legal system and bureaucracy
Socialist Market Economy
Household Responsibility System
Replaced communes
After paying taxes/contract fees to govt, families may consume/sell what they produce
Special Economic Zones
Promoted foreign investment
Economic Success
Fastest growing economy in the world for more than two decades
GDP per capita grew at average rate of 9%
Economic Problems
No more “iron rice bowl” - cradle to give benefits
High Pollution
High urban migration with restrictive movement laws - Floating Population
Hukou - household registration system
Authoritarian / Single party communist system
Unitary system
Constitution - established in 1982
Head of Party and State - Xi Jinping
Head of Government - Li Qiang
Unicameral Legislature
Judiciary - Not independent, no judicial review
More than 2000 delegates
Meets every 5 years
Rubberstamps decisions made by party leaders
Elects members of Central Committee
About 340 members
Elected for a 5 year term by National Party Congress
Secret ballot/candidates limited
Meets annually
Carries out business of the National Party Congress between sessions
Chosen by Central Committee
Dictates government policies
Meets in secret
25 members
Most powerful political organization in China
7 members, chosen by Politburo
Membership is a mirror of faction influence
Chosen from the Standing Comittee
Head of the CCP
Chinese word that means “connections” or “relationships”
Describes personal ties between individuals based on such things as common birthplace or mutual acquaintances
Conservatives (hard-liners)
Reformers/Open Door
Liberals (out of power since Tiananmen Square)
Princelings - aristocracy of families with revolutionary credentials from days of Mao
Shanghai Gang - associates of former leader Jiang Zemin - emphasis on Guanxi
Chinese Communist Youth League
3 branches
All controlled by communist party
No check/balances
Head of State
Serves 5 year terms (unlimited # of terms)
At least 45 years old
Senior Party Leaders (Recently General Secretary and President are the same)
Head of Government (Li Quiang)
Formally appointed by President, always from Standing Committee
Directs the State Council (made up of ministers that direct the bureaucracy)
Exists on all levels
very large in size and power
Very hierarchical
Made up of Cadres (30 million)
Person who exercises a position of authority in communist government
May or may not be party members
Most must retire between 60-70
China recruits leaders through Cadres (nomenklatura)
System of choosing Cadres from lowers levels of party hierarchy for advancement based on their loyalty/contributions to party
Dual role
Supervised by higer levels of government and communist party
National People’s Congress
“Formal” authority of government to rule on people’s behalf
Meets once a year in March for two week
2900+ members (deputies)
5 year terms
Chosen from lower people’s congresses
Chooses President/VP - but only one candidate for each
Has little actual power (rubber stamps Xi Jinping’s policies)
Announces Politburo’s policies
Peoples Court System
People Procuratorate - supplie lawyers
No rule of law under Mao, but acknowledged today (not fully transitioned)
Business liberalization pushed the change (wanted predictability and continuity)
Party uses Judiciary as a weapon
Criminal Justice system works quickly and harshly - 99% conviction rate
World leader in use of the death penalty
World’s largest military force - 2.3 million active personnel
CCP controls the military
Central Military Commission
12 members: 10 of highest ranking officers of PLA + President + VP
Chair is commander-in-chief and has always been highest ranking party member