Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) Spain ceded Florida to the United States and gave up its claims to the Oregon Territory American System Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy. arguments against constitution Anti-federalists thought that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government arguments for constitution 1. National Policy 2. more effective union 3. Executive Branch 4. Bill of Rights Aroostook War Series of clashes between American and Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed territory of northern Maine, resolved when a permanent boundary was agreed upon in 1842. bill of rights purpose This was to protect people's liberties and rights Bill or Rights First 10 amendments to the Constitution wrote by james madison Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions declared that all "people are created equal"; used the Declaration of Independence to argue for women's rights Dorthea Dix woman who pushed for changes in the treatment of the mentally ill and founded 32 mental hospitals Elizabeth Blackwell an abolitionist, women's rights activist, and the first female doctor in the United States Elizabeth Cady Stanton -A prominent advocate of women's rights, -Stanton organized the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention -wrote declaration of sentiments -helped create 19th admendemt fate of celia killed her owner robert newsom because he sexually abused her. she escaped jail on nov 11 and was caught and hung on dec 21 Fedrick Douglas an escaped slave who became a famous abolitionist speaker and writer first industry in the United states textile manufactoring Gadsden Purchase Agreement w/ Mexico that gave the US parts of present-day New Mexico & Arizona in exchange for $10 million; all but completed the continental expansion envisioned by those who believed in Manifest Destiny. gag rule 1835 law passed by Southern congress which made it illegal to talk of abolition or anti-slavery arguments in Congress henry clay He developed the American System as well as negotiated numerous compromises. served as a sentetor, speaker of house and secretary of state indian removal act (1830) a congressional act that authorized the removal of Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi River John C. Calhoun South Carolina Senator - advocate for state's rights, limited government, and nullification manifest destiny Americans believe it is their role to expand. Also the belief that America's new society is the best example for the world. Margot Fuller -feminist -advocates for women's education and freedom -author of a new american life Market Revolution the expansion of the marketplace that occurred in early nineteenth-century America, prompted mainly by the construction of new roads and canals to connect distant communities together for the first time. market revolution cause inventions- cotton gin, steam engine, mechanical reaper, telegrapgh. transportation- steamships, canals, railroads. government- land policies market revolution effects the increase in productivity, factories, and agricultures. the impact on slavery market revolution purpose changes that transformed US economy, society, and political landscape. mexican american war effects -Led to increasing tensions over slavery -The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the United States Mexican territory and recognized Texas in exchange for 15 million dollars -The Gadsden Purchase later gave the United States current-day New Mexico and Arizona through the payment of 10 million dollars Mexican Cession Lands sold by Mexico to the US following the Mexican War Mexican-American War (1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory. Mexican-American War cause US annexed Texas which lead to border conflicts Missouri Compromise "Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states. Monroe Doctrine an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers Mormon Migration The Mormons moved west to escape religious persecution, they settled in Missouri and Illinois but were later persecuted by their neighbors ; decided to move Northwest towards the Great Salt Lake. mormonism comprises the religious, institutional, and cultural elements of the most populace branch of the Latte Day Saint movement Nat Turner's Rebellion Rebellion in which Nat Turner led a group of slaves through virginia in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow and kill planter families Nationalism A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country Northwest Ordinance Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most significant achievements of the Articles of Confederation. It established a system for setting up governments in the western territories so they could eventually join the Union on an equal footing with the original 13 states Ralph Waldo Emerson -American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self-improvement, self-confidence, and freedom. -He was a prime example of a transcendentalist and helped further the movement. -wrote self reliance book Second Great Awakening A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans. Seneca Falls Convention (1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written. right to vote, equality in education, and property rights Sojourner Truth Abolitionist and feminist who spoke against slavery and for the rights of women Temperance restraint or moderation, especially in regards to alcohol or food Temperance purpose and goal to reduce the consumption of alcohol The Aroostook War was the result of a dispute over the northern boundary of Maine Trail of Tears The Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their lands. They traveled from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas -to the Indian Territory. Transcedentalism A philosophy believing they people were at their best when they were self-reliant Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty that ended the Mexican War, granting the U.S. control of Texas, New Mexico, and California in exchange for $15 million Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1842 between the US and the Brits, settled boundry disputes in the North West, fixed most borders between US and Canada, talked about slavery and excredition William Lloyd Garrison United States abolitionist who published an anti-slavery journal (1805-1879)