iroquois a combo of the 5 tribes living in the Northeast that agreed to be peaceful, clan mothers held power
matrilineal ancestral lineage traced through females
subsistence farming farming enough to survive with no extra
Roanoke colony started in NC by Sir Walter Raleigh but got abandoned quickly
Spectral Evidence when witnesses claim they had a dream or vision about the accused
2nd Continental Congress -When all 13 representatives met
-most not in favor of independence
-put together an army with Washington in charge
-sent ambassadors to countries in Europe
Declaration of Independence -had to be unanimous for independence
-approved and signed by John Hancock on July 4, 1776
-all colonies signed on August 2, 1776
Shay's Rebellion farmers rebelling on taxes by storming courthouses and attacking the capitol
Article 1 Legislative Branch
Article 2 Executive Branch
Article 3 Judicial Branch
Article 4 Relations among states
Article 5
Amending the Constitution
Article 6 National Govq over State
Article 7 Ratification of the Constitution
Precedents Washington defined the roles of the executive departments
Judicial Review the ability of the court to declare a legislative or executive decision unconstitutional
Corps of Discovery what the Lewis and Clark Expedition was also known as
Impressment British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service
Embargo Act of 1807 forbade any trade relations with Britain and France
War Hawks radicals who pushed for war and were from the West and South
Treaty of Ghent treaty that ended the war of 1812 (Treaty of Peace)
Era of Good Feelings When James Monroe was president and there was very little strike for 8 years
Monroe Doctrine When the U.S. gained Florida and the boundary line between Spanish territory and the United States was established
Missouri Compromise Added Missouri and Maine as states to keep the balance of the slave states
Tallmadge Amendment gradually freed slaves in Missouri
Spoils System -ended permanent, non-elected office holding people
-gave people government jobs based on party loyalty
-fired a large number of federal employees
Caucus System members of congress from each party meeting and choosing the candidate
nominating conventions where delegates from each state gather to choose the nominee for each party
tariff of abominations -increased the tariff on imports to 49%
-pushed for the by the North
indian removal act authorized the president to grant land to west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders
Trail of Tears the five civilized tribes traveling to Oklahoma in awful conditions where many died of disease, hunger, and cold
Panic of 1837 -Van Buren in office
-many banks and businesses failed
-farmers lost land
-unemployment soared
Webster-Ashburton Treaty drew a border between Canada and Maine
3/5 Compromise -slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person
-gave south an advantage until Civil War
Abolitionists those who opposed slavery
slave codes -purpose was to govern slaves
-passed because of fear of slaves
underground railroad -a system of shelters for escaped slaves to get aid in fleeing
-started in Philadelphia in 1800
conductors people who ran slave shelters
uncle tom's cabin 40+ part installment that was published as a 2 volume book in 1852 that shared the truth about slavery
popular sovereignty
government based on consent of the people
know nothing party -anti-immigrant political party
-very secretive
-conspired a counterattack for a catholic revolution
-got control of many state governments
secession -withdrawing formally from membership of a federation
-(11 southern states did this to the Union, leading to the Civil War)
Jefferson Davis United States Confederate President from 1861 to 1865
Anaconda Plan Norths plan to surround the South (and squeeze) to win the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln to free Southern states that weren't border states
Habeas Corpus the government has to tell you why you were arrested (Abe Lincoln suspended it)
Coastal Northwestern Got most of their food from the ocean
Inland Northwestern Hunter Gatherers with winter villages
Southewestern Diverse region with distinct gender roles
Plains Utilized buffalo for all aspects of life
Southeastern Culture destroyed by Europeans
Northeastern Form tribal confederations
Vikings first Europeans to arrive in America
India Where did Columbus think he landed when he arrived in Hispaniola?
they were digusted What did the Native Americans think of the Europeans' culture and way of life?
They thought he was a god What did the Native Americans think of Hernan Cortes?
Hunger what was the real enemy of the Jamestown colonists?
they were looking for gold and other riches What were the 2 reasons people came to America?
Anglo-Powhatan War -Powhatan chief grew tired of English and laid siege to Jamestown
-Called the Starving Time
-Chiefs daughter Pocahontas was captured
-English won but negotiated peace
Spain US aquired Florida from?
John Quincy Adams vs Andrew Jackson candidates in election of 1824
they wanted washington to be the only unanimously elected president Why was Monroe not elected unanimously in his 2nd term?
warned European powers not to interfere with the affairs of the Western Hemisphere What did the Monroe Doctrine do?
established transportation
pass a protective tariff against Europe
revive the National Bank
What were the 3 parts of the American System?
False T or F- Andrew Jackson won the election of 1824
spoils system appointing cabinet secretaries is part of...?
increasing voter turnout what was the goal of changing to nominating conventions?
Negative What was the South's opinion of the Tariff of Abominations?
True T or F- Jackson prevented a civil war by insisting that federal laws were more powerful than state laws
False T or F- Jackson thought the only solution to the Native American problem was genocide
Southeast-Oklahoma Where were the Native Americans being moved from and to?
potlatch a very large ceremonial feast that people redistributed surpluses to lower classes
quartering act act that required the colonists to give the British soldiers housing
sugar act Britian taxed the colonists for sugar and molasses
stamp act said colonist must buy stamps for all printed materials
townshend acts placed taxes on paint, glass, lead, paper and tea
Boston massacre a mob taunted British soldiers and the British fired and it quickly turned into chaotic slaughter
tea tax placed taxes on tea
Boston Tea Party an american protest where they dumped British tea overboard shops to protest the taxes
intolerable acts laws aimed to punish Massachusetts for the outcome of the Boston Tea Party
Virginia Dare Who was the first European born in American in Roanoke NC?
married an englishman which soothed relations between Native Americans and the English
Salem Witch Trials Several accusations of witchcraft led to sensational trials in Salem, Massachusetts at which Cotton Mather presided as the chief judge. 18 people were hanged as witches. Afterwards, most of the people involved admitted that the trials and executions had been a terrible mistake.
Lexington and Concord -first battle of American Revolution
-"shot heard round the world"
-British retreated
Battle of Bunker Hill Americans take Breed and Bunker's Hill in one night and then British attack three times and cause Americans to retreat because they ran out of ammo
Battle for NYC -Took place of Long Island
-Washington loses 1,000 and retreats to Manhattan
-Howe drives Washington out of NYC
Trenton and Princeton -British army settled for the winter
-Washington crossed the Delaware river and successfully attacked on Christmas Eve
-Drove the British away when British reinforcements arrived
Battle of Saratoga -American victory over British troops in 1777 that was a turning point in the American Revolution
-General Howe's troops never came
-General Horatio Gates attacked British
-10 days later British surrendered
-Resulted in French joining US
Southern Campaign -British capture Philadelphia
-Americans wintered at Valley Forge
-Baron Freidrich von Steuben, a Prussian military officer tuned American mob into an army
Battle of Yorktown -French navy block Cornwallis's army in Yorktown peninsula and after a month long siege, Cornwallis surrendered to Americans on Oct. 19
-last major military action of the war
Revise the Articles of Confederation What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
No electoral college winner What was the problem of the election of 1800?
Wanted the Mississippi River for economics Why did the US want the Lousiana Territory?
House of Representatives Who resolved the election of 1800?
No Constitutional authority What is an issue Congress had with the Louisiana Purchase?
$15 million How much did the US spend on Louisiana?
Opened up the West to settlement What was the significance of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
America Who did the Embargo Act end up hurting?
they were tired of being humiliated Why did the War Hawks want to go to war?
Fight and cross a river What did the militia near Queenston refuse to do?
Detriot What city surrendered without a fight in the War of 1812?
True T or F- James Madison helped command a battle near Washington DC in the War of 1812
Baltimore In what city was the national anthem written?
New Orleans What battle saved the West even though it took place after the treaty was signed?
Whiskey Rebellion rebellion that showed the strength of the new federal government since Washington led a military force to put it down
impressment kidnapping of american sailors to staff the British navy
Quasi-War naval fight with France where war was not declared
Virginia Plan Favored by large state, wanted representation determined by population
NJ Plan Favored by the small states, wanted representation equally divided amongst the states
Articles of Confederation Americas first attempt at government
Adams-Onis Treaty Gave the US Florida
Webster Ashburton Treaty Settled the border between Maine and Canada
Tallmadge Amendment Tried to make Missouri gradually free its slaves
Missouri Compromise Added Maine and Missouri to the US as states
Gadsden Purchase Settled the border of the US and Mexico
State Which law did John C. Calhoun think should be supreme?
Hated it What did Jackson believe about Nullification?
Kill them What did most people in the US want to do with the Native Americans?
Nothing What did Van Buren do about the economy collapse in 1837?
William Henry Harrison Who has the short term of any president in history?
True T or F- Texas was its own country who had achieved independence from Mexico?
Mexico Who attacked first in the Mexican-American war?
California Where was the Bear Flag Revolt?
America In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo, who got more land out of the deal?
Corrupt Bargain What was the election of 1824 known as?
Erie Canal What connected the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean across New York State?
railroad The Gadsden Purchase was bought in order to give land to America to build what?
Triangular Trade A system in which goods and slaves were traded among the Americas, Britain, and Africa
Patriots supported rebels (rural folk, New Englanders, Virginians)
Loyalists supported the British army (city dwellers, Native Americans, African Americans)
Terms of Treaty of Paris -Spain received Florida from Britain
-Americans received independence
-All lands between Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes are American Territory
he never occupied the White House What can Washington claim about his election that no other president can?
Importance of Unity
The Worst Enemy of Government is Party Loyalty over Nation
Danger of Foreign Affairs
What 3 things did President Washington warn about in his farewell address?
XYZ affair -Adams sent 3 delegates to France in response to France's decree to negotiate a deal
-French minister refused to meet unless paid $12 million loan ad $250,000 bribe
-wanted apology for Jay's Treaty
-Delegates refused to deal with Talleyrand and left
Alien Enemies Act If war breaks out, president can deport enemy aliens
Alien Friend Act Allows president to deport any aliens
Sedition Act of 1798 -prevented publishing or saying anything against the federal government (could be imprisoned up for 2 years)
-went against the freedom of speech in the constitution
Burning of Washington -british burned the capitol buildings and then were assaulted by 2 thunderstorms with 2 tornadoes
-Developing transportation networks
-Establishing a protective tariff
-Reviving the National Bank
What were the 3 parts of the American system?
Retaliatory tariffs Why was the South scared of the Tariff of Abominations?
Nullification Crisis A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law - the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United States Congress.
Present day California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and parts of Arizona and Colorado What territory was added due to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo?
Parts of Arizona and New Mexico What territory was added due to the Gadsden Purchase?
worked in fields and tended the animals Male role of slaves
worked in the kitchen and kept up the house Female role of slaves
Worked on their own houses what did slaves do in their free time?
didn't want them taxed Why did the North not want slaves counted?
larger number of reps Why did the South want the slaves counted?
govern the conduct of the slaves Why were the slave codes passed?