Comp Sc. MOE Model Exam

Problem Solving Steps

  • Goal Formulation: A step where the agent defines the objective it aims to achieve.

  • Search: The process of exploring actions to find a path to the goal.

  • Problem Formulation: Involves defining the problem clearly after identifying a goal.

  • Execution: Carrying out the chosen actions towards achieving the goal.

Operating System Process Termination

  • Process Termination: Triggered when a process references non-existing memory.

  • Types of Termination:

    • Normal Exit: Process ends successfully.

    • Terminated by Another Process: One process is killed by another.

    • Fatal Exit: Occurs due to an unexpected failure in the execution.

    • Error Exit: Results from encountering a critical error.

C++ Code Output

  • Code Fragment Analysis:

    int a, b;
    a= 13;
    b = 9;
    while((20 && 0) && (a > b)) {
    cout<<"Plants are our life";
  • Output:

    • The condition (20 && 0) evaluates to false, thus the loop will not execute.

    • Result: No message displayed.

POP3 and SMTP Protocols

  • Protocols Overview: Both are application layer protocols used in emails.

  • Correct Statements:

    • Senders can send emails using SMTP.

    • Receivers download their emails using POP3.

  • Incorrect Statement: A sender cannot receive emails using POP3.

File Compression Algorithm

  • Data Size Reduction Techniques:

    • Huffman Encoding Algorithm: Effective for reducing file size by encoding data.

    • Other algorithms mentioned do not specifically aim at file size reduction.

Operating System Generations

  • Incorrect Coupling: The fourth generation is misidentified; it is associated with the introduction of real-time systems, not the second generation.

  • Generational Overview: Each generation correlates with advancements in computing architecture.

Alphabet and String Concepts

  • Alphabet Definition: Given input alphabet Σ = {a, b, c, d}.

  • True Statement About Σ*: It includes all possible strings, including the empty string.

Agent Environments

  • Complexity of Environments:

    • Hardest environment for an agent: Sequential, non-deterministic, dynamic.

Registers in Computing

  • Program Counter: Holds the address of the next instructions to be fetched.

Linked List Characteristics

  • Linked List: Type of dynamic data structure that can grow and shrink in size.

Compiling Process Phases

  • Final Phase: Code generation, which happens after semantic analysis and optimization.

  • Important phases in compiling include syntax analysis and intermediate code generation.

Computer Security

  • Most Secure Computer: Not connected to the Internet.

  • Weak Points: Intrusion detection, anti-virus, and firewalls enhance security but cannot match the security of a fully disconnected system.

Interface Types

  • Interface Types in Computing: Parallel vs. Serial interfaces in models of data transfer.

Motivations for Cyber Attacks

  • Attack Classifications: Differentiations such as activist versus competitor based on motivation for financial gain.

Network Security Measures

  • Firewalls: Equipment that separates machines for security.

Network Roles and Types

  • Network Printers: Differentiation based on their functionality compared to routers and hubs.

Universal Hashing

  • Universal Hashing: Technique that minimizes collisions by selecting a hash function randomly.

Database Approach and Program Independence

  • Data Independence: Ensures programs and data are defined separately, which enhances flexibility.

Asymptotic Notation

  • Average Case Analysis: Typically denoted with Big-Oh notation.

Grammar Constructs in Computing

  • Grammar Elements: Details about productions and how they generate language from given variables and terminals.

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

  • Inheritance: The principle of extending specialized classes from more generalized classes.

Performance Measurement in Computing

  • System Throughput: Indicator based on the number of completed processes in a given timeframe.

Indexing Types in Databases

  • Single Level Ordered Index: Identifying types of indexes related to database structures.

PHP Functions Characteristics

  • Function Naming Conventions: Rules regarding valid function names and parameters in PHP.

Opcode Functionality in CPU Architecture

  • Opcode Purpose: Used to determine the operation to be performed.

Deadlock Prevention Mechanisms

  • Wait-Die and Wound-Wait: Mechanisms do not necessitate timestamps for prevention.

Tree Data Structure Properties

  • Root Node: Node without a parent in tree data structures.

C++ Code Output Evaluation

  • Evaluating C++ fragments revealing constructs like cout and how they output results.

Agent's Performance Measures

  • Performance Measure: Used to evaluate the success of actions undertaken by the agent.

Access Modifiers in Object-Oriented Programming

  • Protected Modifier: Allows child classes access to superclass fields or methods. Non-children classes will not have access.

Worst Case Analysis in Algorithms

  • Worst Case Notation: Generally represented by f(n) = Θ notation in algorithm analysis.

Turing Machine Types

  • Identifying types of Turing machines and their specific characteristics.

DBMS Responsibilities

  • DBMS Functions: Key role in creating and retaining databases.

Non-Functional Software Requirements

  • Distinguishing between functional and non-functional software requirements highlighting response times and reliability.

HTML Tag Sizes

  • Smallest Heading Tag: Examining HTML header tags from H1 to H6.

SQL Deleting Commands

  • Correct SQL Command: Understanding the appropriate command to delete entries from the PUBLISHER table.

Frame Handling in HTML

  • Frames' Functionality: How frames interact with web page structure and search engines.

Stack Data Structure Operations

  • Analyzing the pop() operation within stacks in programming.

Queue Data Structure Suitability

  • Appropriate Data Structures: Identifying suitable data structures for servicing in various scenarios like patient care in clinics.

Cost Implications of DBMS

  • Situations where DBMS is not cost-effective, especially in limited-resource environments.

Creating String Objects in Java

  • Proper syntax for object creation in Java programming.

PHP Variable Statements

  • Identifying valid PHP variable syntax.

Information Security Services

  • Importance of confidentiality in protecting information from unauthorized access.

Crypto-analysis Methods

  • Techniques for deciphering encrypted information without a key.

Network Vulnerability Assessment

  • Understanding network security, including threats and vulnerabilities assessments.

Major Software Changes

  • Strategies for adapting to architectural shifts in software development.

Scope of Variables in C++

  • Discussing different variable types, especially global scope variables.

Software Development Process Phases

  • Evolution phase as it pertains to modifying software to meet changing demands.

Quantifiers in Logic

  • Understanding quantifiers and their implications in expressions.

Compiling Process Tokens

  • Lexical analysis phase breaking down code into tokens.

Depth First Traversal in Graphs

  • Stack utilization in depth-first traversal of graph data structures.

Switching Techniques in Networking

  • Differences between packet switching and circuit switching methodologies.

Transaction Management in Databases

  • Addressing transaction issues such as dirty reads and lost updates.

Network Monitoring Commands

  • Commands used to monitor network connections and status.

JavaScript Output Evaluation

  • Determining the outputs of JavaScript mathematical functions.

Asynchronous Communication

  • Identifying various message communication types in computing.

Language Hierarchy in Networking

  • Classification of the different network types from LAN to WAN.

Hash Tables vs Direct Address Tables

  • Evaluation of advantages in direct address versus hash table implementations based on universe size.

Software Testing Levels

  • Regression testing necessity when making software modifications.

Java String Characteristics

  • Understanding string immutability in Java and its implications for character manipulation.

Locking Behavior in DBMS

  • Analyzing lock mechanisms that prevent concurrent access issues.

Fan Trap in ER Diagrams

  • Identifying characteristics that describe a fan trap scenario in ER modeling.

Causes of Transaction Failures

  • Differentiating causes of failure such as logical errors versus system failures.

C++ Code Evaluation Techniques

  • Compilation assessments of C++ fragments and their reported outcomes.

Network Types Override

  • Determining which network type represents the largest scope based on context.

Human Role in Administration

  • Necessary competencies and attributes required for effective system administration.

Output from Given C++ Loops

  • Evaluations of loops for console outputs in C++.

Computer Architecture Overview

  • Differentiating between architecture longevity and technological updates from different manufacturers.
