Mrs. O'Shea Test 2 Part 1


Avid- passionate

Elicit- to evoke

Verbatim- word for word

Unwieldy- awkward, unmanageable

Dismay- distressed

Quarry- prey

Perilous- dangerous

Timid- shy

Bravado- cockiness, swagger

Warbling- singing melodiously

Skittish- nervous, jumpy

Congenial- friendly

Solace- comfort

In retrospect- looking back

Attribute- to credit

Lethality- deadliness

Impoverished- poor

Affluent- rich

Alienation- to isolated

Give two synonyms for dangerous: perilous and hazardous


S: Speaker
O: Occasion
A: Audience
P: Purpose
S: Subject

Sensory | Types of Image

Sight | Visual

Touch | Tactile

Hearing | Auditory

Smell | Olfactory

Taste | Gustatory


Tell which you think is the most effective type of image and why?

Ex; The most effective and most potent type of image is smell/ olfactory because it can trigger old memories or sensing danger.
