Unit 3 AP Human Geo Vocab

Colonialism - Powerful countries settle in less powerful countries for economic and political gain. (Great Britain, France, Spain)

Acculturation - When people within one culture adopt some traits from another, with adaptations to their own culture.

Native speakers - A person who speaks the original language of their country of origin.

Lingua franca - A common language used by speakers of 2 different languages for communication. (The two lingua francas are English and Swahili; used for international business, banking, and trading)

Time-space convergence

  • The process of travel time diminishes as technological advancements in transportation and communication bring places closer together. For instance, the use of phones, computers, social media, etc.

Cultural convergence

  • Cultures that become similar to each other and share more cultural traits, ideas, and beliefs.  

Cultural divergence

  • The idea that a culture may change over time as the elements of distance, time, physical separation, and modern technology create divisions & change.

Indo-European language family

  • A large group of languages that might have descended from a language spoken around 6,000 years ago (English, German, Romance Languages)

Romantic languages

  • The unifying language of Latin that diverged into dozens of distinct regional languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese)


  • Regional variations of a language that have variation in accent, grammar,  usage, and spelling..


  • Regional variations of a language that have variation in accent, grammar,  usage, and spelling. Line that divides dialects. 


  • Someone who is a follower of a certain religion.

Ethnic religions

  • A religion that you have to be born into to be a part of.(Hinduism and Judaism)

Universal religions

  • Religions that are open to everybody. (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism)


  • Believing in many gods. (Hinduism or The belief of the Greek Gods)


  • Having only one God or Deity(Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism) 


  • One of the first monotheistic faiths, ethnic religion, Torah expresses divine will, holy book: Torah(hearth is Israel)


  • Monotheistic, universalizing religion, belief that Jesus, the son of God is the savior of humans, holy book is the Bible(hearth is Israel)


  • Universalizing, followed by Muslims, believe in Allah and his teaching to Muhammed, holy book is the Quran (hearth is Saudi Arabia) 


  • The process through which people lose originally differentiating traits, such as dress, speech particularities or mannerisms, when they come into contact with another society or culture 


  • Two different religions that are joined to make one religion(Hinduism + Islam=Sikhism)
