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US history

  • How did the French, Spanish, and English treat the Native Americans? Compare and contrast the styles. 


  • The French tended to form alliances and trade partnerships with Native American tribes. 

    • They often intermarried with Native Americans and adopted some aspects of their culture. 

    • French missionaries also played a significant role in converting Native Americans to Christianity. 

    • Spanish: 

    • The Spanish sought to conquer and colonize Native American lands. 

    • They enforced their rule through force and subjugation, leading to widespread exploitation and mistreatment of Native populations. 

    • Spanish missionaries aimed to convert Native Americans to Catholicism, often using coercive methods. 

    • English:

    • The English initially established trading relationships with Native Americans but later resorted to land confiscation and warfare. 

    • They implemented policies that pushed Native Americans off their ancestral lands, leading to conflicts and displacement. 

    • English settlers often viewed Native Americans as obstacles to expansion and sought to assimilate or eradicate them. 

  • What are the different regions of North American colonies?  What types of people would they attract?

  • What are the different regions of North American colonies?  What types of people would they attract? 

New England Colonies:

  1. Region: Consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. 

  2. People attracted: Puritans seeking religious freedom, skilled craftsmen, merchants, and farmers looking for fertile land. 

Middle Colonies: 

  1. Region: Included New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. 

  2. People attracted: Diverse population including Quakers, Dutch, English, German, and Scots-Irish, seeking economic opportunities, religious tolerance, and social mobility. 

Southern Colonies:

  • Region: Comprising Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. 

  • People attracted: Planters looking to establish large plantations for cash crop cultivation, indentured servants seeking land and freedom, and enslaved Africans brought for labor. 

  • What are the effects the French and Indian War had on the British Colonists?

Economic strain: The war left Britain in significant debt, leading to increased taxes on the colonists to help repay the expenses incurred during the conflict. 

Increased British control: The British government sought to exert more authority over the colonies to ensure better coordination in future conflicts, leading to tensions and resistance from the colonists. 

Expansion of territory: The British gained control of French territories in North America after the war, which led to conflicts over land ownership and Native American relations. 

Colonist unity: The experience of fighting alongside British troops during the war fostered a sense of unity among the colonists, laying the foundation for future cooperation in resisting 

  • What was the Shot Heard Around the World?  What major battle started the Revolution?

The shot heard around the world was the first shot of the Revolution. The major battle was the battle of Lexington and Concord.

  • What were the problems that Washington faced while leading the Continental Army?

    • Low supplies

    • The army was mostly volunteers and they had no training

    • Not enough food

  • What was the Articles of Confederation?  Why were they bad? What was good about them?

The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution that regulated the 13 colonies. What was bad was that despite the articles they had a weak central government. However, they allowed each state independence. 

  • What are the Virginia and New Jersey plans and Connecticut Compromise? What did they aim to do?

The Virginia and New Jersey plans were two proposals put forth during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, while the Connecticut Compromise, was a resolution to the conflict between the two plans. 

  • Virginia-Thought the amount of representation should depend on the population and size of the state. Since Virginia had a bigger population they would have more representatives whereas New Jersey would have less representation because it is smaller.

  • New Jersey-Each state would have the same amount of representation

  • Connecticut Compromise- The number of representatives in the House would depend on the population and the amount of representation in the Senate would be the same for each state. 

  • What is the point of the Bill of Rights? Why was it important?

The point of the Bill of Rights is to give everyone individual rights that the government can’t fight back against. It’s important because it gives power to the people and takes it away from them government.

  • What is the significance of the election of 1800? What important outcomes were there?

The election of 1800 was a pivotal moment in American history, showcasing the peaceful transfer of power, Jefferson’s presidency, and its impact, the political shift from Federalists to Democratic-Republicans, and the reform of the electoral system through the 12th Amendment. 

  • What is the significance of the War of 1812? What were the outcomes?

The War of 1812 was significant for defending American sovereignty, fostering national unity, strengthening the military, and culminating the Treaty of Ghent, which brought an end to the conflict and set the stage for future diplomatic relations. 

  • Who is Andrew Jackson? What principles did he run for president on? What did he dislike? What major events happened during his presidency?

Andrew Jackson was the 7th president. His principles included supporting democratic principles and he hated the Nation Bank. He disliked Native Americans and some events included the Indian Removal Act and the Nullification Crisis.

  • What states secede from the Union? Why?

Missouri, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, and Texas did because they wanted Slaves.

  • Joshua Chamberlain, who is he?

Joshua Chamberlain was a Civil War hero and leader from Maine.

  • What is the significance of the Civil War?

To strengthen the U.S. foreign power and influence, as the definitive Union defeat of the Confederacy firmly demonstrated the strength of the United States Government and restored its legitimacy.

  • Why was Reconstruction so controversial and what impacts did it have on society?

Reconstruction was controversial because society was very corrupt at this time. The South also didn’t like giving up their slaves and didn't want them taking part in politics.

  • Who is Teddy Roosevelt? What are major accomplishments?

Teddy Roosevelt was a US president his major accomplishments were the National Park System and the Panama Canal construction.

  • Who are W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington? How do their stances differ?

​​W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington were prominent African American leaders. Du Bois was a sociologist, historian, and civil rights activist. Washington, an educator and founder of the Tuskegee Institute. Du Bois's call for direct action and political activism differs from Washington's emphasis on economic improvement and accommodation to segregation.

  • What's a Muckraker? 

A muckraker is a journalist who exposes societal issues.

  • What impacts did WW1 have on the Homefront?

More women joined the workforce and it caused African Americans to move north so they could have more opportunities for jobs.

  • What are the consequences of Prohibition?

Consequences of Prohibition were illegal and organized crime groups came out to supply alcohol.

  • Why did the US return to isolationism after World War 1?

They returned to isolationusm because they owed a lot of money and were more focused on fixing issues related to the US rather than international affairs.

  • What are the causes of the Great Depression?

The causes of the Great Depression were overproduction, over-expansion, economic problems abroad, nature, and Hoover didn’t believe the government should give handouts.

  • What are Hoovervilles?

Living spaces and conditions  created by homeless people during the Great Depression

  • What is Alphabet Soup? What are significant agencies created? What is the point of them?

A bunch of policies were implemented for 100 days to help fix banks and businesses. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Home Owners Loan Corp, Public Works Administration, Agriculture Adjustment Administration, and the Civilian Conservation Corps were significant agencies. The point was to help businesses after the Depression.

  • What got the US into WW2?

The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

  • How were minorities treated at the Homefront in WW2? (Japanese, African American, Native American, Latino American)

At the homefront during WW2 the Japanese were punished for Pearl Harbor and spent most of their time in camps. African Americans joined segregated military units and filled jobs. 

  • What is Brown v Board of Education? What outcomes did it have?

Brown v Board of Education was an act to stop segregation in schools. 

  • What is Containment and what are examples of it being used?

Containment is a foreign policy the US put in fact. This was used to stop Communism after WW2.

  • Who was involved in the very first televised debate?

Kennedy and Nixon

  • What are some of the major events of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s?

    • Kennedys assassination

    • Selma to Montgomery march

    • Voting Rights Act

    • MLK- Urged for peaceful protest 

    • Malcolm X- Urged for blacks to fight back 

    • Black Panther Party- a radical and anti-government group that looked for black independence

  • What did Nixon do?

    • Continued the Cold War

    • This causes the US to lose trust in the government

    • After Vietnam, he expanded the war to Cambodia

    • Salt 1

    • Watergate scandal

    • Resigned due to the scandal

  • What is the Iran Contra? Who was involved?

Illegal Arms trade with Iran, Nicaragua, and Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein

  • Where did Reagan and Gorbachev meet? What is significant about the meetings?

Reagan and Gorbachev met in Geneva, Iceland, and DC. The significance of this meeting was it ended the Cold War and it was the first time a Russian power came to the US and the White House.

  • What is the ADA and who signed it into law despite having lying lips?

ADA is the Americans Disabilities Act. George H.W. Bush signed it.

  • What is Globalization and what things did Clinton do to be a part of it?

Globalization is developing international business and affairs.

  • America’s fate was held in the hands of Florida in 2000, the election became controversial because of what?

The election became controversial because the vote line was very close between both candidates. This caused people to claim they didn’t vote for the right candidate so Congress had to get involved.

  • What caused the 2008 financial crisis?

It started when the house market went from high to super low.

  • Know the following people:

    • George Washington-The first president of the United States, founding father, and military general.

    • Ben Franklin- Founding Father and helped draft the Declaration of Independence.

    • James Madison- 4th president of the United States, father of the Constitution, and co-author of the Federalist Papers.

    • Upton Sinclair-  Social reformer

    • John Brown- Abolish who fought to get rid of slavery.

    • Andrew Jackson- 7th president, got rid of the national bank, and founder of the democratic party.

    • Andrew Carnegie- expanded the US steel industry, a rich man from Pennsylvania

    • Abraham Lincoln- the 16th president of the US, led us through the Civil War, issued the Emancipation Proclamation. 

    • Martin Luther King Jr.-Civil rights leader

    • Franklin D. Roosevelt- 32nd president, served 4 terms and was president during WW2.

    • William Jennings Bryan- Democratic leader

    • Frederick Douglas- a former slave, advocated for women's suffrage and was an advisor to Lincoln. 

    • Barack Obama-First African American president.

    • Herbert Hoover-President during the Depression.

    • Ronald Reagan- the 40th president, fought to end the Cold War and created conservative economic policies.

    • W.E.B. Du Bois-  Civil Rights activist

US history

  • How did the French, Spanish, and English treat the Native Americans? Compare and contrast the styles. 


  • The French tended to form alliances and trade partnerships with Native American tribes. 

    • They often intermarried with Native Americans and adopted some aspects of their culture. 

    • French missionaries also played a significant role in converting Native Americans to Christianity. 

    • Spanish: 

    • The Spanish sought to conquer and colonize Native American lands. 

    • They enforced their rule through force and subjugation, leading to widespread exploitation and mistreatment of Native populations. 

    • Spanish missionaries aimed to convert Native Americans to Catholicism, often using coercive methods. 

    • English:

    • The English initially established trading relationships with Native Americans but later resorted to land confiscation and warfare. 

    • They implemented policies that pushed Native Americans off their ancestral lands, leading to conflicts and displacement. 

    • English settlers often viewed Native Americans as obstacles to expansion and sought to assimilate or eradicate them. 

  • What are the different regions of North American colonies?  What types of people would they attract?

  • What are the different regions of North American colonies?  What types of people would they attract? 

New England Colonies:

  1. Region: Consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. 

  2. People attracted: Puritans seeking religious freedom, skilled craftsmen, merchants, and farmers looking for fertile land. 

Middle Colonies: 

  1. Region: Included New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. 

  2. People attracted: Diverse population including Quakers, Dutch, English, German, and Scots-Irish, seeking economic opportunities, religious tolerance, and social mobility. 

Southern Colonies:

  • Region: Comprising Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. 

  • People attracted: Planters looking to establish large plantations for cash crop cultivation, indentured servants seeking land and freedom, and enslaved Africans brought for labor. 

  • What are the effects the French and Indian War had on the British Colonists?

Economic strain: The war left Britain in significant debt, leading to increased taxes on the colonists to help repay the expenses incurred during the conflict. 

Increased British control: The British government sought to exert more authority over the colonies to ensure better coordination in future conflicts, leading to tensions and resistance from the colonists. 

Expansion of territory: The British gained control of French territories in North America after the war, which led to conflicts over land ownership and Native American relations. 

Colonist unity: The experience of fighting alongside British troops during the war fostered a sense of unity among the colonists, laying the foundation for future cooperation in resisting 

  • What was the Shot Heard Around the World?  What major battle started the Revolution?

The shot heard around the world was the first shot of the Revolution. The major battle was the battle of Lexington and Concord.

  • What were the problems that Washington faced while leading the Continental Army?

    • Low supplies

    • The army was mostly volunteers and they had no training

    • Not enough food

  • What was the Articles of Confederation?  Why were they bad? What was good about them?

The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution that regulated the 13 colonies. What was bad was that despite the articles they had a weak central government. However, they allowed each state independence. 

  • What are the Virginia and New Jersey plans and Connecticut Compromise? What did they aim to do?

The Virginia and New Jersey plans were two proposals put forth during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, while the Connecticut Compromise, was a resolution to the conflict between the two plans. 

  • Virginia-Thought the amount of representation should depend on the population and size of the state. Since Virginia had a bigger population they would have more representatives whereas New Jersey would have less representation because it is smaller.

  • New Jersey-Each state would have the same amount of representation

  • Connecticut Compromise- The number of representatives in the House would depend on the population and the amount of representation in the Senate would be the same for each state. 

  • What is the point of the Bill of Rights? Why was it important?

The point of the Bill of Rights is to give everyone individual rights that the government can’t fight back against. It’s important because it gives power to the people and takes it away from them government.

  • What is the significance of the election of 1800? What important outcomes were there?

The election of 1800 was a pivotal moment in American history, showcasing the peaceful transfer of power, Jefferson’s presidency, and its impact, the political shift from Federalists to Democratic-Republicans, and the reform of the electoral system through the 12th Amendment. 

  • What is the significance of the War of 1812? What were the outcomes?

The War of 1812 was significant for defending American sovereignty, fostering national unity, strengthening the military, and culminating the Treaty of Ghent, which brought an end to the conflict and set the stage for future diplomatic relations. 

  • Who is Andrew Jackson? What principles did he run for president on? What did he dislike? What major events happened during his presidency?

Andrew Jackson was the 7th president. His principles included supporting democratic principles and he hated the Nation Bank. He disliked Native Americans and some events included the Indian Removal Act and the Nullification Crisis.

  • What states secede from the Union? Why?

Missouri, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Arkansas, and Texas did because they wanted Slaves.

  • Joshua Chamberlain, who is he?

Joshua Chamberlain was a Civil War hero and leader from Maine.

  • What is the significance of the Civil War?

To strengthen the U.S. foreign power and influence, as the definitive Union defeat of the Confederacy firmly demonstrated the strength of the United States Government and restored its legitimacy.

  • Why was Reconstruction so controversial and what impacts did it have on society?

Reconstruction was controversial because society was very corrupt at this time. The South also didn’t like giving up their slaves and didn't want them taking part in politics.

  • Who is Teddy Roosevelt? What are major accomplishments?

Teddy Roosevelt was a US president his major accomplishments were the National Park System and the Panama Canal construction.

  • Who are W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington? How do their stances differ?

​​W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington were prominent African American leaders. Du Bois was a sociologist, historian, and civil rights activist. Washington, an educator and founder of the Tuskegee Institute. Du Bois's call for direct action and political activism differs from Washington's emphasis on economic improvement and accommodation to segregation.

  • What's a Muckraker? 

A muckraker is a journalist who exposes societal issues.

  • What impacts did WW1 have on the Homefront?

More women joined the workforce and it caused African Americans to move north so they could have more opportunities for jobs.

  • What are the consequences of Prohibition?

Consequences of Prohibition were illegal and organized crime groups came out to supply alcohol.

  • Why did the US return to isolationism after World War 1?

They returned to isolationusm because they owed a lot of money and were more focused on fixing issues related to the US rather than international affairs.

  • What are the causes of the Great Depression?

The causes of the Great Depression were overproduction, over-expansion, economic problems abroad, nature, and Hoover didn’t believe the government should give handouts.

  • What are Hoovervilles?

Living spaces and conditions  created by homeless people during the Great Depression

  • What is Alphabet Soup? What are significant agencies created? What is the point of them?

A bunch of policies were implemented for 100 days to help fix banks and businesses. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Home Owners Loan Corp, Public Works Administration, Agriculture Adjustment Administration, and the Civilian Conservation Corps were significant agencies. The point was to help businesses after the Depression.

  • What got the US into WW2?

The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

  • How were minorities treated at the Homefront in WW2? (Japanese, African American, Native American, Latino American)

At the homefront during WW2 the Japanese were punished for Pearl Harbor and spent most of their time in camps. African Americans joined segregated military units and filled jobs. 

  • What is Brown v Board of Education? What outcomes did it have?

Brown v Board of Education was an act to stop segregation in schools. 

  • What is Containment and what are examples of it being used?

Containment is a foreign policy the US put in fact. This was used to stop Communism after WW2.

  • Who was involved in the very first televised debate?

Kennedy and Nixon

  • What are some of the major events of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s?

    • Kennedys assassination

    • Selma to Montgomery march

    • Voting Rights Act

    • MLK- Urged for peaceful protest 

    • Malcolm X- Urged for blacks to fight back 

    • Black Panther Party- a radical and anti-government group that looked for black independence

  • What did Nixon do?

    • Continued the Cold War

    • This causes the US to lose trust in the government

    • After Vietnam, he expanded the war to Cambodia

    • Salt 1

    • Watergate scandal

    • Resigned due to the scandal

  • What is the Iran Contra? Who was involved?

Illegal Arms trade with Iran, Nicaragua, and Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein

  • Where did Reagan and Gorbachev meet? What is significant about the meetings?

Reagan and Gorbachev met in Geneva, Iceland, and DC. The significance of this meeting was it ended the Cold War and it was the first time a Russian power came to the US and the White House.

  • What is the ADA and who signed it into law despite having lying lips?

ADA is the Americans Disabilities Act. George H.W. Bush signed it.

  • What is Globalization and what things did Clinton do to be a part of it?

Globalization is developing international business and affairs.

  • America’s fate was held in the hands of Florida in 2000, the election became controversial because of what?

The election became controversial because the vote line was very close between both candidates. This caused people to claim they didn’t vote for the right candidate so Congress had to get involved.

  • What caused the 2008 financial crisis?

It started when the house market went from high to super low.

  • Know the following people:

    • George Washington-The first president of the United States, founding father, and military general.

    • Ben Franklin- Founding Father and helped draft the Declaration of Independence.

    • James Madison- 4th president of the United States, father of the Constitution, and co-author of the Federalist Papers.

    • Upton Sinclair-  Social reformer

    • John Brown- Abolish who fought to get rid of slavery.

    • Andrew Jackson- 7th president, got rid of the national bank, and founder of the democratic party.

    • Andrew Carnegie- expanded the US steel industry, a rich man from Pennsylvania

    • Abraham Lincoln- the 16th president of the US, led us through the Civil War, issued the Emancipation Proclamation. 

    • Martin Luther King Jr.-Civil rights leader

    • Franklin D. Roosevelt- 32nd president, served 4 terms and was president during WW2.

    • William Jennings Bryan- Democratic leader

    • Frederick Douglas- a former slave, advocated for women's suffrage and was an advisor to Lincoln. 

    • Barack Obama-First African American president.

    • Herbert Hoover-President during the Depression.

    • Ronald Reagan- the 40th president, fought to end the Cold War and created conservative economic policies.

    • W.E.B. Du Bois-  Civil Rights activist