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Titration Refresher!


A titration is a laboratory procedure used to determine the concentration of a solution using a standardized solution (a solution with a known concentration.

Main materials

  • Burette

  • Unknown solution

  • Standard solution

  • Indicator


An indicator is a chemical that has different colours in its dissociated and undissociated state. An indicator’s color depends on the pH of a solution. The point at which an indicator changes colour is called the endpoint.

Indicators: Phenolphthalein


Titration Refresher!


A titration is a laboratory procedure used to determine the concentration of a solution using a standardized solution (a solution with a known concentration.

Main materials

  • Burette

  • Unknown solution

  • Standard solution

  • Indicator


An indicator is a chemical that has different colours in its dissociated and undissociated state. An indicator’s color depends on the pH of a solution. The point at which an indicator changes colour is called the endpoint.

Indicators: Phenolphthalein