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Maya Notes


  • Discovered ancient cities in A.D. 1839 by archaeologists John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood

  • A.D. 300: Maya develop complex culture in parts of Mexico and Central America

  • Area of settlement: Peten

  • Problems:

    • Thick forests block out sunlight

    • Stinging insects

  • Year-round water sources: Swamps and Sinkholes (area where the soil has collapsed into a hollow or depression)

    • Sinkholes gave access to network of underground rivers and streams

  • Worked to clear forested areas

  • Planted fields of corn and other crops

  • Built cities under government direction

  • Set up more than 50 independent city-states

    • Connected by culture, political ties, and trade

    • Often fought each other for control of territory

    • Ruled by king: claimed he was descended from the sun god

      • God-kings expected people to serve them

  • Greatest Maya king: Pacal II

    • Ruled city state Palenque for 67 years in the A.D. 600s

    • Built many structures → among some of the best examples of Mayan architecture

  • Strict class system

    • King

    • Nobles and Priests

    • Farmers, Artisans, and Hunters

      • Paid taxes and worked on large building projects

  • Believed that the gods controlled everything that happened

    • Priests performed ceremonies to please the gods

    • Sometimes included human sacrifice

  • Drought:

    • Tried to please Chac, god of rain, by offering lives of their captives

  • Women:

    • Significant role in Maya city-states

    • Calakmul: at least 2 women served as ruling queens

      • One may have helped found the city

    • Often married into royal families in other Maya city-states

      • Increased trade

      • Formed alliances

  • Priests were advisors

    • Thought the gods revealed their plans with movements of the sun, moon, and stars

    • By watching the stars, they learned about astronomy

  • Developed calendar system to predict eclipses and to schedule religious festivals

    • Decide when to plant and harvest crops

  • 2 major calendars:

    • 260-day

      • Religious events

    • 365-day

      • Agricultural and seasons

  • System of mathematics:

    • Base 20

    • Concept of 0

  • Written language to record numbers and dates

    • Carved hieroglyphics on stone monuments and used them in books

  • A.D. 900: Maya civilization collapsed:

    • Historians do not know why

    • Evidence that it may be conflict and increased warfare among city-states

    • Erosion and overuse of soil may have led to less food production

      • Illnesses and starvation


  • One of the first great civilizations of the Americas

  • Stretched from the Yucatan Peninsula to El Salvador

  • Came thousands of years before the Aztecs

  • First settlements almost 4,000 years old

  • Wasn’t a centrally controlled empire → loose collection of independent states

    • Each had its own ruling family

  • Peak of civilizations:

    • Capitals of states were major urban centers

    • Dominated by massive step pyramids and huge palaces for the ruling families

  • City-states controlled surrounding farmland and smaller towns

  • Looked to expand influence through military conquest

    • Cities constantly at war with one another

    • Did not speak the same language

  • Considered the same civilization because they shared common culture

  • Most complex writing system in Mesoameria

    • Maya script = looks like Egyptian hieroglyphics

    • Phonetic symbols

      • Sounds instead of ideas

    • Hundreds of phonetic symbols

    • Much of what we know about them came from their writings

    • Carved into stone/wood, painted on wood, painted on early type of book called a codex

    • Inscribed onto giant stone columns (stelae)

      • Depict stories of conquest, rulers, and gods

  • Religion = center of Maya culture

    • Desire to understand gods drove many scientific and technological advances

    • Step pyramids often topped with temples

      • Dedicated to important gods

      • Astronomical observatories

  • Created detailed charts of the stars

    • Shifting night sky was story of gods’ activities

  • Temples and pyramids constructed to align with specific constellations

  • Pleiades cluster

    • Believed ancestors came from there

  • Maya calendar

    • Marked time

    • One of the most accurate in history

    • 365-day sun cycle

      • 20 day names

      • 13 day numbers

      • 20,000 unique days

      • Takes 52 years to complete one calendar round

  • Maya number system

    • Base 20

    • Bar = 5

    • Dot = 1

    • Shell = 0

      • One of the earliest civilizations to use concept of 0

  • 8th century

    • Disappeared

    • Cities abandoned

    • Left behind ruins

    • Droughts?

    • Bad environmental management?

    • Starvation?

  • 16th century

    • Spanish arrived

    • Encountered small, scattered settlements

    • Took more than 150 years to to conquer

    • End of 17th century: Spain completed conquest

  • Maya people still live in the same area

Maya Notes


  • Discovered ancient cities in A.D. 1839 by archaeologists John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood

  • A.D. 300: Maya develop complex culture in parts of Mexico and Central America

  • Area of settlement: Peten

  • Problems:

    • Thick forests block out sunlight

    • Stinging insects

  • Year-round water sources: Swamps and Sinkholes (area where the soil has collapsed into a hollow or depression)

    • Sinkholes gave access to network of underground rivers and streams

  • Worked to clear forested areas

  • Planted fields of corn and other crops

  • Built cities under government direction

  • Set up more than 50 independent city-states

    • Connected by culture, political ties, and trade

    • Often fought each other for control of territory

    • Ruled by king: claimed he was descended from the sun god

      • God-kings expected people to serve them

  • Greatest Maya king: Pacal II

    • Ruled city state Palenque for 67 years in the A.D. 600s

    • Built many structures → among some of the best examples of Mayan architecture

  • Strict class system

    • King

    • Nobles and Priests

    • Farmers, Artisans, and Hunters

      • Paid taxes and worked on large building projects

  • Believed that the gods controlled everything that happened

    • Priests performed ceremonies to please the gods

    • Sometimes included human sacrifice

  • Drought:

    • Tried to please Chac, god of rain, by offering lives of their captives

  • Women:

    • Significant role in Maya city-states

    • Calakmul: at least 2 women served as ruling queens

      • One may have helped found the city

    • Often married into royal families in other Maya city-states

      • Increased trade

      • Formed alliances

  • Priests were advisors

    • Thought the gods revealed their plans with movements of the sun, moon, and stars

    • By watching the stars, they learned about astronomy

  • Developed calendar system to predict eclipses and to schedule religious festivals

    • Decide when to plant and harvest crops

  • 2 major calendars:

    • 260-day

      • Religious events

    • 365-day

      • Agricultural and seasons

  • System of mathematics:

    • Base 20

    • Concept of 0

  • Written language to record numbers and dates

    • Carved hieroglyphics on stone monuments and used them in books

  • A.D. 900: Maya civilization collapsed:

    • Historians do not know why

    • Evidence that it may be conflict and increased warfare among city-states

    • Erosion and overuse of soil may have led to less food production

      • Illnesses and starvation


  • One of the first great civilizations of the Americas

  • Stretched from the Yucatan Peninsula to El Salvador

  • Came thousands of years before the Aztecs

  • First settlements almost 4,000 years old

  • Wasn’t a centrally controlled empire → loose collection of independent states

    • Each had its own ruling family

  • Peak of civilizations:

    • Capitals of states were major urban centers

    • Dominated by massive step pyramids and huge palaces for the ruling families

  • City-states controlled surrounding farmland and smaller towns

  • Looked to expand influence through military conquest

    • Cities constantly at war with one another

    • Did not speak the same language

  • Considered the same civilization because they shared common culture

  • Most complex writing system in Mesoameria

    • Maya script = looks like Egyptian hieroglyphics

    • Phonetic symbols

      • Sounds instead of ideas

    • Hundreds of phonetic symbols

    • Much of what we know about them came from their writings

    • Carved into stone/wood, painted on wood, painted on early type of book called a codex

    • Inscribed onto giant stone columns (stelae)

      • Depict stories of conquest, rulers, and gods

  • Religion = center of Maya culture

    • Desire to understand gods drove many scientific and technological advances

    • Step pyramids often topped with temples

      • Dedicated to important gods

      • Astronomical observatories

  • Created detailed charts of the stars

    • Shifting night sky was story of gods’ activities

  • Temples and pyramids constructed to align with specific constellations

  • Pleiades cluster

    • Believed ancestors came from there

  • Maya calendar

    • Marked time

    • One of the most accurate in history

    • 365-day sun cycle

      • 20 day names

      • 13 day numbers

      • 20,000 unique days

      • Takes 52 years to complete one calendar round

  • Maya number system

    • Base 20

    • Bar = 5

    • Dot = 1

    • Shell = 0

      • One of the earliest civilizations to use concept of 0

  • 8th century

    • Disappeared

    • Cities abandoned

    • Left behind ruins

    • Droughts?

    • Bad environmental management?

    • Starvation?

  • 16th century

    • Spanish arrived

    • Encountered small, scattered settlements

    • Took more than 150 years to to conquer

    • End of 17th century: Spain completed conquest

  • Maya people still live in the same area