Focus: Analysis and design of algorithms
Paper: H446 - Paper 2
Teaching and learning tool from OCR
Problem: Security door at a football ground has the code 1966. Any combination of these numbers can open the door.
Question: How many different combinations exist?
Answer: Calculate using permutations: 4!/2! = 12.
Problem: In how many different ways can 2017 be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers?
Answer: 0 possibilities. Since 2017 is odd, it cannot be the sum of two odd primes. The only even prime is 2 which does not yield a valid prime pair (2017 = 2 + 2015, but 2015 is not prime).
Analyze the suitability of algorithms for different tasks and datasets.
Familiarize with measures for determining algorithm efficiency.
Define constants, linear, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
Utilize Big-O notation for comparing time complexities of algorithms.
Derive and articulate the time complexity of algorithms.
Big-O Notation
Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial, Exponential Functions
Definition: A step-by-step procedure for calculations, data processing, and automated reasoning tasks.
Examples: Algorithms used to solve numerous real-world problems. Some problems remain unsolved today.
Routing Problems: Shortest routes for data on the internet.
Salesman Problems: Efficient route coverage for salesmen.
Aircraft Timetabling: Manage crew flight hours effectively.
Information Retrieval: Searching databases efficiently.
Security: Encrypting communications to prevent hacking.
Data Sorting: Organizing large datasets.
Compiler Design: Translating high-level languages to machine code.
Clear, precise steps yielding correct output for valid inputs.
Ability to handle invalid inputs gracefully.
Must terminate at some point.
Efficient execution using minimal steps.
Clear enough for others to understand and modify.
Example Algorithm: Sum from 1 to 1000 using two different methods:
Method 1: Iterative summation (inefficient, 1001 statements).
Method 2: Mathematical formula (efficient, only 2 statements).
Importance of minimizing assignment statements as a measure of efficiency.
Generally, larger data sizes increase execution time.
Analyze statements involved in processing n items (conventional loop vs formulaic approach).
Definition: A function is represented by equations (e.g., y = mx + b).
General Form: f(n) = an + b.
Form: f(n) = an + b (e.g., f(n) = 3n).
Growth in a straight line; time complexity: O(n).
Form: f(n) = an² + bn + c.
Dominant term is n²; complexity: O(n²).
Form: f(n) = a log₂(n).
Grows slowly compared to linear; time complexity: O(log n).
Purpose: Describes time complexity and approximates execution time relative to the number of items in datasets.
O(1): Constant complexity.
O(log n): Efficient with large datasets.
O(n): Linear complexity.
O(n²): Polynomial complexity, inefficient for large datasets.
O(2ⁿ): Exponential complexity, extremely inefficient.
Approach: Count the number of steps (assignment statements) in computations to derive time complexity.
Dominant terms are crucial when evaluating algorithm efficiency (e.g., O(n²)).
Definition: Arrangement of n items in different orders; can have repetition.
With repetition (e.g., 100 combinations in a 2-digit lock).
Without repetition (3! arrangements of 3 differently colored balls).
Utilize visual aids or charts for easier comparison between complexities.
Key points:
Big-O notation evaluates the growth rate of runtime as problem size increases.
O(n!) and O(2ⁿ) are inefficient for large n.
O(log n) is very efficient, with limited impact on computation time as n increases.