Chemistry 12HL Reactivity 1-3

Reactivity 1

1.1: Measuring enthalpy changes

Heat transfers

  • energy is a measure of the ability to do work

    • to move an object against an opposing force

    • can be transferred through heat, light, sound, electricity, etc.

  • heat - form of energy transfer that occurs as a result of a temperature difference

    • when heat is transferred to a system, the average KE of molecules and the temperature are increased → KE is more dispersed among the particles

System and Surroundings

  • system → area of interest

    • open system → energy/matter can be exchanged with surroundings

    • closed system → energy can be exchanged but matter cannot

    • isolated system → energy and matter cannot be exchanged with surroundings

  • surroundings → everything else in the universe

Enthalpy of a system

  • enthalpy → chemical potential energy of a system

    • system acts as a reservoir of chemical potential energy/enthalpy

  • when heat is added to a system from its surroundings, its enthalpy increases (+ΔH)

  • when heat is given out by a system, its enthalpy decreases (-ΔH)

    • ΔH = change in enthalpy

  • endothermic:

  • exothermic:

Direction of a reaction

  • there is a natural direction for change

    • to lower stored/potential energy (exothermic)

    • chemicals change in a way that reduces their chemical potential energy

  • products of an exothermic reaction are more stable than the reactants

    • stability is a relative term

  • most combustion reactions are exothermic

    • the energy needed to break the bonds is less than the energy produced as bonds form

  • activation energy → minimum KE to react

    • some bonds must be broken before new bonds are formed

Measuring enthalpy changes

  • standard enthalpy change (ΔH)

    • pressure → 100kPA

    • concentration of 1mol/dm³ for all solutions

    • all substances in their standard states

    • usually 298K as temperature

  • thermochemical equations

    • ex: CH4(aq) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ΔHreaction = -890kJ/mol

      • 1 mole of CH4 reacts with 2 moles of O2 to produce 1 mole of CO2 and 2 moles of H2O and releases 890kJ of heat energy

Calculating enthalpy changes

  • absolute temperature (K) is a measure of the average KE of the particles

    • more/less particles with same heat energy added will result in a different temperature

  • q=mcΔT

    • q: heat added (J), m: mass (g), c: specific heat capacity (J/gK), ΔT: temperature change (K)

  • specific heat capacity → heat needed to increase the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by 1K

    • depends on the number of particles present

Combustion: enthalpy changes

  • enthalpy change of combustion (ΔHc) can be determined using this apparatus:

    • heat absorbed by the water can be calculated from the temperature change and mass

    • heat absorbed by calorimeter can also be calculated using c

  • temperature of the water increases due to heat released from the combustion reaction

    • heat released as ethanol and oxygen turn into carbon dioxide and water

    • there is a decrease in enthalpy in this reaction

Reaction in the solution: enthalpy changes

  • calculated by carrying out the reaction in an isolated system

    • heat released/absorbed by reaction can be measured from the temperature change in the water (solvent)

    • calorimeter made from an insulator to maximize heat transferred to water by reaction

  • error → all heat produced in the reaction is absorbed by the water

    • heat is lost from the system as soon as its temperature rises above the temperature of its surroundings

      • by extrapolating the cooling section to the time when the reaction started, it now creates some allowance for heat loss, so now we can assume:

        1. no heat loss from system

        2. all heat goes from reaction to water

        3. solution is dilute

        4. water has density of 1g/cm³

1.2: Energy Cycles in Reactions

  • energy changes occur when bonds are broken or new bonds are formed

    • energy is required to separate particles and energy is released when particles come together

      • net enthalpy change is the difference between these two energy contributions

    • law of conservation of energy → energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred

Bond enthalpy

  • bond enthalpy → energy needed to break one mole of bonds in gaseous molecules in standard conditions

    • ex: Cl2(g) → 2Cl(g) ΔH=+242kJ/mol

  • breaking bonds is an endothermic process (positive enthalpy change)

    • bond enthalpies differ, it may be harder to break depending on environment

      • to compare bond enthalpies which occur in different environments, average bond enthalpies will be used

  • all bond enthalpies refer to reactions in the gaseous state

    • any enthalpy changes resulting from the formation/breaking of intermolecular forces are not included

  • multiple bonds (involves more bonding electrons) generally have higher bond enthalpies and shorter bond lengths

  • the more polar the bond, the stronger it will be

  • making bonds is an exothermic process (negative enthalpy change)

    • the same amount of energy is absorbed when a bond is broken as is released when a bond is formed

Energy changes in reactions

  • ex: complete combustion of methane

    • CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

    • energy is taken in to break the C-H and O=O bonds in the reactants

    • energy is given out when the C=O and O-H bonds are formed in the products

    • reaction is exothermic overall as the bonds formed are stronger than those broken

      • opposite would be true for endothermic reactions

  • ΔH = ΣEbonds broken - ΣEbonds formed

  • some reactants need to be given an initial energy (activation energy) before they will react

    • some bonds in the reactants must break before new bonds can form

  • rate of some reactions can be explained by the relative bond enthalpy of the bonds broken

Hess’s Law

  • the enthalpy change for any chemical reaction is independent of the route, provided the same starting conditions and final conditions, and reactants and the products, are the same

    • ΔH3=ΔH1+ΔH2

      • due to the conservation of energy

    • can be used to find enthalpy change of reactions that cannot be measured directly

Calculating enthalpy changes

  • standard enthalpy change of combustion (ΔHc)

    • enthalpy change that occurs when one mole of the substance burns completely under standard conditions

    • can be measured by calculating temperature change of water heated by the combustion

    • reactants - products

  • standard enthalpy of formation (ΔHf)

    • enthalpy change that occurs when one mole of the substance is formed from its elements in their standard states

      • standard measurements taken at a specific temperature (usually 298K) and pressure of 1×105 Pa

      • standard state of an element is its most stable form under these conditions

    • products - reactants

Lattice enthalpies

  • first ionization energy (ΔHi) → energy needed to form the positive ion of a gaseous atom

    • endothermic process (pulling electron away from electrostatic force)

  • first electron affinity (ΔHe) → enthalpy change when one mole of gaseous atoms attracts one mole of electrons

    • exothermic process (electron is attracted to positively charged nucleus)

  • lattice enthalpy (ΔHlat) → formation of gaseous ions from one mole of a solid crystal breaking into gaseous ions

    • ex: NaCl(s) → Na+(g) + Cl-(g) ΔHlat=+790kJ/mol

Born-Haber cycles

  • formation of an ionic compound from its elements is supposed to take place in a number of steps, including the formation of the solid lattice from its constituent gaseous ions

    • from Hess’s Law, the enthalpy change for the overall formation of the solid must equal the sum of the enthalpy changes accompanying the individual steps

  • ex: Na(s)+1/2 Cl2(g) → NaCl(s) ΔHf(NaCl)=-411kJ/mol

    1. Na(s)→Na(g) sodium is atomized ΔHatom(Na)=+107kJ/mol

    2. ½ Cl2(g)→Cl(g) 1/2E(Cl-Cl)=1/2(+242KJ/mol) E=bond enthalpy

    3. Na(g)→Na+(g)+e- ΔHi(Na)=+496kJ/mol

    4. Cl(g)+e-→Cl-(g) ΔHe(Cl)=-349kJ/mol

    5. Na+(g)+Cl-(g)→NaCl(s) -ΔHlat=+786kJ/mol → sum

1.3: Energy from fuels

Combustion reactions

  • many substances undergo combustion reactions when heated in oxygen

    • s-block metals form ionic oxides (basic)

    • p-block non-metals generally form covalent oxides (acidic)

  • many hydrocarbons/alcohols are used as fuels as their combustion reactions release energy at a reasonable rate to be useful

    • high activation energy → do not spontaneously combust, safe transport and storage

    • kinetically stable

  • complete combustion of organic compounds break the carbon chain → results in CO2 + H2O and a release in (a lot of) heat energy

    • complete combustion → products are fully oxidized

    • when oxygen supply is limited, incomplete combustion occurs

  • incomplete combustion of organic compounds

    • if the air supply is limited/compound has high carbon content, incomplete combustion occurs

      • results in carbon monoxide / carbon (soot)

      • releases less heat than complete combustion

Fossil fuels

  • an ideal fuel releases significant amounts of energy at a reasonable rate and produces minimal pollution

  • fossil fuels are non-renewable → used at a rate faster than they are replaced

  • liquid fuels have significantly greater energy densities than gases (per unit volume)

  • fossil fuels were formed by the reduction of biological compounds

    • oxygen is lost from biological molecules which generally result in hydrocarbons

  • coal → most abundant, 80-90% carbon (by mass)

  • crude oil → mixture of straight-chain and branched-chain saturated alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic compounds, used as fuel for transportation and electricity

  • natural gas → primarily methane, cleanest fossil fuel → low carbon content

  • coal

    • advantages

      • cheap, abundant

      • longest lifespan (compared to other fossil fuels)

      • can be converted into synthetic liquid fuels and gases

      • safer than nuclear power

      • ash produced can be used to make roads

    • disadvantages

      • contributes to global warming (CO2 emissions)

      • contributes to acid rain (SO2)

      • produces particulats (electrostatic preceptors can remove most of these)

      • difficult to transport

      • waste can lead to visual + chemical pollution

      • mining is dangerous

  • petroleum

    • advantages

      • easily transported in pipelines/tankers

      • convenient fuel for use in cars → volatile, burns easily

      • high enthalpy density

      • sulfur impurities can be easily removed

    • disadvantages

      • limited lifespan and uneven world distribution

      • contributes to acid rain and global warming

      • transport can lead to pollution

      • carbon monoxide is produced through incomplete combustion (pollutant)

      • photochemical smog is produced

  • natural gas

    • advantages

      • higher specific energy

      • clean and easily transported

      • does not contribute to acid rain

    • disadvantages

      • limited supplies

      • contributes to global warming

      • risk of explosion (leaks)

Combustion of alkanes

  • increase in %carbon content down the homologous series suggests that incomplete combustion increases with length of the carbon chain

  • mass of CO2 produced per unit mass of fuel increases with %carbon content

  • the higher %carbon content (and lower %hydrogen), the lower the specific energy

The greenhouse effect

  • it is estimated that CO2 contributes to about 50% of global warming

  • greenhouse gases allow shortwave radiation from the Sun to pass through the atmosphere but absorb the longer wave infrared radiation that was re-radiated from Earth’s surface

    • CO2 is a GHG as its molecules increase their vibrational energy by absorbing IR radiation

      • 3 of the vibrational modes of CO2 are IR active → dipole changes as it vibrates

  • molecules then re-radiate the absorbed energy back to Earth’s surface → global warming

  • greenhouse effect increased as CO2 levels increased, causing (due to change in temperature):

    • changes in agriculture (crop yields)

    • changes in biodistribution due to desertification and loss of cold-water fish habitats

    • rising sea levels caused by thermal expansion and melting of polar ice caps/glaciers


  • photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy

    • chlorophyll (green pigment) absorbs solar energy which is used in this reaction:

      • 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) → C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g)

      • carbon dioxide + water → (using solar energy) glucose + oxygen

    • biofuels → produced from the biological fixation of carbon over a short period of time

  • ethanol is a liquid biofuel → used in internal combustion engines

    • made from biomass by fermenting plants high in starches and sugars

      • C6H12O6 → 2C2H3OH + 2CO2

    • process done at around 37C in absence of oxygen by yeast (provides enzyme)

    • advantages (when used in gasohol: 10% ethanol, 90% unleaded gasoline)

      • renewable, lower emissions of CO and nitrogen oxides, decreases dependance on oil)

    • disadvantages

      • ethanol absorbs water (it can form hydrogen bonds) so it seperates from the hydrocarbons

      • can cause corrosion

  • methane → made form bacterial breakdown of plant mateiral in absence of oxygen

    • C6H12O6 → 3CO2 + 3CH4

  • advantages of biofuels

    • cheap + readily available

    • renewable (if crops/trees are replanted)

    • less polluting than fossil fuels

  • disadvantages of biofuels

    • uses land → can be used for other purposes (ex: growing food)

    • high cost of harvesting and transportation

    • takes nutrients from soil / uses large amounts of fertilizers

    • lower specific energy than fossil fuels

Fuel cells

  • hydrogen fuel cell

    • H2(g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O(l)

    • this is a redox reaction (transfer of electrons from hydrogen to oxygen)

      • can produce an electric current if reactants are physically seperated

    • hydrogen fuel cell operates with either an acidic or alkaline electrolyte

      • in fuel cells, reactants are continuously supplied to different electrodes

  • hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell → alkaline electrolyte (most commonly used)

    • fuel cell will function as long as H2 and O2 are supplied

    • electrodes are often made of porous carbon with added transition metals (ex: nickel)

    • KOH (potassium hydroxide) provides the OH- ions that are transferred across the cell

    • problem: hydrogen gas must be extracted from other sources so might not be renewable

  • methanol fuel cell; DMFC → Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

    • methanol → stable liquid at normal environmental conditions, high energy density, easy to transport

    • DMFC → fuel is oxidized under acidic conditions on a catalytic surface to form CO2

      • H+ ions formed are transported across a proton exchange membrane from anode to cathode where they react with oxygen to form water

      • electrons are transported through an external circuit from anode to cathode

      • water is consumed at the anode and produced at the cathode

  • difference between fuel cells and primary voltaic cells:

    • fuel cells do not run out

      • fuel is supplied continuously to the cell as it is oxidized

1.4: Entropy and spontaneity

  • second law of thermodynamics: matter and energy tend to disperse and become more dispersed

    • entropy (S) → degree of dispersal of matter and energy of a system

    • spontaneous change → dispersion occurs naturally without work


  • the natural tendency to change can be reversed if work is done

  • entropy → measure of dispersal/distribution of matter/energy in a system

    • ordered states with small energy distribution → low entropy

      • ex: gas particles concentrated in a small volume

    • disordered states with high energy distribution → high entropy

      • ex: gas particles dispersed throughout

    • as time moves forward, matter and energy become more dispersed → increases total entropy of universe

Predicting entropy changes

  • doubling number of particles also increases opportunity for matter/energy to be dispersed

    • doubling amount of a substance → entropy doubles

  • solid state → most ordered state with least dispersal → low entropy

    • increasing entropy: solid→liquid, solid→gas, liquid→gas

    • decreasing entropy: liquid→solid, gas→solid, gas→liquid

  • change due to number of particles (in gaseous state) is usually greater than any possible factor

Absolute entropy

  • entropy of a substance under standard conditions → section 13

  • all entropy values are positive

    • a perfectly ordered solid at absolute zero has an entropy of zero

Calculating entropy changes

  • calculated using differences between total entropy of the products and total entropy of the reactants

    • ΔS = ΔSproducts - ΔSreactants

  • calculations similar to enthalpy changes

    • entropy values are absolute values → always positive

Entropy changes of surroundings

  • to consider the total entropy change of a reaction, the entropy change in surroundings must also be considered

    • in an exothermic reaction, heat is transferred to the surroundings → general dispersal of energy

  • entropy of the surroundings increases as heat given out by reaction increases diispersal of surroundings

  • change in entropy of surroundings = enthalp ychange in the system x -absolute temperature

    • ΔSsurroundings = -ΔHsystem/T

    • exothermic reaction (-ΔH) increases entropy of surroundings

Calculating total entropy changes

  • second law of thermodynamics says that for a spontanous change:

    • ΔStotal = ΔSsystem + ΔSsurroundings > 0

    • ΔStotal = ΔSsystem - ΔHsystem/T > 0

  • endothermic reactions occur if change in entropy of system can compensate for negative entropy change of surroundings produced as the heat is transferred from surroundings to the system

    • strongly endothermic reactions are possible because there is a very large increase in dispersal of matter and entropy of the system

  • order may increase in local areas but only at the expense of greater disorder elsewhere

    • for chemical reactions, neither ΔHsystem or ΔSsystem can reliably be used to predict the feasability of a reaction

Gibbs energy

  • criterion or feasability of a reaction is given by:

    • ΔStotal = ΔSsystem - ΔHsystem/T > 0

    • ΔGsystem = ΔHsystem - TΔSsystem = -TΔStotal < 0

    • ΔGsystem → Gibbs energy

      • must be negative for a spontaenous process

        • for spontaneity, reaction must have ΔGsystem < 0

      • measure of quality of energy available

  • measure of energy free to do work rather than leave as heat

    • spontaneous reactions have negative Gibbs energy because they can do useful work

  • it is not essential for all heat to be transferred to surroundings to produce the necessary increase in the total entropy

    • enough energy must be transferred to surroundings to compensate for entropy decrease in the system, but the remaining energy is available to do work

      • this is the amount of energy that can be converted to electrical energy in a fuel cell

    • necessary energy transferred to surroundings = -TΔSsystem

    • energy available to do work = -ΔHsystem + TΔSsystem = -ΔGsystem

  • ΔG = ΔH - TΔS

  • ΔG is related to total energy change and this is just a reformulation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics

    • ΔG takes into account direct entropy change from transformation of chemicals in the system and indirect entropy change of surroundings resulting from the transfer of heat energy

  • ΔHsystem < TΔSsystem (T is always positive)

    • at low temperatures (TΔSsystem=0), this condition is met (exothermic) as ΔHsystem<0

    • endothermic reactions (positive ΔSsystem) can be spontaneous at higher temperatures

      • TΔSsystem > ΔHsystem

  • temperature Tspontaneous at which an endothermic reaction becomes spontaneous can be determined from:

    • Tspontaneous * ΔSsystem = ΔHsystem

      • Tspontaneous = ΔHsystem/ΔSsystem

The effect of ΔH, ΔS, and T on spontaneity of the reaction

  • ΔGsystem = ΔHsystem - TΔSsystem

    • if ΔG<0, reaction is spontaneous so:

      • if ΔHsystem > TΔSsystem, reaction is spontaneous

      • so if T is high, most likely not spontaneous makes ΔHsystem is high

GIbbs energy and equilibrium

  • only reactions where all reactants are formed into products have been considered

  • equilibrium mixture when ΔG=0

    • spontaneous reactions only occur when ΔG<0, so when ΔG=0

    • a mixture of reactant and product has higher entropy than pure samples

      • total entropy reaches a maximum when reactant = product

    • reaction quotient (Q) → ratio of products to reactants

      • ex: Q=[products]/[reactants] so at beginning, Q=0 and at the end, Q=infinity

  • equilibrium mixture when ΔG<0 (negative)

    • at beginning of reaction, total Gibbs energy of reactants > products so reaction proceeds in forward direction and Q increases (products increase, reactants decrease)

    • as reaction proceeds, Gibbs energy (system) decreases until equilibrium is reached (Q=K)

    • once equilibrium is reached, all possible changes are not likely to happen (ΔG increases)

    • position of equilibrium corresponds to a mixture with more products than reactants

      • minimum Gibbs energy → equilibrium state, net reaction stops

      • relative amounts of reactants and products are at equilibrium

      • composition of equilibrium mixture is determined by the difference in Gibbs energy between reactants and products

      • K=[productseqm]/[reactantseqm] > 1 when ΔG<0

The equilibrium constant K

  • relationship between K (equilibrium constant) and ΔG (change in Gibbs energy)

  • so ΔG=-RT * lnK

  • useful when K is difficult to measure directly

    • ex: reaction is too slow to reach equilibrium/amounts of components are too small to measure

  • relationship between ΔG and extent of reaction:

2.1: How much? The amount of chemical change

Using chemical equations to find volumes of gaseous reactants and products

  • Avogadro’s Law → equal amounts of all gases measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules

    • equal number of particles of all gases occupy equal volumes

    • V has a direct relationship with n

  • volume occupied by one mole of any gas (molar volume, Vm) must be the same for all gases when measured under the same temperature and pressure

    • at STP, one mole of gas has a volume of 22.7dm³/mol

      • STP → OC (273K) and 100kPa

    • increase in temperature = increase in molar volume

    • increase in pressure = decrease in molar volume

  • number of moles of gas (n) = volume/molar volume


  • uses volumetric analysis to find unknown volumes or concentrations

  • pipette used to measure known volume into a conical flask

  • other solution put into a burette

    • point at which the two solutions have reacted completely → equivalence point

      • known when indicator changes color at the end point

  • titre → volume needed to reach equivalence point

Back titration

  • done in reverse by returning to the end point after it has passed

    • used when end point is hard to identify or when one of the reactants is impure

  • known excess of one reactant is added to reaction mixture, and unreacted excess is then determined by titration against a standard solution

    • reacting amount is determined by subtracting the amount of unreacted reactant from its original amount used

Limiting reactant and theoretical yield

  • limiting reactant → reactant that determines the quantity of product

    • always the one fully used up, other reactants are added in excess

  • theoretical yield → maximum amount of product obtainable (assuming 100% of limiting reactants is used)

    • usually expressed in grams or moles

Percentage yield

  • theoretical yield assumes that chemical reactions have no loss, waste, or impurities

    • experimental yield → actual yield with factors taken into account

  • factors that may cause experimental yield to be lower than the theoretical yield:

    • side reactions occuring

    • decomposition of reactants and/or products

    • loss of product during purification

    • reversible chemical reactions preventing process completion

  • factors that may cause experimental yield to be higher than the theoretical yield:

    • impurities in a product

    • when a product has not been fully dried

  • factors that impact experimental yield in both directions (depending on type of reaction):

    • an incomplete reaction

  • percentage yield = experimental yield/theoretical yield * 100

Atom economy

  • Green Chemistry → sustainable design of chemical products and chemical processes

    • aims to minimize use of chemical substances that are hazardous to human health / the environment

  • percentage yield does not give a quantity of waste produced

  • atom economy is maximized by turning as much reactant atoms into products

  • % atom economy = molar mass of desired product / molar mass of all reactants * 100

    • efficient processes have high atom economies → uses fewer resources and generates less waste

2.2: How fast? The rate of chemical change

Rate of reaction

  • rate of reaction → rate of change in concentration

    • as the reaction proceeds, reactants are converted into products

      • concentration of reactants decrease and concentration of products increase

  • rate of reaction (moldm³/s)= increase in product concentration / time taken = decrease in reactant concentration / time taken

    • if the line is a curve, use the gradient of the tangent

  • rate of reaction is not constant, but is greatest at the start and decreases over time

Measuring rate of reaction

  • change in volume of gas produced

    • used if one of the products is a gas

    • collecting the gas and measuring change in volume at regular time intervals

      • using a gas syringe or displacement of water in an inverted burette

      • displacement method can only be used if gas collected has low solubility in water

  • change in mass

    • if one of the products is a gas, this can be done by setting the reaction on a scale

      • does not work if the gas is hydrogen → too light

  • change in transmission of light: colorimetry/spectrophotometry

    • used if one of the reactants/products is colored (so gives characteristic absorption in the visible region)

      • sometimes indicator is added to make it a colored compound

    • colorimeter/spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light transmitted by reaction components

    • rate of product formation → change in absorbance

  • change in concentration → titration

    • quenching → a substance is introduced that effectively stops the reaction, obtaining a “freeze frame” shot

      • done to avoid chemically changing the reaction mixture

      • samples are taken from the reaction mixture at regular time intervals and analyzed by titration

      • titration takes time, during which the reaction would proceed → quench

  • change in concentration using conductivity

    • total electrical conductivity of a solution depends on the total concentration of its ions and charges

    • measured using a conductivity meter

  • non-continuous methods of detecting change during a reaction: ‘clock reactions’

    • measure time it takes for the reaction to reach a certain chose point

      • uses time as the dependent variable

      • limitation: only gives average rate of reaction

Collision theory

  • particles in a substance move randomly as a result of their kinetic energy

    • not all particles will have the same kinetic energy, but instead a range

      • therefore the measurement is an average

  • increasing temperature = increasing average kinetic energy of particles

    • kinetic theory of matter (S1.1)

  • Maxwell-Boltzman energy distribution curve


    • the number of particles having a specific value of kinetic energy (or probability of that value occuring) against values of kinetic energy

    • area under the curve → total number of particles in sample

  • nature of collisions between particles

    • when reactants are placed together, their kinetic energy cause them to collide

    • energy from collisions may cause bonds to break and new bonds to form

    • as a result, products ‘form’ and the reaction stops

  • rate of reaction depends on the number of successful collisions which form products

    • successful collisions depend on:

      • energy of collision

      • geometry of collision

  • energy of a collision

    • particles must have the required activation energy (Ea) necessary for overcoming repulsion between molecules, and often breaking bonds in reactants

    • when Ea is supplied, reactants achieve the transition state from which products can form

    • activation energy is thus an energy barrier for the reaction → different for all reactions

    • Ea → threshold value

      • if you pass, you may react

    • DIAGRAM HERE → activation energy

      • particles with Ek>=Ea will collide successfully

      • particles with Ek<Ea may still collide, but unsuccessfully

    • therefore, rate of reaction depends on proportion of particles that has Ek>Ea

    • DIAGRAM HERE → Maxwell curve activation energy

    • generally, reactions with high activation energy will proceed more slowly as fewer particles will have the required energy for a successful collision

  • geometry of a collision

    • DIAGRAM HERE → different collisions

    • because collisions between particles are random, there are many likely orientations → only some are successful

  • therefore, rate of reaction is determined by:

    • values of kinetic energy greater than activation energy

    • appropriate collision geometry

Factors that influence the rate of reaction

  • temperature

    • increasing temperature increases average kinetic energy of particles

    • DIAGRAM HERE → Maxwell curve

    • area under both curves is the same → same number of particles

    • at higher temperature, more particles have higher kinetic energies so the peak of the curve shifts rightwards

    • as temperature increases, collision frequency increases due to higher kinetic energy → more collisions involving particles with necessary activation energy

    • therefore, more successful collisions (every +10K, reaction rate doubles)

  • concentration

    • increasing concentration increases frequency of collisions between reactants → more successful collisions

    • as reactants are used up, the concentration decreases and the rate of reaction decreases

  • pressure

    • increasing pressure “compresses” the gas, effectively increasing concentration

  • surface area

    • increasing surface area allows for more contact and a higher probability of collisions

      • instead of one big chunk, divide it into smaller sections to increase total surface area

      • stirring can increase total surface area by ensuring individual particles are spread

  • catalyst → a substance that increases rate of reaction without itself undergoing chemical change

    • most catalysts work by providing an alternative route for the reaction that has lower activation energy

    • DIAGRAM HERE → uncatalyzed reaction, catalyzed reaction

    • without increasing temperature, more particles will have Ek>Ea, so will be able to undergo successful collisions

    • catalysts equally reduce Ea for both forward and reverse reactions, so does not shift equilibrium or yield

    • DIAGRAM HERE → Maxwell curve

    • catalysts increase efficiency, and there are “best” catalysts for certain reactions → otherwise reactions move too slowly or are conducted at too high temperatures


  • every biological reaction is controlled by a catalyst → enzyme

    • there is a specific enzyme for every particular biochemical reaction

  • biotechnology → field that searches for possible applications of certain enzymes

  • catalysts can replace stoichometric reagants → greatly enhances selectivity of processes

    • therefore, important aspect of Green Chemistry

  • catalysts are effective in small quantities and can frequently be reused

    • therefore do not contribute to chemical waste → increases atom economy

Reaction mechanisms

  • most reactions that occur at a measurable rate occur as a series of simple steps, each involving a small number of particles

    • this sequence of steps is known as the reaction mechanism

    • the individual steps (elementary steps) usually cannot be observed directly

      • therefore this is only a theory → cannot be proved (but there are clues)

  • often the products of a single step in the mechanism are used in a subsequent step

    • exists only as reaction intermediates, not as final products

    • ex: NO2(g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2(g)

      • mechanism follows these elementary steps:

        1. NO2(g) + NO2(g) → NO(g) + NO3(g)

        2. NO3(g) + CO(g) → NO2(g) + CO2(g)

        3. overall reaction: NO2(g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2(g)

      • reactants and products cancel out → reaction intermediates

      • NO2 in reactants in step 1 and products in step 2 cancel out

      • NO3 in products in step 1 and reactants in step 2 cancel out

  • molecularity → used in reference to an elementary step to indicate number of reactant species involved

    • unimolecular → elementary step that involves a single reactant particle

    • bimolecular → elementary step with two reactant particles

    • trimolecular reactions are rare → extremely low probability of >2 particles colliding at same time with sufficient energy and correct orientation

Rate-determining step

  • the rate-determining step is the slowest step in the reaction mechanism

    • products of the reaction can only appear as fast as the products of this slowest elementary step

      • rate-determining step therefore determines overall rate of reaction

  • DIAGRAM HERE → reaction coordinate, potential energy

    • two maxima represent the transition states

    • minimum represents the intermediate species

    • in this example, first maxima (first step) is higher, so more activation energy required → thus slowest step, so rate-determining

    • catalysts usually find an alternative for the slowest step to speed up the reaction (rate-determining step made faster or changes)

Rate equations

  • rate equations are determined experimentally and depend on the mechanism of a reaction

    • consider the reaction: C60O3 → C60O + O2

    • we can follow the reaction by recording the change in absorbance of light of a certain wavelength

      • absorbance is directly proportional to concentration of C60O3

    • rate of reaction is equal to the rate of change in concentration of C60O3

      • rate=- [C60O3]/t (negative because concentration is decreasing)

      • rate can be calculated by finding gradient of line’s tangent at a specific point

    • rate slows down as concentration of C60O3 decreases

    • similarities in concentration VS time and rate VS time graphs suggests that the rate must be related ot concentration at each time

    • straight-line graph between absorbance and rate confirms that the rate of reaction is directly proportional to concentration of C60O3

      • reaction rate is directly proportional, so reaction rate = k[C60O3]

        • k is the rate constant

      • this equation is a rate equation → first order rate equation because the concentration of the only reactant is raised to the first power

  • rate of all reactions can similarly be shown to depend on concentration of one or more of the reactants, and the particular relationship depends on the reaction

  • generally, rate is proportional to products of concentrations of reactants, each raised to a power

    • A+B → products so rate=k[A]m[B]n

      • m and n are known as the orders of the reaction with respect to A and B

      • overall reaction order is sum of individual orders (m+n)

      • orders can only be determined by experiment (empirically)

      • no connection between reaction equation (coefficients, moles) and rate equation

Rate equation and reaction mechanism

  • as the rate of reaction depends on the rate-determining step, the rate equation for the overall reaction must depend on the rate equation for the rate-determining step

    • because the rate-determining step is an elementary step, its rate equation comes directly from its molecularity:

      • A → products: unimolecular, so rate=k[A]

      • 2A → products: bimolecular, so rate=k[A]²

      • A+B → products: bimolecular, so rate=k[A][B]

    • rate equation for rate-determining step, predictable from its reaction equation, leads to the rate equation for the overall reaction

      • when rate-determining step is not the first step, the intermediate cannot be used in the rate equation → instead, substitute

    • order of reaction with respect to each reactant is not linked to coefficients in overall equation, but is instead determined by their coefficients in the equation for the rate-determining step

Order of a reaction

  • reaction that is zero-order with respect to a particular reactant → the reactant is required for reaction but does not affect rate as it is not present in the rate-determining step

    • if a reactant is present in the rate-equation, it partakes in the rate-determining step

  • reaction order can be fractional or negative in more complex reactions

  • concentration-time graphs do not give a clear distinction between first and second order

    • rate-concentration graphs clearly reveal the difference

  • zero-order: rate=k[A]0=k


    • concentration-time → straight line, constant rate

      • gradient of line = k

    • rate-concentration → horizontal line

  • first-order: rate=k[A]


    • concentration-time → rate decreases with concentration

    • rate-concentration → straight line passing through origin with gradient k

  • second-order: rate=k[A]²


    • concentration-time → curve, steeper at start than first-order graph but leveling off more quickly

    • rate-concentration → parabola (square function), gradient proportional to concentration and initially zero

  • order of reaction can only be determined experimentally, thus these graphs are required to distinguish them

Determination of the overall order of a reaction

  • methods for determining order of reaction depends on the reactants

    • two methods, but only initial rate method is covered

  • initial rates method

    • carrying out a number of separate experiments with different starting concentrations of reactant A, and measuring the initial rate of each reaction

      • concentration of other reactants are held constant to see effect of A on reaction rate

    • changing concentration of A but no effect on rate → zero order with respect to A

    • changing concentration of A produces directly proportional changes in rate of reaction → first order with respect to A (doubling concentration of A doubles reaction rate)

    • changing concentration of A leads to the square of that change in the rate → second order with respect to A (doubling concentration of A leads to a four-fold increase in reaction rate)

  • use of the integrated form of the rate equation

    • calculus is used to analyze the integral of rate equation

      • direct graphical analysis of functions of concentration against time

The rate constant, k

  • units of k vary with order of reaction

    • zero order: rate=k, k=moldm³/s

    • first order: rate=k[A], k=rate/concentration=s-1

    • second order: rate=k[A]², k=dm³/mols

    • third order: rate=k[A]³, k=dm6/mol²s

  • k is temperature dependent → general measure of rate of a reaction at a particular temperature

    • temperature dependence of k depends on value of activation energy

      • high Ea → temperature rise causes significant increase in particles that can react

      • low Ea → same temperature rise will have proportionally smaller effect on reaction rate

    • temperature dependence of k is expressed in the Arrhenius equation

The Arrhenius equation

  • Suante Arrhenius showed that the function of molecules with energy greater than the activation energy at temperature T is proportional to e-Ea/RT (R is gas constant)

    • reaction rate and therefore rate constant are also proportional to this value

    • k=Ae-Ea/RT

      • A → Arrhenius factor (frequency factor, pre-exponential factor)

      • A takes into account the frequency of successful collisions based on collision geometry

      • A is a constant for a reaction and has same units as k (so varies with order)

  • Arrhenius plot → lnk=-Ea/RT + lnA

    • rule of thumb → 10K increase doubles reaction rate

2.3: How far? The extent of chemical change

Dynamic equilibrium

  • reaction takes place at same rate as its reverse reaction, so no net change is observed

  • physical systems (ex: bromine in a sealed container at room temperature)

    • bromine is a volatile liquid (boiling point close to room temperature)

    • significant amount of Br2 molecules will have enough energy to leave the liquid state (evaporate)

      • container is sealed so bromine vapour cannot escape → concentration increases

      • some vapour molecules will collide with surface of liquid, lose energy, and become liquid

    • Br2(l) ⇌ Br2(g)

    • rate of condensation increases with concentration of vapour (more vapour particles)

      • eventually, rate of condensation will equal rate of evaporation

      • no net change → equilibrium (only occurs in a closed system)

    • DIAGRAM HERE → rate of condensation = rate of evaporation

  • chemical systems (ex: dissociation between hydrogen iodide (HI) and its elements (H2, I2)

    • 2HI(g) ⇌ H2(g) + I2(g)

    • colourless gas ⇌ colourless gas + purple gas

    • there will be an increase in purple hue when the reaction starts (production of I2)

    • at some point, the increase in colour will stop

      • rate of dissociation of HI is fastest at the start as the concentration of HI is the greatest, then falls as the reaction proceeds

      • reverse reaction had initially zero rate (no H2 or I2 present) then starts slowly and increases in rate as concentrations of H2 and I2 increase

    • eventually, the rate of the forward and reverse reactions will equal, so concentrations remain constant

      • equilibrium → dynamic because both reactions are still occuring

    • if the contents of the flask were analyzed at this point, HI, I2, and H2 would all be present with constant concentrations → equilibrium mixture

    • DIAGRAM HERE → equilibrium

      • if the experiment were reversed (starts with H2 and I2), eventually an equilibrium mixture will again be reached

  • reactants ⇌ products

    • → forward, ← backward

  • constant concentrations of products and reactants does not mean equal amounts

    • equilibrium position → proportion of reactant and product in equilibrium

      • predominantly products → lie to the right

      • predominantly reactants → lie to the left

Equilibrium Law

  • consider the reaction: H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g)

    • if we were to carry out a series of experiments on this reaction with different starting concentrations of H2, I2, and HI, we could wait until each reaction reached equilibrium and then measure the composition of each equilibrium mixture

    • there is a predictable relationship among the different compositions of these equilibrium mixtures

      • [HI]²/[H2][I2] → concentration at equilibrium ([HI] is squared because that is its coefficient in the equation)

      • K → constant value, equilibrium constant (fixed value at specified temperature)

      • every reaction has its particular value of K

  • equilibrium constant expression for reaction: aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

    • K = [C]eqmc[D]eqmd / [A]eqma[B]eqmb

      • [A] → concentration, a → coefficient in reaction equation, products → numerator, reactants → denominator

    • high value of K → at equilibrium, proportionally more products than reactants

      • lies to the right, reaction almost to completion

    • K values tells differing extents of reactions

      • higher value = reaction has taken place more fully

    • K » 1: reaction almost goes to completion (right)

    • K « 1: reaction hardly proceeds (left)

Le Chatelier’s principle

  • a system at equilibrium when subjected to a change will respond in such a way as to minimize the effect of the change

    • whatever done to a system at equilibrium, it will respond in the opposite way

    • after a while, a new equilibrium will be established with different composition

  • changes in concentration

    • equilibrium mixture disrupted by increase in concentration of a reactant:

      • rate of forward reaction increases: forward =/ backward anymore

      • equilibrium will have shifted in favour of products (rightward)

      • value of K remains unchanged

    • same happens with decrease in concentration of product

      • rate of backward reaction decreases → new equilibrium position will be achieved (rightward)

    • often in industrial processes, product will be removed as it forms

      • ensures equilibrium is continuously pulled rightward → increasing yield of product

  • changes in pressure

    • equilibria involving gases will be affected if there is a change in the number of molecules

      • there is a direct relationship between pressure exerted by gas and the number of gas particles

    • increase in pressure → system response: decrease pressure by favouring the side with less molecules

      • new equilibrium position, K remains unchanged (if temperature does not change)

    • ex: CO(g) + 2H2(g) ⇌ CH3OH(g)

      • increase in pressure shifts equilibrium rightward → in favour of smaller number of molecules

      • increase in pressure → increases yield of CH3OH

    • if number of molecules are the same for both sides, pressure will not change equilibrium

  • changes in temperature

    • K is temperature dependent → changing temperature affects K

    • ex: 2NO2(g) ⇌ N2O4(g) ΔH=-57kJ/mol (forward reaction exothermic)

      • decrease in temperature → system produces heat → favours forward exothermic reaction

      • new equilibrium mixture (rightward) → K increases (higher yield at lower temperature)

      • increasing yield takes too long→ decreasing temperature lowers rates of reactions

  • addition of a catalyst

    • catalyst speeds up rate of reaction by providing alternative reaction pathway with a transition state with a lower activation energy

      • increases number of particles that have sufficient energy to react (without increasing temperature)

    • because both forward and backward reactions pass through the same transition state, both rates will increase → no change in equilibrium position and K

      • will not increase equilibrium yield of a product

    • speeds up attainment of equilibrium state → products form more quickly

    • has no effect in equilibrium concentrations → not chemically changed

The reaction quotient, Q

  • K is calculated using concentrations at equilibrium

    • Q → calculated using concentrations when not at equilibrium

    • as time passes and reaction proceeds, concentrations will change and eventually reach equilibrium

      • Q changes in direction of K → used to predict direction of reaction

      • if Q=K, reaction at equilibrium, no net reaction occurs

      • if Q<K, reaction proceeds rightward in favour of products

      • if Q>K, reaction proceeds leftward in favour of reactants

Quantifying the composition at equilibrium

  • done by calculating equilibrium constant (K) or concentration of reactants/products

    • only homogeneous equilibria → all reactants/products in the same phase (gas or solution)

  • equilibrium law can be used to solve for K and initial/final concentrations

Measuring the position of equilibrium

  • Gibbs energy change can be used to measure the position of equilibrium

    • ΔG → measure of work available from a system calculated for a particular composition of reactants and products (ΔG=Gproducts-Greactants)

    • ΔG=negative → reaction proceeds in forward direction

    • ΔG=positive → reaction proceeds in backward direction

    • ΔG=0 → reaction is at equilibrium (Gproducts=Greactants)

  • at the start of a reaction, total Gibbs energy of reactants is greater than products (lot of work is available) → ΔG=negative, reaction proceeds in forward direction

    • as reaction proceeds, total GIbbs energy of reactants decreases but of products increase

      • ΔG less negative, less work is available

    • system reaches equilibrium when total Gibbs energy of reactants and products are equal

      • no work can be extracted from system (ex: dead battery)

  • total Gibbs energy decreases as reaction progresses as work is done by the system

    • occurs both when reaction starts with reactants and products

    • equilibrium state → net reaction stops → minimum value of Gibbs energy

    • DIAGRAM HERE → equilibrium

    • DIAGRAM HERE → equilibrium

  • decrease in total Gibbs energy appears as work done or increase in entropy

    • system has highest possible value of entropy when Gibbs energy at minimum (at equilibrium)

  • reaction with large and negative ΔG value → spontaneous, equilibrium with high products

  • reaction with large and positive ΔG value → non-spontaneous, predominantly reactants

  • ΔG=-RT*lnk

    • ΔG negative, lnK positive, K>1: equilibrium mainly products

    • ΔG positive, lnK negative, K<1: equilibrium mainly reactants

    • ΔG=0, lnK=0, K=1: appreciable amounts of both reactants and products

Rate of reaction and equilibrium

  • ex: reaction that occurs in a single step

    • A + B ⇌ C + D

      • rate of forward reaction: k[A][B]

      • rate of backward reaction: k’[C][D]

      • K=[C][D]/[A][B] (equilibrium constant)

    • at equilibrium, rate of forward reaction = rate of backward reaction

      • k[A][B]=k’[C][D]

      • rearranging gives: K=k/k’

    • if k»k’, K is large → reaction proceeds to completion

    • if k«k’. K is small → reaction barely takes place

    • increasing concentration of reactants speeds up forward reaction (vice versa)

      • shifts equilibrium rightward

      • equilibrium constant stays the same regardless

    • adding a catalyst increases k and k’ by same factor → K stays the same

    • k=Ae-Ea/RT → activation energies of forward and backward reactions are different

      • differently affected by temperature

    • for endothermic reactions (Ea(forward) > Ea(backward)), increasing temperature will have greater effect increasing k than k’, so K increases

3.1: Proton transfer reactions
