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Chapter 22 - The Elements in Nature and Industry

  • Large clouds of frigid gases and interstellar debris from exploding earlier stars gradually formed into the Sun and planets around 4.5 billion years ago. Earth was once a frigid, solid sphere of equally distributed ice.

  • Elements that are widely dispersed and simple compounds Heat will be around for the next billion years or so.

    Earth's Interior

  • The planet's temperature rose to about 104 degrees Celsius as a result of radioactive decay and frequent meteor strikes. K, enough to create a massive molten mass.

  • As the Earth cooled, chemical and physical processes caused it to separate, resulting in the creation of areas of differing composition varying content and density.

  • Earth was created as a result of differentiation, an interior structure made up of three layers as shown in the image attached.

  • The dense center (d = 10–15 g/cm3). The outer core is molten, and the inner core is solid and the size of the Moon. Surprisingly, the inner core is almost as heated as the surface, of the Sun and rotates slightly within the molten outer core quicker than the Earth itself!

  • The thick, uniform mantle that surrounds the core has a density of 4–6 g/cm3 overall

  • Crustal abundances differ greatly from whole-Earth abundances. The crust accounts for just 0.4 percent of Earth's mass but has the greatest concentration of nonmetals, metalloids, and light, active metals: Al, Ca, Na, and K.

  • The mantle has considerably lower quantities of these, whereas the core has none. The most prevalent element is oxygen.

  • An element is found in the crust and mantle but not in the core. Thermal energy caused these variations in the Earth's main strata.

  • Gravity and convection led more dense elements to sink when the Earth was molten and less dense elements to ascend, resulting in a variety of compositional phases:

  • The core, or iron phase, was formed by the majority of the Fe. Oxygen interacted with Si, Al, Mg, and some Fe in the light outer phase to create silicates, the rock material. Later, this silicate phase split into the mantle as well as the crust.

  • The sulfide phase, which was intermediate in density and insoluble in the other two phases, was composed mostly composed of iron sulfide and combined with elements of the silicate phase above and below is the iron phase.

  • The thin, primordial atmosphere, which was most likely a combination of water vapor (which gave rise to nitrogen (or ammonia) and carbon monoxide (to the seas) were generated by evaporation (the expulsion of trapped gases).

  • The chemical affinity for one of the three phases determined the distribution of the remaining elements (described below using just the new periodic table group numbers).

  • In general, as seen in the image attached below, Elements with low or high electronegativity—active metals (Groups 1 and 2) through 5, Cr, and Mn) and nonmetals (O, lighter members of Groups 13–15, and others).

  • All of Group 17 —tended to cluster as ionic compounds in the silicate phase. Metals dissolved with intermediate electronegativities (several from Groups 6 to 10).

  • During the iron phase, transition metals with lower melting points, as well as numerous metals and metalloids in Groups 11 through 16 were concentrated in the sulfide phasing.

Periodic Table

  • Because the crust is now the sole physically accessible layer of the Earth, only crustal abundances are feasible. The crust is split into three layers: the lithosphere (the solid region), the hydrosphere (the liquid region), and the atmosphere (the gaseous region).

  • Throughout billions of years, Weathering and volcanic eruptions have significantly changed the composition of the crust. The biosphere is made up of the biological systems that inhabit it.

  • When the first rocks formed and ocean basins filled with water, binary inorganic molecules in the atmosphere reacted to produce simple, then more complex, organic molecules. The energy required for these (mainly) endothermic processes changes were brought about by lightning, solar radiation, geological heating, and meteoric activity impacts.

  • In an astonishingly short period of time, perhaps no more than 500 million. The earliest creatures arose after millions of years.

  • It took fewer than a billion years for them to occur, develop into basic algae capable of obtaining metabolic energy from photosynthesis by converting CO2 and H2O into organic compounds and emitting O2 as a byproduct.

Chapter 22 - The Elements in Nature and Industry

  • Large clouds of frigid gases and interstellar debris from exploding earlier stars gradually formed into the Sun and planets around 4.5 billion years ago. Earth was once a frigid, solid sphere of equally distributed ice.

  • Elements that are widely dispersed and simple compounds Heat will be around for the next billion years or so.

    Earth's Interior

  • The planet's temperature rose to about 104 degrees Celsius as a result of radioactive decay and frequent meteor strikes. K, enough to create a massive molten mass.

  • As the Earth cooled, chemical and physical processes caused it to separate, resulting in the creation of areas of differing composition varying content and density.

  • Earth was created as a result of differentiation, an interior structure made up of three layers as shown in the image attached.

  • The dense center (d = 10–15 g/cm3). The outer core is molten, and the inner core is solid and the size of the Moon. Surprisingly, the inner core is almost as heated as the surface, of the Sun and rotates slightly within the molten outer core quicker than the Earth itself!

  • The thick, uniform mantle that surrounds the core has a density of 4–6 g/cm3 overall

  • Crustal abundances differ greatly from whole-Earth abundances. The crust accounts for just 0.4 percent of Earth's mass but has the greatest concentration of nonmetals, metalloids, and light, active metals: Al, Ca, Na, and K.

  • The mantle has considerably lower quantities of these, whereas the core has none. The most prevalent element is oxygen.

  • An element is found in the crust and mantle but not in the core. Thermal energy caused these variations in the Earth's main strata.

  • Gravity and convection led more dense elements to sink when the Earth was molten and less dense elements to ascend, resulting in a variety of compositional phases:

  • The core, or iron phase, was formed by the majority of the Fe. Oxygen interacted with Si, Al, Mg, and some Fe in the light outer phase to create silicates, the rock material. Later, this silicate phase split into the mantle as well as the crust.

  • The sulfide phase, which was intermediate in density and insoluble in the other two phases, was composed mostly composed of iron sulfide and combined with elements of the silicate phase above and below is the iron phase.

  • The thin, primordial atmosphere, which was most likely a combination of water vapor (which gave rise to nitrogen (or ammonia) and carbon monoxide (to the seas) were generated by evaporation (the expulsion of trapped gases).

  • The chemical affinity for one of the three phases determined the distribution of the remaining elements (described below using just the new periodic table group numbers).

  • In general, as seen in the image attached below, Elements with low or high electronegativity—active metals (Groups 1 and 2) through 5, Cr, and Mn) and nonmetals (O, lighter members of Groups 13–15, and others).

  • All of Group 17 —tended to cluster as ionic compounds in the silicate phase. Metals dissolved with intermediate electronegativities (several from Groups 6 to 10).

  • During the iron phase, transition metals with lower melting points, as well as numerous metals and metalloids in Groups 11 through 16 were concentrated in the sulfide phasing.

Periodic Table

  • Because the crust is now the sole physically accessible layer of the Earth, only crustal abundances are feasible. The crust is split into three layers: the lithosphere (the solid region), the hydrosphere (the liquid region), and the atmosphere (the gaseous region).

  • Throughout billions of years, Weathering and volcanic eruptions have significantly changed the composition of the crust. The biosphere is made up of the biological systems that inhabit it.

  • When the first rocks formed and ocean basins filled with water, binary inorganic molecules in the atmosphere reacted to produce simple, then more complex, organic molecules. The energy required for these (mainly) endothermic processes changes were brought about by lightning, solar radiation, geological heating, and meteoric activity impacts.

  • In an astonishingly short period of time, perhaps no more than 500 million. The earliest creatures arose after millions of years.

  • It took fewer than a billion years for them to occur, develop into basic algae capable of obtaining metabolic energy from photosynthesis by converting CO2 and H2O into organic compounds and emitting O2 as a byproduct.