Compromise of 1850 - Would resolve several disputes between North and South
Underground Railroad - A series of secret routes leading North that helped enslaved people escape from the South
Uncle Tom's Cabin - Dramatized the cruelty of slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act - Created two new states, Kansas and Nebraska, with slavery to be decided by popular sovereignty
Civil War - Began when the first shot was fired by the Confederates
Anaconda Plan - The Union's strategy to blockade and divide the Confederacy
Emancipation Proclamation - Declared the freedom of enslaved people in states that had seceded from the Union
Gettysburg Address - Given by Lincoln in a three-minute speech
Reconstruction Era - A difficult time period for America following the Civil War
13th Amendment - This amendment outlawed slavery
Freedmen’s Bureau - Provided relief for both Black and White Americans who lost everything in the war
14th Amendment - Made freedmen citizens of the United States and attempted to safeguard their civil rights
Reconstruction Act of 1867 - Divided the former Confederacy into five military districts and appointed military officers with broad powers to govern each district
Ku Klux Klan - A secret society notorious for violence and cruelty toward freedmen
15th Amendment - Prohibited the states from denying the right to vote based on "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
Compromise of 1877 - Agreement that ended Reconstruction in the South