ap spanish midterm vocab

elogios compliments, praise Derecho penal criminal law derretir to melt, thaw desembolsado disbursed desempeñar to hold (a position), to carry out discográfica record label disminuir to diminish, to decrease disponer de to have; to make use of, to have available domicilio residence camino path, way brindar to bring, provide burlarse de to make fun of, to mock beca scholarship, grant comercio business; trade; commerce con el fin de with the purpose of, in order to calificaciones grades caprichosa unpredictable, whimsical campos fields cárcel jail, prison cercanía closeness, proximity ciega blind conciencia awareness gramos grams correo mail/post office degradar to humiliate, degrade encargarse de to be in charge of fondo background, bottom, depth gratuito free of charge enderezando straightening hacia toward herramienta tool, instrument extranjero abroad, foreign ensuciar to get dirty fomentar to encourage, promote galardonado award-winning, awarded estatal government-run, state extraído extracted, removed flujo flow hechizada bewitched, haunted huella trace, track, footstep imprescindible essential, indispensable incongruente nonsensical, incoherent incursión invasion, incursion ingresar to deposit (money or funds) a propósito on purpose, deliberately ampliamente widely lejanía far away, in the distance involucrarse to be involved abogado lawyer letra lyrics juguetón playful allegado close friend cucharita teaspoon denominar to name, call, refer to concebir to conceive cupo quota decenas dozens culminar to end, to culminate armario closet, wardrobe matorrales thickets, bushes llevar a cabo to carry out, to accomplish, to finish marchitarse to wilt, wither, fade away mantequilla butter largo long ligero light barro clay, mud maleza undergrowth, weeds matricularse to register, to enroll medir measure altiplano high plateau batir to beat, whisk recaudar to collect, raise (money) asunto issue, matter, subject recorrido tour, journey remitir to remit, forward, transmit, send obras works organización sin fines de lucro non-profit organization render produce reseñar to review, critique rocío dew, drizzle oferta offer, sale, supply retirar to remove, withdraw microondas microwave mediante through, by means of sabor taste, flavor arreglos arrangements mustia withered, faded mudarse to move satirizar to satirize (attack with ridicule/satire) obligar to obligate, to force proporcionar to provide, give patrocinar to sponsor, back sede headquarters, seat terciopelo velvet taller workshop solicitud application temerosa frightening; fearful; timid trascender to go beyond semillas seeds voluptuosidad voluptuousness yema de huevo egg yolk soledad solitude; loneliness prestamo loan postularse to run for office, to apply for something prisma point of view pretenciosidad pretentiousness pegar to paste, stick rango range, rank, status paso step venganza revenge, vengeance
