Chem Practice Unit 9


  • Energy: The ability to do work or produce heat

  • Kinetic Energy: Motion energy

  • Potential Energy: Stored energy, energy capable of becoming kinetic energy

  • Law of Conservation of Energy/First Law of Thermodynamics: In ANY chemical/physical process, energy can be converted from one form to another, but energy is neither created nor destroyed. (Movement of heat energy)

  • Heat takes the form of energy transferring from high→low

  • Calorie: Heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 degrees celsius

  • Joule: SI Unit for energy. 1 cal=4.184 J

  • Specific heat: Heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of any substance 1 degrees celsius

  • Calorimeter: Well insulated cylinder with a thermometer and a liquid-like water is inside. It is used to determine the specific heat of an unknown substance.

  • Enthalpy: The energy contained in a system at constant pressure. We can measure the change in this when the reaction takes place.

  • Standard conditions for thermodynamic changes: 1 atm pressure, 25 degrees celsius, or 298 K

  • Exothermic: Energy is RELEASED (graph: up to down) 

  • Endothermic: Energy is ABSORBED (graph: down to up)

  • Spontaneous process: Occurs without outside intervention. The energy required for the reaction is already present 

  • Entropy (S): A measure of the numbr of possible ways the energy of a system can be distributed/arranged. 

  • Second Law of Thermodynamics: The entropy of the universe is always increasing, (total energy in the universe→energy is always going up)

  • Aqueous: Surrounded by water

  • Synthesis reactions usually: Decrease in entropy
