Metamorphoic rocks are subjected to = high temp and high confining pressure.
Foliation in metamorphic rocks due to = differential stress
differential stress = pressure different on surfaces
confining pressure = pressure applied equally on surfaces
Types of foliation = Slaty, Schistase, Gneissic
Slaty = splits easily along nearly flat and parallel planes
Schistose = platy, needle shaped parallel to plane due to differential stress.
Schist, slate, phyllite, and gneiss are what rocks? foliated rocks that indicate increasing grade of regional metamorphism
Contact metamorphic rocks = produced without significant differential stress but with high temperature
Contact metamorphism occurs in rocks? immediately adjacent to intruded magmas
Contact metamorphism produces = non foliated rocks (marble, quartzite)
Regional metamorphism involves = heat, confining pressure, differential stress
Hydrothermal veins = form when hot water precipitates material that crystallizes into minerals.
Regional metamorphism produces = foliated rocks
Plate tectonic theory explains = 1)the deep burial of rocks originally formed near surface 2) intense squeezing necessary for differential stress (foliated rocks) 3) presence of water deep within lithosphere 4)wide variety of pressures and temperatures present during metamorphism
Marble are from = calcite (nonfoliated)