Database: a structured set of data held in a computer
Stored locally, on a server, or in the cloud
Resemble spreadsheets but contain tables instead
Flat files are two-dimensional, containing rows and columns
Flat files = spreadsheet software
When to use databases?
Multiple concurrent users: multiple users attempting to access or manipulate data
Scalability: increased users and data to a flat file will slow down performance
Speed: databases are faster at processing large amounts of data
Variety of data: databases contain text, numbers, images, and some cases web pages
Relational databases
Structured to recognize relationships among stored items of information known as datasets
Predictable and organized with tables containing columns and rows of text or numerical data
SQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MySQL= examples of relational databases
Designed to support numbers and text (structured)
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS): software used to manage a database
add, remove, or update records
records. =rows (horizontal)
Retrieve data
Cross-reference data in different tables
Relational DB Structure
Schema: rules and structure of a database
Constraints: rules limiting types of data that can be entered into a data table
Records: the row in a table (horizontal)
Attributes: the column in a table (vertical)
Tables: looks like a spreadsheet and contains data
Fields: columns: contain a single data type for all records (phone numbers, names, etc)
Forms: how data is entered
Referred for nontechnical users
Queries: how data. is found
Best way to retrieve data: Select Command
Macros and Modules: increases database functionality (run reports at regular intervals)
Reports: generated to answer specific questions
Primary and Foreign Keys: unique identifier that helps you define a record (or content in a row)
Can only be one primary key per record
Foreign Key: a key or field in a table that is used to link two tables together
relationship/logical links
Non-relational databases: does not use the tabular schema of rows and columns
Uses a storage model that. is optimized for the specific requirements. of the type of data being stored
Also known as “NoSQL” databases
Unstructured data: pictures, videos, webpages, emails, documents
Semi-structured data: unstructured data tagged with meta data (facts about data)
Structured data: texts and numbers- can be organized or searched through
Types of non-relational database
Key/Value Databases: represent data as a collection of key/value pairs
Blob storage: stores unstructured data like words or binary
Examples: Amazon, Microsoft Azure, MangoDB
Database Access Methods
Manual Access: going directly into tables to view or change data, suitable method for working with a database that is stored locally
Direct Access: accessing via a direct connection across a network suitable for LANS
Direct and Manual Access are often paired together
Programming Access: accessing a database through a programming language like SQL
User Interface and Utility Access: using a graphical interface (GUI) such as a form or webpage
Query/Report Builders: creating reports and visual aids such as pie charts
Data Manipulation: enables the ability to adjust the contents/data in your table
Use on the rows/records/tuples of a relational database
The following is data manipulation
Select: Allows you to select, specify, or reach for intended data
Insert: allows the ability to add contents into table (new data)
Delete: allows the ability to remove contents (remove data)
Update: allows the changing or editing of contents in table (edit data/row)
Data definition: defines the structure of your database and its tables on columns/attributes/fields BUT cannot manipulate rows/records/tuples
Create: Allows you to create a new structure, such as a new Database or new table
Alter: usually used to alter DB object such as column name
Drop: allows the removal of.a database or table(s)
Permissions: identifies who has the ability to edit table structure
Data Backups
Database Dumps:
one time logical backup of a database
Data is dumped into an empty database already set up with a schema
Database Backup: done through a program and creates a physical backup
Can be scheduled and repeated
Used to restore a database without needing to create a new one