
  • Database: a structured set of data held in a computer

    • Stored locally, on a server, or in the cloud

    • Resemble spreadsheets but contain tables instead

    • Flat files are two-dimensional, containing rows and columns

      • Flat files = spreadsheet software

  • When to use databases?

    • Multiple concurrent users: multiple users attempting to access or manipulate data

    • Scalability: increased users and data to a flat file will slow down performance

    • Speed: databases are faster at processing large amounts of data

    • Variety of data: databases contain text, numbers, images, and some cases web pages

    • Security

  • Relational databases

    • Structured to recognize relationships among stored items of information known as datasets

    • Predictable and organized with tables containing columns and rows of text or numerical data

    • SQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MySQL= examples of relational databases

    • Designed to support numbers and text (structured)

  • Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS): software used to manage a database

    • add, remove, or update records

      • records. =rows (horizontal)

    • Retrieve data

    • Cross-reference data in different tables

  • Relational DB Structure

    • Schema: rules and structure of a database

      • Constraints: rules limiting types of data that can be entered into a data table

    • Records: the row in a table (horizontal)

    • Attributes: the column in a table (vertical)

    • Tables: looks like a spreadsheet and contains data

    • Fields: columns: contain a single data type for all records (phone numbers, names, etc)

    • Forms: how data is entered

      • Referred for nontechnical users

    • Queries: how data. is found

      • Best way to retrieve data: Select Command

    • Macros and Modules: increases database functionality (run reports at regular intervals)

    • Reports: generated to answer specific questions

  • Primary and Foreign Keys: unique identifier that helps you define a record (or content in a row)

    • Can only be one primary key per record

    • Foreign Key: a key or field in a table that is used to link two tables together

      • relationship/logical links

  • Non-relational databases: does not use the tabular schema of rows and columns

    • Uses a storage model that. is optimized for the specific requirements. of the type of data being stored

    • Also known as “NoSQL” databases

    • Unstructured data: pictures, videos, webpages, emails, documents

    • Semi-structured data: unstructured data tagged with meta data (facts about data)

    • Structured data: texts and numbers- can be organized or searched through

  • Types of non-relational database

    • Key/Value Databases: represent data as a collection of key/value pairs

      • Blob storage: stores unstructured data like words or binary

      • Examples: Amazon, Microsoft Azure, MangoDB

  • Database Access Methods

    • Manual Access: going directly into tables to view or change data, suitable method for working with a database that is stored locally

    • Direct Access: accessing via a direct connection across a network suitable for LANS

        • Direct and Manual Access are often paired together

    • Programming Access: accessing a database through a programming language like SQL

    • User Interface and Utility Access: using a graphical interface (GUI) such as a form or webpage

    • Query/Report Builders: creating reports and visual aids such as pie charts

  • Data Manipulation: enables the ability to adjust the contents/data in your table

    • Use on the rows/records/tuples of a relational database

      • The following is data manipulation

        • Select: Allows you to select, specify, or reach for intended data

        • Insert: allows the ability to add contents into table (new data)

        • Delete: allows the ability to remove contents (remove data)

        • Update: allows the changing or editing of contents in table (edit data/row)

        • Data definition: defines the structure of your database and its tables on columns/attributes/fields BUT cannot manipulate rows/records/tuples

          • Create: Allows you to create a new structure, such as a new Database or new table

          • Alter: usually used to alter DB object such as column name

          • Drop: allows the removal of.a database or table(s)

          • Permissions: identifies who has the ability to edit table structure

      • DDL: CADP

  • Data Backups

    • Database Dumps:

      • one time logical backup of a database

      • Data is dumped into an empty database already set up with a schema

    • Database Backup: done through a program and creates a physical backup

      • Can be scheduled and repeated

      • Used to restore a database without needing to create a new one
