Adaptation: Process by which genetic changes occur, results in behavioral and morphological variations, which are used to survive. This is a process, not a change itself. The changes are hereditary. Affected by macroclimates and microclimates
Microclimate: Climactic variation on the scale of cm to km, temperatures, aspect (angle of existence for a plant like on a hill), precipitation, humidity, and vegetation. Microclimatic variation can drive physiological response
Acclimation: Physiological, not genetic, changes in response to temperature. This is a use of a specific adaptation, dependent on circumstance
Morphological adaptations:
Thermoregulation: Keeping homeostasis of a constant body temperature
Homeostasis: Balance, not too much and not too little, though can still fluctuate, maintenance of an internal environment independent of the external one
Hs=Hm±Hcd±Hcv±Hr-He The equation for homeostasis of thermoregulation
Hs: Total heat sores
Hm: Heat from metabolism
Hcd: Heat lost/gained from conduction
Hcv: Heat lost/gained from convection
Hr: Heat lost/gained from radiation
He: Heat lost/gained from evaporation
Ectothermy: Results in poikilothermy, “Cold-blooded”, use external heat sources. Examples are fish, insects, reptiles, and amphibians. The adaptation is altering their movement patterns to maximize their homeostasis and thermoregulation
Endothermy: Results in homeothermy, “warm-blooded”, use internal cources to generate heat like burning sugars and fat, creating a metabolic rate that consumes O2 to make heat, requires more energy. Sometimes, they undergo hibernation to super slow down their metabolism when there won’t be enough food to make enough energy. Other times, they store heat in the form of water or fat
Metabolic rate: Measures how much O2 is used, typically lower in larger organisms because larger organisms tend to be more efficient
Basal metabolic rate: Metabolic rate/ organism size
Cryoprotection: Common among ectotherms, an adaptation resulting from extracellular freezing. Water is pooled to surround internal organs at the signal of touching ice, and as the temperature lowers it freezes itself and looses a heartbeat. It melts in the spring and regains a heart beat.
Water conservation: The balance of water levels, controlled by drinking/eating and metabolic inputs
As an environment changes, adaptations that may have been good before might be less good, as the biosphere shifts, the best adaptations for it shift as well
Size can dictate what adaptations are needed to survive in an environment