Programme aim
To support the transition of newly qualified Dental Therapists into primary dental practice
Provide a structured and nurturing learning environment
DT can further develop skills and ability to provide high quality care
Outcome - to produce caring, competent, reflective practitioners who are able to meet the needs of patients
NHSE DTFT Programme Team
Head of Dental Workforce Transformation and Quality Planning
Training Programme Manager
Associate Dean
Dental Programme Officer
Dental Education Coordinator
Outline of the Programme
Areas covered: South Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside
1 st Sept to 31st August
2-3 days employed at training practice
Study programme
Two-weekly tutorials in practice
DTFT Programme Curriculum
Four ‘Domains’ within competency framework
Management and Leadership
Major competencies
Evidence and regular assessments
Summative judgement
Study Day Programme
Approx 18 study days – some will be with Foundation Dentists
DTFTs (Dental Foundation Therapist Trainees) can also access relevant courses on Maxcourse for free
Training Practices
Approved training practices
DTFT will be employed
Educational Supervisor
Support, guidance, feedback, assessments
Time given to carry out treatments - 1hr
Provide two-weekly tutorials
Tutorial Examples
Local anaesthesia
Caries management
Medications/medical histories
Radiography techniques/interpretation
Oral lesions
Anxious patients
Rubber dam
Record keeping
Composite techniques
Cavity preps
Oral medicine
Clinical photography
Extraction techniques
Exams and treatment planning
Clinical Experience
Gain a range of experience in all areas of Scope of Practice
Restorative skills high priority
DTFT records clinical experience on e-portfolio
Learning development tool
Provides evidence of DTFT progression
E-portfolio: Work-Based Assessments - ADEPTS
ADEPTS (Dental Evaluation Performance Tool)
Observed throughout whole appointment
Performance scored in each relevant category
ES to spend time giving feedback and discussing any learning needs
DTFT scored on insight into their performance
E-portfolio: Work-Based Assessments – Case-based Discussions
Verbal presentation of management of a case to the Educational Supervisor using clinical records
ES will ask questions and grade on insight
ES notes areas of good performance and areas for development
DTFT reflects
Learning/Development Needs
E-portfolio - Questionnaires
Patient Satisfactory Questionnaire (PSQ)
ES analyses and moderates the replies before publishing the report
Multi-Source Feedback Questionnaire (MSFQ)
Feedback from colleagues
Other Learning Requirements
Record card review
Carry out an audit within the practice
Case study presentation - 10 minute PP presentation of a patient you have treated
Review of Competency Progression (RCP)
Early Stage Review
Report of progress so far
Interim Competency Review
Report of performance from assessments and other information collected
Final Competency Review
Report of development and progress since IRCP
Self Reflection and ES Feedback
Essential for learning to take place
DTFT must reflect on:
All work-based assessments
ES tutorials
Monthly experiences
Study days
ES will provide feedback on your work and selfreflections
Sample of DTFT Feedback 2021
I have learnt so many new skills and felt so much more confident than when I started. I really feel like I have progressed since last year.
It was great to have the support from the staff and be with a cohort of newly qualified therapists who were experiencing the same challenges.
Lots of support both from my ES and the course tutors. The training days were really helpful and we were able to focus on aspects of work we were finding difficult. The tutors were great at responding quickly to any questions we had and the feedback from my ES was very useful.
Allowed me to gain confidence and build my experience.
Salary and Benefits
Employed by the training practice
Paid £136 per day
Work 2-3 days
Paid for study days
Paid for travel to study days
Tutorial time within working hours
Funding to attend BADT Conference
Can lead to permanent post
Top Tips
1. Maintain your professionalism
2. Don’t expect to be a fabulous, competent clinician right away, learn from your (inevitable) mistakes and other clinicians around you
3. Don’t try and run before you can walk, work within your knowledge and competence
4. Look for a supportive practice if not doing DTFT
5. Don’t lower your standards
6. Join an association such as BADT and BSDHT and network with colleagues
Further Information and Application Form
Closing date for Sept 2024 intake Friday 29th March
For any questions, email: