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Motivation - Mayo (Human Relations School)

Mayo believed that workers are not just concerned with money but could be better motivated by meeting their social needs whilst at work (which Taylor ignored).

Mayo introduced the Human Relations School of thought, which focused on managers taking more of an interest in the workers, treating them as people with worthwhile opinions and realising that workers enjoy interacting.

Mayo concluded that workers are best motivated by:

Better communication between managers and workers

Greater manager involvement in employee’s working lives

Working in groups or teams

His theory most closely fits in with a paternalistic style of management.

Key summary for Mayo:

  • Workers motivated by having social needs met

  • Workers should work in teams

  • Managers should have greater involvement in employee's working life

More two-way communication between managers and workers


Motivation - Mayo (Human Relations School)

Mayo believed that workers are not just concerned with money but could be better motivated by meeting their social needs whilst at work (which Taylor ignored).

Mayo introduced the Human Relations School of thought, which focused on managers taking more of an interest in the workers, treating them as people with worthwhile opinions and realising that workers enjoy interacting.

Mayo concluded that workers are best motivated by:

Better communication between managers and workers

Greater manager involvement in employee’s working lives

Working in groups or teams

His theory most closely fits in with a paternalistic style of management.

Key summary for Mayo:

  • Workers motivated by having social needs met

  • Workers should work in teams

  • Managers should have greater involvement in employee's working life

More two-way communication between managers and workers