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2.1- subsets, venn diagrams

roster notation= {#,#,#}

{Distinct letters in the word television}


W= whole number= 0,1,2,3,4,…… etc

“all counting numbers between 3 and 13”


{n I 3<n<13, n a counting number}

all possible subsets of “I={5,6}“

0, {5},{6}, {5,6}

how many subsets does the set “L={6,7,8,9}“ have?\

16 [because 2^4]



2.1- subsets, venn diagrams

roster notation= {#,#,#}

{Distinct letters in the word television}


W= whole number= 0,1,2,3,4,…… etc

“all counting numbers between 3 and 13”


{n I 3<n<13, n a counting number}

all possible subsets of “I={5,6}“

0, {5},{6}, {5,6}

how many subsets does the set “L={6,7,8,9}“ have?\

16 [because 2^4]