Week 3 - Cellular Form and Function

Chapter 03: Cellular Form and Function

Page 1: Introduction

  • Title: Chapter 03 Cellular Form and Function

  • Author: Kenneth S. Saladin

  • Edition: Tenth edition

  • Publisher: McGraw Hill LLC

  • Trademark: "Because learning changes everything.®"

Page 2: Concepts of Cellular Structure

  • Expected Learning Outcomes:

    • Discuss the development and modern tenets of the cell theory.

    • Outline the major components of a cell.

Page 3: Development of the Cell Theory

  • Cytology: The scientific study of cells.

  • Cell Theory Generalizations:

    • All organisms are composed of cells and cell products.

    • The cell is the simplest structural and functional unit of life.

    • An organism’s structure and functions are due to activities of cells.

    • Cells arise only from preexisting cells.

Page 4: Basic Components of a Cell

  • Major Components:

    • Plasma Membrane: Surrounds the cell, defines boundaries, composed of proteins and lipids.

    • Cytoplasm: Contains organelles, cytoskeleton, and inclusions (stored or foreign particles) in a gel-like substance called cytosol or intracellular fluid (ICF).

    • Extracellular Fluid (ECF): Located outside the cell, includes interstitial fluid, blood plasma, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid.

Page 5: A Representative Cell

  • Key Components:

    • Microvilli, desmosomes, fat droplets, secretory vesicles, nucleus, and various organelles (mitochondrion, Golgi apparatus, lysosome).

    • Cytoskeletal Elements: Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules are part of the cell's internal structure supporting cell shape and movement.

Page 6: The Cell Surface

  • Expected Learning Outcomes:

    • Describe the structure and functions of the plasma membrane components, including lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.

    • Describe the composition and functions of the glycocalyx coating on cell surfaces.

    • Detail the structure and functions of microvilli, cilia, flagella, and pseudopods.

Page 7: The Plasma Membrane

  • Functions: Defines cell boundaries; composed mostly of phospholipids.

  • Key Feature: Selective permeability allows certain substances to enter or exit the cell.

Page 8: Membrane Lipids

  • Lipid Composition:

    • Phospholipids: Make up 75% of membrane lipids; arranged in a bilayer with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.

    • Cholesterol: Makes up 20% of membrane lipids; stabilizes the membrane.

Page 9: Glycolipids

  • Glycolipids: Comprise 5% of membrane lipids; they contribute to the glycocalyx, a carbohydrate coating on the cell's surface.

Page 10: Structure of the Plasma Membrane

  • Components Include:

    • Phospholipid bilayer

    • Membrane proteins (transmembrane and peripheral)

    • Glycoproteins and glycolipids involved in cell recognition and signaling.

Page 11: Membrane Proteins

  • Classification:

    • Transmembrane proteins extend across the membrane.

    • Peripheral proteins are attached to one membrane face.

Page 12: Transmembrane Proteins

  • Structure: Consist of hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, allowing for various functions within the membrane.

Page 13: Functions of Membrane Proteins

  • Receptors: Bind chemical signals.

  • Enzymes: Catalyze reactions and process signals.

  • Channel Proteins: Allow hydrophilic substances and water to pass in and out of the cell; can be gated or leak channels.

Page 14: Carrier Proteins

  • Types of Carrier Proteins:

    • Pumps: Use ATP to move substances against their concentration gradient.

    • Carriers: Bind solutes and transport them across the membrane.

Page 15: Membrane Functions 1

  • An overview of various functions of membrane proteins, including their roles in signaling and transport.

Page 16: Membrane Functions 2

  • Continuation of membrane protein functions, emphasizing their diverse roles within the cell membrane.

Page 17: The Glycocalyx

  • Description: A fuzzy coating of carbohydrates on the cell surface, unique to every individual, important for protection and immunity.

Page 18: Extensions of the Cell Surface: Microvilli

  • Function: Increase surface area for absorption; commonly found on absorptive cells.

Page 19: Microvilli and Glycocalyx

  • Illustration: Microvilli structure and its connection to the glycocalyx.

Page 20: Extensions of the Cell Surface: Cilia

  • Cilia: Hair-like structures involved in cell movement and environmental monitoring. Different types (motile and non-motile) serve various functions in sensory reception and movement.

Page 21: Cilia Overview

  • Detailed view of cilia structure and function.

Page 22: Ciliary Action

  • Illustrates ciliary motion involved in moving mucus in the respiratory tract.

Page 23: Flagella

  • Flagellum: Whiplike structure for locomotion; exemplified by sperm cells.

Page 24: Pseudopods

  • Function: Used for locomotion and capturing particles by cells like amoebae.

Page 25: Membrane Transport Overview

  • Learning Outcomes:

    • Define selectively permeable membranes and describe mechanisms of transport.

Page 26: Introduction to Membrane Transport

  • Membrane transport mechanisms categorized as passive (no ATP required) or active (requires ATP).

    • Passive Mechanisms: Include filtration, diffusion, and osmosis.

    • Active Mechanisms: Include active transport and vesicular transport.

Page 27: Filtration

  • Definition: Movement of particles through a membrane driven by physical pressure; essential for nutrient delivery.

Page 28: Filtration Through Blood Capillaries

  • Image Example: Illustrates how filtration occurs in capillaries.

Page 29: Simple Diffusion

  • Definition: Movement of particles from higher to lower concentration due to molecular motion. Occurs without a membrane.

Page 30: Factors Affecting Diffusion

  • Influencing factors include temperature, molecular weight, concentration gradient, surface area, and permeability.

Page 31: Osmosis

  • Definition: Water movement through a selectively permeable membrane; aided by aquaporins. Discusses implications of osmotic imbalances.

Page 32: Osmosis Illustrated

  • Demonstrates the net flow of water through a membrane.

Page 33: Osmolarity and Tonicity (1)

  • Osmolarity: Total osmotic concentration of solutes in body fluids; critical for cell volume regulation.

    • Tonicity: Effect of a solution on cell volume.

Page 34: Tonicity Explained

  • Discussion on hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions and their effects on cells (swelling, shrinking, or no effect).

Page 35: Effects of Tonicity on RBCs

  • Visual representations of the effects of various tonicities on red blood cells.

Page 36: More Tonicity Effects

  • Continuation of the visual explanation of tonicity effects.

Page 37: Carrier-Mediated Transport (1)

  • Describes the role of carrier proteins in selective transport, highlighting their specificity and saturation.

Page 38: Carrier Saturation Graph

  • Presentation of a graph illustrating transport saturation among carriers.

Page 39: Carrier-Mediated Transport (2)

  • Outlines three types of carrier proteins (uniport, symport, antiport) and examples for each type.

Page 40: Mechanisms of Carrier-Mediated Transport

  • Discusses facilitated diffusion, primary and secondary active transport in more detail.

Page 41: Facilitated Diffusion Illustrated

  • Steps illustrating how facilitated diffusion works through a carrier protein.

Page 42: Secondary Active Transport

  • Describes sodium-glucose transporter mechanism and its reliance on sodium-potassium pump activity.

Page 43: Sodium-Potassium Pump

  • Explained as an example of primary active transport crucial for concentration gradients across membranes.

Page 44: Importance of the Sodium-Potassium Pump

  • Illustrates how the pump maintains lower sodium and higher potassium levels in the cytoplasm.

Page 45: The Sodium–Potassium Pump Illustrated

  • Visual aids showing how the sodium-potassium pump operates.

Page 46: Vesicular Transport (1)

  • Overview of how vesicles transport large materials into and out of the cell through endocytosis and exocytosis.

Page 47: Phagocytosis, Digestion, and Exocytosis

  • Provides an illustration of the process of phagocytosis and the role of lysosomes in digestion.

Page 48: Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis (1)

  • Illustrates how receptors facilitate the selective uptake of extracellular molecules.

Page 49: Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis (2)

  • Describes the clustering of receptors during endocytosis and the formation of a coated vesicle.

Page 50: Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis (3)

  • Further elaborates on the vesicle formation through coating and encapsulation of extracellular substances.

Page 51: Transcytosis and Exocytosis

  • Transcytosis: Movement of materials across the cell. Exocytosis: Release of materials from cells, with examples of its biological importance.

Page 52: Visual on Transcytosis

  • Demonstrates transcytosis occurring within capillary endothelial cells.

Page 53: Visual on Exocytosis

  • Depicts the secretory vesicle action and fusion with the plasma membrane to release contents.

Page 54: The Cell Interior

  • Expected Learning Outcomes:

    • Describe the components and functions of the cytoskeleton and organelles within the cell.

Page 55: Cytosol and Cytoskeleton

  • Cytosol: Viscous fluid containing various cellular components.

  • Cytoskeleton: Provides structural support and aids in intracellular transport.

Page 56: Cytoskeleton in Action

  • Depicts the cytoskeleton components like microfilaments and their roles.

Page 57: Visual Representation of Cytoskeleton

  • A focused view of various cytoskeletal elements and their arrangements within the cell.

Page 58: Components of the Cytoskeleton

  • Details of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, including their functions and structural characteristics.

Page 59: Organelles Defined

  • Organelles: Internal structures with specialized functions; classified as membranous (e.g. nucleus, mitochondria) or non-membranous (e.g. ribosomes).

Page 60: The Nucleus

  • Structure and Function: Largest organelle, surrounded by nuclear envelope containing pores and structural proteins (lamina). Contains genetic material (chromatin) and nucleolus (site of ribosome production).

Page 61: The Nucleus in EM

  • Electron microscopy image displays detailed structures within the nucleus.

Page 62: Structure of the Nucleus

  • Visual details of nuclear components and their arrangement.

Page 63: Overview of the Nucleus

  • Illustrates nuclear pores and associated structures that control material entry/exit.

Page 64: Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

  • Definition: Network of membranous channels (cisterns).

  • Types: Note difference between rough (RER) and smooth ER (SER) regarding their functions and ribosome presence.

Page 65: RER and SER Overview

  • Visual representation of RER and SER functions within the cell.

Page 66: RER and SER Components

  • Structural details regarding RER and SER observed through microscopy.

Page 67: Ribosomes

  • Function: Sites of protein synthesis, present in many cellular locations including rough ER and cytosol.

Page 68: Golgi Complex

  • Structure consists of membranous stacks (cisterns) involved in protein modification and packaging, interacting with ER.

Page 69: Golgi Complex Illustrated

  • Electron microscopy image displaying the Golgi apparatus.

Page 70: Lysosomes

  • Function: Membrane-bound compartments with digestive enzymes for breaking down various biomolecules.

Page 71: Peroxisomes

  • Function: Similar to lysosomes but specialize in oxidation reactions, abundant in liver and kidney cells.

Page 72: Lysosome and Peroxisome Visualization

  • EM images of lysosomes and peroxisomes to observe their structure.

Page 73: Mitochondria

  • Function: Site of ATP production, exhibits morphologies from spherical to filamentous.

Page 74: Mitochondrion Overview

  • Electron microscopy image highlighting mitochondrial structure and function.

Page 75: Centrioles

  • Structure: Short cylindrical structures made of microtubules; crucial for cell division.

Page 76: Centrioles in EM

  • Electron micrographs showing arrangement and orientation of centrioles.

Page 77: Inclusions

  • Defined as storage sites for various substances, do not have a membrane, and are not essential for cell survival.

Page 78: Conclusion

  • Book title repeated with copyright notices.

Page 79: Accessibility Content

  • Details regarding readability and accessibility for all users.

Page 80: Common Cell Shapes

  • Overview of various cell shapes (e.g., squamous, cuboidal) and their significance.

Page 81: Cell Surface Area and Volume Relationship

  • Explanation of how cell size affects surface area and volume, illustrated with calculations.

Page 82: Magnification vs Resolution

  • Comparison of visual clarity in microscopy.

Page 83: A Representative Cell Overview

  • Detailed descriptions of various cellular components within a typical cell structure.

Page 84: Plasma Membrane Illustrated

  • Representations of the structures surrounding the cell and their function in defining cell boundary.

Page 85: Detailed Plasma Membrane Structure

  • Discussion of the phospholipid bilayer and protein components.

Page 86: Transmembrane Proteins Visualization

  • Passive mechanisms of transmembrane protein functions in the membrane.

Page 87: Membrane Protein Functions 1

  • Overview of receptors and their signaling roles.

Page 88: Membrane Protein Functions 2

  • Continuation detailing other roles of membrane proteins, including adhesion and identity markers.

Page 89: Second-Messenger System

  • Illustrated steps outlining how a chemical signal is transduced through the cell membrane.

Page 90: Glycocalyx and Microvilli in EM

  • Visualization of the surface appearance of cells with glycoprotein and microvilli structures.

Page 91: Cilia Visualization

  • Description and illustration of cilia alongside microvilli, highlighting their structural features.

Page 92: Cilia Structure Details

  • More detailed cross-sectional views of cilia components and their arrangement to aid in movement.

Page 93: Ciliary Action Detailed

  • Description of ciliary movement mechanics, highlighting directional action.

Page 94: Extensions of the Cell Surface 5

  • Illustrative examples of pseudopods in different types of cells engaged in locomotion.

Page 95: Filtration in Capillaries

  • Mechanistic representation of how filtration occurs at capillary walls.

Page 96: Osmosis Visuals

  • Illustrative depiction of osmotic movement across a selectively permeable membrane.

Page 97: Carrier Saturation Overview

  • Graphical representation of transport maximum as saturation increases in carrier-mediated transport.

Page 98: Facilitated Diffusion Steps

  • Stepwise illustration of facilitated diffusion through a carrier protein.

Page 99: Sodium-Glucose Transport Mechanics

  • Overview of how sodium and glucose are transported in cells, emphasizing secondary transport.

Page 100: Sodium-Potassium Pump Functionality

  • Illustration detailing the movements of sodium and potassium across a membrane by the pump.

Page 101: Phagocytosis Process

  • Sequential illustrations showing phagocytosis, detailing the uptake and digestion of materials.

Page 102: Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis Mechanics

  • Illustrative depiction of receptor-mediated uptake involving clustering of receptors.

Page 103: Coated Pit Formation

  • Illustration of U-shaped curvature during receptor-mediated endocytosis showing clathrin involvement.

Page 104: Coated Vesicle Formation

  • Visualization of the pathway leading to the formation of a clathrin-coated vesicle following endocytosis.

Page 105: Transcytosis Mechanism

  • Detailed representation of transcytosis from the capillary lumen to interstitial tissues.

Page 106: Exocytosis Process

  • Detailed steps showing the release of materials through exocytosis and the mechanics involved.

Page 107: The Cytoskeleton (1)

  • Illustration demonstrating the structural organization of the cytoskeleton and its cellular interactions.

Page 108: The Cytoskeleton (2)

  • Further visualization of the cellular organization showing functional interactions among organelles.

Page 109: Microtubule Structure

  • Detailed representation of microtubule composition and its function in the cytoskeleton.

Page 110: Nucleus in EM

  • Electron microscopy representation focusing on nuclear structures and functions.

Page 111: Nucleus Structure Overview

  • Detailed view of the components within and surrounding the nucleus exhibiting their interactions.

Page 112: Endoplasmic Reticulum Visuals (2)

  • Comparison imagery between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum in function and structure.

Page 113: Endoplasmic Reticulum Comprehensive View

  • Enlarged view of the connectedness between the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Page 114: Golgi Complex Overview

  • Visualization depicting Golgi apparatus functionality in protein processing and packaging.

Page 115: Lysosome vs. Peroxisome

  • Comparison of lysosomes and peroxisomes, detailing structural features and functionalities.

Page 116: Protein Degradation by Proteasome

  • Visual representation of the proteasome process in protein degradation.

Page 117: Mitochondrion Structure and Function

  • Detailed organizational structure of mitochondria, including inner and outer membranes.

Page 118: Centrioles in EM

  • Illustrations showing the structure of centrioles and their role in cell division.
