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APSC 160 Midterm 1

Mainly encompasses Units 1 - 7 (excluding 6)

Unit 1: Fundamentals

Basic Fundamentals

Instruction Set - basic operations of a computer system ( ex. adding one to a number, checking if a number is equal to zero); different processors have different instructions sets

Program - collection of instructions necessary to solve a specific problem.

Algorithm - approach or method that is used to solve a problem.

Compiler - program which translates the the statements of the program developed in higher-level language into the particular instructions of the computer.

Higher-Level Languages


Assembly languages

  • ‘low level’ language

  • The assembler translates the assembly language program from its symbolic format into the specfic machine instructions of the computer system (binary).

  • machine dependent; assembly language programs are written in terms of their instruction sets; the program will not run on a different processor type.FO

FORTRAN (formula translation)

  • machine independent; FORTRAN instruction/statement may result in many different machine instructions being executed.

  • utilizes a compiler


Operating Systems

  • manages and operates all of the software and hardware on the computer.

  • controls all input and output operations performed on a computer system.

  • manages the computer’s systems resources and handles the execution of programs.

  • Unix which are the base of LinuX OR MAC OS X, Microsoft windows, iOS, Android,

Compiling Programs


  • software program that analyzes a program developed in a particular computer language and translate it into a form suitable for execution on a particular system.

  • translates a programming language’s source code(high level language like Java or C++) into machine code.

Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

  • program which manages the editing, compiling, running, and debugging of large software programs.

  • Xcode, Visual Studios

  • most IDEs support several different programming languages.

Language Interpreters

  • a program that directly executes the instructions in a high-level language, without converting it into machine code

  • programming languages in which programs are interpreted and not compiled: JavaScript, BASIC, shell, Python, sometimes C

Unit 2: Compiling and Running Your First Program

kinda irrelevant stuff here tbh

Basic Facts about C:

  • you can begin typing anywhere on a line, it does not matter

  • case-sensitive

  • compilers recognize filenames that end with ‘.c’

  • all statements must end in ‘;’ because it terminates the program. for example the function printf() gets terminated by;

Basic Components of Any Program

#include <stdio.h>

  • tells the compiler information abt different functions (like printf())

int main (void)

  • tells system that the name of program is main() and returns an integer

  • void tells the system it takes no arguments

Return 0;

  • terminates program

  • 0 is used by convention, you can use any integer though


  • tell the reader of the program the purpose of a particular program or a particular sequence of statements

    // adds single line comments

    /* makes all following text a comment but must be terminated like so: */

//see it all in action
#include <stdio.h>

int main ( void){

//prints out stuff
printf("I love");

return 0;

Unit 3: Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions

Understanding Data Types and Constants

Format Identifiers

  • describes the expected data

  • used in printf, scanf…

  • %i, %s …

Integer Type - [int] - %i

  • stores values of sequence of one or more digits

  • can be negative or positive


  • stored in a minimum of 32 bits of storage; at least 2 bytes - usually 4

  • unsigned int contains only positive values

    a) short

    • only 2 bytes so it doesn’t get used too often

    b) long - long int - %li

    • stores inter values up to (32 bits);

    • unsigned long can be used for a larger range with no negative

    c) long long - long long int - %lli

    • too big like at least 64 bites

    • unsigned long long can be used for a larger range with no negative

Floating Number Type - float - %f

  • stores values containing decimal places

  • can be negative or positive

  • * you can omit digits before and after the decimal point but not both… (3. or .3, but not .) (apparently never tried)

  • * you can use %e to print it out in scientific notation (apparently never tried) and %g to tell print f to decide.

  • 32 bits; 4 bytes

Extended Precision Type - double - %lf

  • can store roughly twice (64 bits) as many significant digits as float (32 bits); 8 bytes

  • can be negative or positive

  • * you can omit digits before and after the decimal point but not both… (3. or .3, but not .)

  • you can use %g to print it out in scientific notation (apparently never tried)

    a) long double - long double - %Lf (floating point notation) or %Le(scientific)

    • stores doubles as at least 64 bits wide

Single Character Type - char - %c

  • stores a single character

  • formed by enclosing the character with a pair of single quotation marks so ‘a’, ‘;’ and ‘0’ are all valid characters constants

  • ‘\n’, the newline character, is called an escape sequence and is apparently also a character constant even though its two characters?

  • 1 byte

Boolean Data Type - _Bool

  • large enough to store the values 0 and 1

  • by convention, 0 indicates a false value and 1 indicated true

  • if you assign a value of 0, 0 is stored. Any nonzero value is stored as 1.

  • *<stdbool.h> defines values bool, true, and false

Summary Table:

Example Declaring and Outputting Each Data Type:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void){
int integerVar = 100;
float floatingVar = 331.79;
double doubleVar = 8.44e+11;
char charVar = 'W';

_Bool boolVar = 0;
_Bool boolVar2 = 5;

printf("integerVar = %i\n", integerVar);
printf("floatingVar = %f\n", floatingVar);
printf("doubleVar = %lf\n", doubleVar);
printf("doubleVar = %g\n", doubleVar);
printf("charVar = %c\n", charVar);

printf("boolVar = %i\n", boolVar);
printf("boolVar2 = %i\n", boolVar2);

return 0;


integerVar = 100

floatingVar = 331.790009

doubleVar = 844000000000.000000

doubleVar = 8.44e+11

charVar = W

boolVar = 0

boolVar2 = 1

Working with Variables

Basic Info

  • can store floats, ints, characters, pointers, etc.

  • must begin with a letter or underscore ‘_’

  • can be a combination of letters, underscores, or the digits 0-9

Invalid Variables

  • cannot contain invalid characters ie. sum&value

  • no embedded spaces ie. sum value

  • cannot start with number ie. 9sumvalue

  • cannot use a reserved word ie. int

Arithmetic Expressions

Basic Info on Working With Arithmetic Expression

  • BEDMAS applies

  • binary arithmetic operators: operate on two values or terms

  • if you apply any of these operators with an int and a float, the output will be a float. If you use two integers, the output will be an integer.

  • if a float type value is assigned to an integer variable, they number will be truncated to only its integer portion. NOT ROUNDED. ie 123.5 becomes 123.

Binary Arithmetic Operators

*modulus only works with int types. you should use double fmod() in math.h otherwise.

Type Cast Operator

Casting values temporarily converts the value of the variable to another data type. It does not effect the value stored in the variable. Has higher precedence than all the arithmetic operators other than unary- and unary+.

* unary means on one operand so like x = -x.

Assignment Operators

Assigns after arithmetic operator has been applied.

Types _Complex and _Imaginary

*Im gonna assume we don’t need to know this. 🤞

Unit 4: Program Looping

for Statement

  • includes 3 statements within corresponding fields

General Format:

for (initial expression; loop condition; loop_expression){
sum += n;

for (int a = 1, int j = 20; a <= 200; a++, j =- 10){
total+= a;

The first component - initial expression - sets the initial value of a variable.

The second component - loop condition - the condition, or conditions, that are necessary for the loop to continue.

The final component - loop expression - an expression that is evaluated each time after the body of the loop is executed.

Loop Variants: In all cases, you can include multiple expression in any of the fields but these should be separated by commas.

Rational Operators

**keep in mind that == means equal to but = will assign a variable

Aligning Output

You can print values using format specifiers with field width specifications. For example, %ni or %nlf will ensure that the value you print will take up n columns. If n = 2 and your integer takes up less than 2 colums, it will be displayed with a leading space.

Program Input

**printf() + scanf() stuff. I’m not gonna bother. Remember when you use scanf(), ensure that your variable starts with &.

while Statement

General Format:

while (expression){
program statements

while (n < 3){
print ("%i", n);

The while statement runs the inner program statements while the expression = TRUE. If the expression finally evaluates as FALSE, the loop is terminated.

do Statement

  • For and While loops evaluates the condition before the loop is executed, do while loops ensure evaluate the condition after the loop. This ensures that the looping is executed at least once.

General Format:

program statements
while (loop expression);

do {
printf("i", num);
while ( n >= 0);

break Statement

You can use a break statement to leave a loop as soon as a certain condition occurs. The break statement causes the program to immediately exit from the loop it is executing, continuing to whatever statement follow the loop.

General Format:


continue Statement

This statement causes the loop in which it is executed in to be continued. Any statement in the loop after the continue statement are automatically skipped and the next iteration of the loop is continued.

General Format


Unit 5: Making Decisions

if Statement

Statements inside the if statement only run if the expression is TRUE. Also, only runs once.

if else Statement

Statements inside the else if statement only run if the preceding if statement did NOT execute AND if the expression is TRUE.

else Statement

Statements inside the else statement only run if the preceding if statements and else if statements did NOT execute.

General Format:

if (expression){
program statement
else if (expression){
program statement
program statement

*Nested while, for, do, or if loops just means another while, for, do, or if loop inside the outside statement respectively.

switch Statement

*Prob won’t be tested on this but really easy stuff.

Essentially, the switch acts like an if statement. If the expression is true, each case acts as an if else statement and the default statement as an else statement.

Unit 7: Working With Functions

*notes are from the screencast bc I think they’re better

Instead of writing all the code in the function main

Instead of writing all the code in the function main, you can call a function and instead, write the code within that function outside of main.

void printRow( int row );

int main( void ) {
int size;
int row;

printf( "Enter size of triangle: " );
scanf( "%d", &size );

row = 1;

while( row <= size ) {
printRow( row );

system( "PAUSE" );
return 0;

void printRow( int row ) {
int star;

star = 1;

while( star <= row ) {
printf( "*" );

printf( "\n" );
  1. You must first call a function before you run it. To call a function, include the type of data the function will be outputting, the name of the function, two parenthesis with the data type of the argument which will be inputted into the function, followed by a semicolon.

  2. You must then run the function. To execute a function, write the function name, and semicolons which include the argument which will be

  3. function’s name followed by two parentheses and a semicolon.

APSC 160 Midterm 1

Mainly encompasses Units 1 - 7 (excluding 6)

Unit 1: Fundamentals

Basic Fundamentals

Instruction Set - basic operations of a computer system ( ex. adding one to a number, checking if a number is equal to zero); different processors have different instructions sets

Program - collection of instructions necessary to solve a specific problem.

Algorithm - approach or method that is used to solve a problem.

Compiler - program which translates the the statements of the program developed in higher-level language into the particular instructions of the computer.

Higher-Level Languages


Assembly languages

  • ‘low level’ language

  • The assembler translates the assembly language program from its symbolic format into the specfic machine instructions of the computer system (binary).

  • machine dependent; assembly language programs are written in terms of their instruction sets; the program will not run on a different processor type.FO

FORTRAN (formula translation)

  • machine independent; FORTRAN instruction/statement may result in many different machine instructions being executed.

  • utilizes a compiler


Operating Systems

  • manages and operates all of the software and hardware on the computer.

  • controls all input and output operations performed on a computer system.

  • manages the computer’s systems resources and handles the execution of programs.

  • Unix which are the base of LinuX OR MAC OS X, Microsoft windows, iOS, Android,

Compiling Programs


  • software program that analyzes a program developed in a particular computer language and translate it into a form suitable for execution on a particular system.

  • translates a programming language’s source code(high level language like Java or C++) into machine code.

Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

  • program which manages the editing, compiling, running, and debugging of large software programs.

  • Xcode, Visual Studios

  • most IDEs support several different programming languages.

Language Interpreters

  • a program that directly executes the instructions in a high-level language, without converting it into machine code

  • programming languages in which programs are interpreted and not compiled: JavaScript, BASIC, shell, Python, sometimes C

Unit 2: Compiling and Running Your First Program

kinda irrelevant stuff here tbh

Basic Facts about C:

  • you can begin typing anywhere on a line, it does not matter

  • case-sensitive

  • compilers recognize filenames that end with ‘.c’

  • all statements must end in ‘;’ because it terminates the program. for example the function printf() gets terminated by;

Basic Components of Any Program

#include <stdio.h>

  • tells the compiler information abt different functions (like printf())

int main (void)

  • tells system that the name of program is main() and returns an integer

  • void tells the system it takes no arguments

Return 0;

  • terminates program

  • 0 is used by convention, you can use any integer though


  • tell the reader of the program the purpose of a particular program or a particular sequence of statements

    // adds single line comments

    /* makes all following text a comment but must be terminated like so: */

//see it all in action
#include <stdio.h>

int main ( void){

//prints out stuff
printf("I love");

return 0;

Unit 3: Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions

Understanding Data Types and Constants

Format Identifiers

  • describes the expected data

  • used in printf, scanf…

  • %i, %s …

Integer Type - [int] - %i

  • stores values of sequence of one or more digits

  • can be negative or positive


  • stored in a minimum of 32 bits of storage; at least 2 bytes - usually 4

  • unsigned int contains only positive values

    a) short

    • only 2 bytes so it doesn’t get used too often

    b) long - long int - %li

    • stores inter values up to (32 bits);

    • unsigned long can be used for a larger range with no negative

    c) long long - long long int - %lli

    • too big like at least 64 bites

    • unsigned long long can be used for a larger range with no negative

Floating Number Type - float - %f

  • stores values containing decimal places

  • can be negative or positive

  • * you can omit digits before and after the decimal point but not both… (3. or .3, but not .) (apparently never tried)

  • * you can use %e to print it out in scientific notation (apparently never tried) and %g to tell print f to decide.

  • 32 bits; 4 bytes

Extended Precision Type - double - %lf

  • can store roughly twice (64 bits) as many significant digits as float (32 bits); 8 bytes

  • can be negative or positive

  • * you can omit digits before and after the decimal point but not both… (3. or .3, but not .)

  • you can use %g to print it out in scientific notation (apparently never tried)

    a) long double - long double - %Lf (floating point notation) or %Le(scientific)

    • stores doubles as at least 64 bits wide

Single Character Type - char - %c

  • stores a single character

  • formed by enclosing the character with a pair of single quotation marks so ‘a’, ‘;’ and ‘0’ are all valid characters constants

  • ‘\n’, the newline character, is called an escape sequence and is apparently also a character constant even though its two characters?

  • 1 byte

Boolean Data Type - _Bool

  • large enough to store the values 0 and 1

  • by convention, 0 indicates a false value and 1 indicated true

  • if you assign a value of 0, 0 is stored. Any nonzero value is stored as 1.

  • *<stdbool.h> defines values bool, true, and false

Summary Table:

Example Declaring and Outputting Each Data Type:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void){
int integerVar = 100;
float floatingVar = 331.79;
double doubleVar = 8.44e+11;
char charVar = 'W';

_Bool boolVar = 0;
_Bool boolVar2 = 5;

printf("integerVar = %i\n", integerVar);
printf("floatingVar = %f\n", floatingVar);
printf("doubleVar = %lf\n", doubleVar);
printf("doubleVar = %g\n", doubleVar);
printf("charVar = %c\n", charVar);

printf("boolVar = %i\n", boolVar);
printf("boolVar2 = %i\n", boolVar2);

return 0;


integerVar = 100

floatingVar = 331.790009

doubleVar = 844000000000.000000

doubleVar = 8.44e+11

charVar = W

boolVar = 0

boolVar2 = 1

Working with Variables

Basic Info

  • can store floats, ints, characters, pointers, etc.

  • must begin with a letter or underscore ‘_’

  • can be a combination of letters, underscores, or the digits 0-9

Invalid Variables

  • cannot contain invalid characters ie. sum&value

  • no embedded spaces ie. sum value

  • cannot start with number ie. 9sumvalue

  • cannot use a reserved word ie. int

Arithmetic Expressions

Basic Info on Working With Arithmetic Expression

  • BEDMAS applies

  • binary arithmetic operators: operate on two values or terms

  • if you apply any of these operators with an int and a float, the output will be a float. If you use two integers, the output will be an integer.

  • if a float type value is assigned to an integer variable, they number will be truncated to only its integer portion. NOT ROUNDED. ie 123.5 becomes 123.

Binary Arithmetic Operators

*modulus only works with int types. you should use double fmod() in math.h otherwise.

Type Cast Operator

Casting values temporarily converts the value of the variable to another data type. It does not effect the value stored in the variable. Has higher precedence than all the arithmetic operators other than unary- and unary+.

* unary means on one operand so like x = -x.

Assignment Operators

Assigns after arithmetic operator has been applied.

Types _Complex and _Imaginary

*Im gonna assume we don’t need to know this. 🤞

Unit 4: Program Looping

for Statement

  • includes 3 statements within corresponding fields

General Format:

for (initial expression; loop condition; loop_expression){
sum += n;

for (int a = 1, int j = 20; a <= 200; a++, j =- 10){
total+= a;

The first component - initial expression - sets the initial value of a variable.

The second component - loop condition - the condition, or conditions, that are necessary for the loop to continue.

The final component - loop expression - an expression that is evaluated each time after the body of the loop is executed.

Loop Variants: In all cases, you can include multiple expression in any of the fields but these should be separated by commas.

Rational Operators

**keep in mind that == means equal to but = will assign a variable

Aligning Output

You can print values using format specifiers with field width specifications. For example, %ni or %nlf will ensure that the value you print will take up n columns. If n = 2 and your integer takes up less than 2 colums, it will be displayed with a leading space.

Program Input

**printf() + scanf() stuff. I’m not gonna bother. Remember when you use scanf(), ensure that your variable starts with &.

while Statement

General Format:

while (expression){
program statements

while (n < 3){
print ("%i", n);

The while statement runs the inner program statements while the expression = TRUE. If the expression finally evaluates as FALSE, the loop is terminated.

do Statement

  • For and While loops evaluates the condition before the loop is executed, do while loops ensure evaluate the condition after the loop. This ensures that the looping is executed at least once.

General Format:

program statements
while (loop expression);

do {
printf("i", num);
while ( n >= 0);

break Statement

You can use a break statement to leave a loop as soon as a certain condition occurs. The break statement causes the program to immediately exit from the loop it is executing, continuing to whatever statement follow the loop.

General Format:


continue Statement

This statement causes the loop in which it is executed in to be continued. Any statement in the loop after the continue statement are automatically skipped and the next iteration of the loop is continued.

General Format


Unit 5: Making Decisions

if Statement

Statements inside the if statement only run if the expression is TRUE. Also, only runs once.

if else Statement

Statements inside the else if statement only run if the preceding if statement did NOT execute AND if the expression is TRUE.

else Statement

Statements inside the else statement only run if the preceding if statements and else if statements did NOT execute.

General Format:

if (expression){
program statement
else if (expression){
program statement
program statement

*Nested while, for, do, or if loops just means another while, for, do, or if loop inside the outside statement respectively.

switch Statement

*Prob won’t be tested on this but really easy stuff.

Essentially, the switch acts like an if statement. If the expression is true, each case acts as an if else statement and the default statement as an else statement.

Unit 7: Working With Functions

*notes are from the screencast bc I think they’re better

Instead of writing all the code in the function main

Instead of writing all the code in the function main, you can call a function and instead, write the code within that function outside of main.

void printRow( int row );

int main( void ) {
int size;
int row;

printf( "Enter size of triangle: " );
scanf( "%d", &size );

row = 1;

while( row <= size ) {
printRow( row );

system( "PAUSE" );
return 0;

void printRow( int row ) {
int star;

star = 1;

while( star <= row ) {
printf( "*" );

printf( "\n" );
  1. You must first call a function before you run it. To call a function, include the type of data the function will be outputting, the name of the function, two parenthesis with the data type of the argument which will be inputted into the function, followed by a semicolon.

  2. You must then run the function. To execute a function, write the function name, and semicolons which include the argument which will be

  3. function’s name followed by two parentheses and a semicolon.
