
Page 1: Introduction to PCR

  • Topic: PCR Protocol

  • Instructor: Kelsie Doering (

  • Key Techniques: Molecular Techniques, PCR.

  • Steps mentioned: Get the reagents, Prepare the mix, Set up conditions.

  • Analyze results via gel electrophoresis; address negative results and the relevance of sketching in science.

Page 2: LessonOutline

  1. Molecular Techniques

    • Learning Objectives:

      • Define Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)and explain its relation to RFLP.

      • Assess DNA fingerprinting results for identity determination.

      • Describe the PCR process for amplifying DNA regions.

      • Design forward and reverse primers.

      • Explain dideoxynucleotides (ddNTP) and their use in DNA sequencing.

      • Compare whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES).

      • Examine types of gene therapy including target cells and delivery methods.

  2. Problem Set

    • Chapter references: 5.5, 7.5, 15.3.

Page 3: Genetic Variation Overview

  • Over 98% of human genome is non-coding.

  • Many variations in non-coding regions may not impact phenotype.

  • Utilized historically for gene mapping; known polymorphisms can inform disease gene localization via haplotype analysis.

  • Example: Individual II4 possesses markers 8-3-8 but shows disorder, suggesting the disease-causing gene lies within that haplotype section.

Page 4: Genetic Markers

  • DNA Polymorphisms used to narrow down disease genes; categorized as genetic markers.

  • Types of Genetic Markers:

    1. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)

    2. Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs)

    3. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs)

    • Genetic markers useful in forensics and paternity testing.

Page 5: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP)

  • Definition: Variants in the DNA sequence where one base pair is replaced by another.

  • Predominantly occur in non-coding regions.

  • Human genome contains approximately 3.3 million SNPs identified through sequencing.

Page 6: Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs)

  • Definition: Repetitive DNA segments found in tandem orientation.

  • Variation in repeat count between individuals.

  • Identified through gel electrophoresis.

Page 7: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs)

  • Definition: Variations in DNA sequences recognized by restriction enzymes.

  • Produced DNA fragments can be visualized and analyzed via gel electrophoresis.

Page 8: DNA Fingerprinting

  • Method to identify individuals via unique DNA patterns.

  • Applications: Paternity testing, forensic analysis, genotyping.

  • RFLP Fingerprinting: Differentiates DNA fragments based on cutting sites of restriction enzymes.

  • Tandem Repeat Polymorphism Fingerprinting: Analyzes differences in short tandem repeats among individuals.

    • Example: Variation in number of repeats indicates identity.

Page 9: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

  • Definition: Technique to amplify specific DNA regions in vitro.

  • Developed by Kary Mullis in 1985; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1993).

  • Involves three stages, repeated 25-35 times in a thermal cycler:

    1. Denaturation (96°C): DNA strands separate.

    2. Annealing (50-65°C): Primers attach to the template.

    3. Extension (72°C): DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands.

Page 10: DNA Polymerase in PCR

  • Essential for synthesizing DNA strands in the 5’ to 3’ direction.

  • Commonly used enzyme: Taq polymerase from Thermus aquaticus, withstands denaturation temperatures.

  • Faster alternatives like Phusion polymerase are available.

Page 11: Primers in PCR

  • Short single strands of DNA designed to hybridize to specific regions of interest.

  • Two types: Forward and Reverse; both essential for amplification.

Page 12: Properties of Good Primers

  • Length typically around 20 nucleotides (18-22).

  • Balanced GC/AT content (50% each).

  • Include a 3’ G/C clamp to ensure stability during binding.

  • Should not hybridize to each other.

Page 13: PCR Examples

  • Example sequence for primers illustrated.

  • Emphasis on specific primer design for amplification success.

Page 14: Conducting PCR

  • Components needed in PCR: Template DNA, dNTPs, Forward/Reverse primers, Buffer, Taq polymerase.

  • Process involves running the reaction in a thermal cycler and analyzing products via gel electrophoresis.

Page 15: Gel Electrophoresis Overview

  • Technique for visualizing PCR or cloning outcomes.

  • DNA fragments are separated by size through a gel matrix under an electric current.

  • Agarose gel is the medium; size determines movement through the gel.

Page 16: Loading DNA into Gel

  • DNA is loaded into gel wells; movement towards positive electrode due to DNA's negative charge.

Page 17: Visualizing DNA Fragments

  • Staining methods used to visualize separated DNA bands; common stains: Ethidium bromide (carcinogenic) and SYBR Safe.

  • Importance of including a DNA ladder for size reference.

Page 18: PCR Genotype Analysis Question

  • PCR used to determine genotypes for gene A.

  • Discussion and interpretation of results regarding allele presence in individuals.

Page 19: DNA Sequencing Overview

  • Process of determining nucleotide sequences in DNA.

  • Requires DNA fragmentation, sequencing of pieces, and genome reassembly.

  • Historical context of the Human Genome Project.

Page 20: Sanger Sequencing Technique

  • Developed in 1977 by Fred Sanger; suitable for sequences around 900bp.

  • Requires similar components to PCR with the addition of ddNTPs.

Page 21: Dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs)

  • Definition: Nucleotides preventing further DNA strand extension, leading to chain termination.

Page 22-23: Sanger Sequencing Process

  • Older Sanger method involved multiple tubes for sequencing; each with one ddNTP variant.

  • Explanation of the process from primer annealing to band separation.

Page 24: Sequence Determination Example

  • Given PCR results, deducing the template DNA sequence from the identified new strand.

Page 25: Advanced Sanger Sequencing

  • Modern Sanger sequencing involves simultaneous reactions with labeled ddNTPs.

  • Capillary gel electrophoresis separates fragments for automated sequence reading.

Page 26: Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

  • Common features: Parallel processing, micro scale, fast results, low cost, shorter reads.

Page 27: Whole Genome vs Whole Exome Sequencing

  • WGS sequences entire genome; WES targets only exons.

  • WGS detects coding and noncoding variants; WES focuses only on exons.

Page 28: Gene Therapy Introduction

  • Definition: Using genes to treat or prevent diseases; can involve adding or fixing genes.

Page 29: Types of Gene Therapy

  • Somatic Gene Therapy targets body cells (not inheritable)

  • Germline Gene Therapy targets germ cells (inheritable changes).

Page 30-31: Methods of Gene Delivery

  • In vivo: Direct delivery to cells within the body.

  • Ex vivo: Cells modified outside the body and transplanted back.

Page 32: Gene Replacement Therapy

  • Delivers wild-type genes to defective cells to restore function;

  • Utilizes cloning techniques for gene production.

Page 33: Glybera Case Study

  • Gene therapy for Lipoprotein lipase deficiency; costly single-treatment approach.

Page 34: Gene Editing Overview

  • Techniques: ZFNs, TALENs, CRISPR; CRISPR considered the most advanced and efficient.

Page 35: CRISPR/Cas9 Mechanism

  • CRISPR as a bacterial immune system; modified for genome editing applications.

Page 36: CRISPR Mechanics

  • Double strand break repairs: Non-Homologous End Joining and Homology Directed Repair.

Page 37: CRISPR Components

  • Key components: Guide RNA for target genes and Cas9 for cutting DNA strands.

Page 38: Current CRISPR Applications

  • FDA-approved therapies and ethical considerations surrounding gene editing in embryos.

Page 39: Stem Cells in Gene Therapy

  • Extend treatment possibilities beyond typical in vivo methods; importance of targeting stem cells.

Page 40: Stem Cell Potency

  • Classification of stem cell potency and relevance in genetic therapies.

Page 41: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC)

  • Reprogramming adult cells to pluripotency; implications for overcoming immune response issues.

Page 42: Steps for iPSC and CRISPR Integration

  • Detailed steps for using iPSC in conjunction with CRISPR for targeted therapies.
