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Spanish III Test Review (Stem-changers and Countries/Nationalities)


abrir :: to open

aprender :: to learn

aprobar :: to pass

apuntar :: to note/make a note of

asistir :: to attend

ayudar :: to help

NO cometer errores :: to NOT make errors

responder :: to answer

compartir :: to share

comprender :: to understand

copiar :: to copy

decir :: to say

discutir :: to discuss

divertir :: to have fun

empezar/comenzar :: to start/begin

entregar :: to hand in

escribir :: to write

escuchar :: to listen

estar :: to be (condicional/temporal)

dormir :: to sleep

hablar :: to talk

hacer :: to do/make

llegar :: to arrive

levantar :: to raise

ver/mirar :: to see/watch

ofrecer :: to offer

navegar :: to search

NO olvidar :: to not forget

participar :: to participate

preguntar :: to ask a question

NO perder :: to not lose/miss

practicar :: to practice

NO preocuparse :: to NOT worry

prestar atención :: to pay attention

recordar :: to remember

repasar :: to review

repetir :: to repeat

respetar :: to respect

sacar buenas notas :: to get good grades

salir bien :: to do well

ser :: to be

seguir las instrucciones :: to follow the directions

NO suspender/fracasar :: to not fail

tomar un riesgo :: to take a risk

tener :: to have

traer :: to bring

valorar :: to value

Stem-changing Verbs

In the present tense of Spanish there are 3 types of stem-changing verbs. Stem-changing verbs change in every form EXCEPT the forms nosotros and vosotros.

  1. One of them is e → ie like the verbs PENSAR, QUERER, EMPEZAR, ENTENDER, PREFERIR

    Pensar :: to think

    yo :: pienso nosotros/nosotras :: pensamos

    tú :: pienses

    él/ella/usted :: piense ellos/ellas/ustedes :: piensen

  2. Another one of them is o → ue like the verbs ALMORZAR, DORMIR, PODER

    Dormir :: to sleep

    yo :: duermo nosotros/nosotras :: dormimos

    tú :: duermes

    él/ella/usted :: duerme ellos/ellas/ustedes :: duermen

  3. The other one is e → i like the verbs PEDIR, SERVIR, REPETIR

    Pedir :: to ask for

    yo :: pido nosotros/nosotras :: pedimos

    tú :: pides

    él/ella/usted :: pide ellos/ellas/ustedes :: piden

  4. Lastly you have one other which is u → ue which ONLY happens with the verb JUGAR

Jugar :: to play

yo :: juego nosotros/nosotras :: jugamos

tú :: juegas

él/ella/usted :: juega ellos/ellas/ustedes :: juegan

Los países de sudamérica con sus capitales y nacionalidad

  1. Venezuela

    • Caracas

    • venezolano/a

  2. Columbia

    • Bogotá

    • colombiano/a

  3. Ecuador

    • Quito

    • ecuatoriano/a

  4. Perú

    • Lima

    • peruano/a

  5. Bolivia

    • La Paz

    • boliviano/a

  6. Chile

    • Santiago

    • chileno/a

  7. Argentina

    • Buenos Aires

    • argentino/a

  8. Paraguay

    • Asunción

    • paraguayo/a

  9. Uruguay

    • Montevideo

    • uruguayo/a

  10. Brasil

    • Brasília

    • brasileño/a

Spanish III Test Review (Stem-changers and Countries/Nationalities)


abrir :: to open

aprender :: to learn

aprobar :: to pass

apuntar :: to note/make a note of

asistir :: to attend

ayudar :: to help

NO cometer errores :: to NOT make errors

responder :: to answer

compartir :: to share

comprender :: to understand

copiar :: to copy

decir :: to say

discutir :: to discuss

divertir :: to have fun

empezar/comenzar :: to start/begin

entregar :: to hand in

escribir :: to write

escuchar :: to listen

estar :: to be (condicional/temporal)

dormir :: to sleep

hablar :: to talk

hacer :: to do/make

llegar :: to arrive

levantar :: to raise

ver/mirar :: to see/watch

ofrecer :: to offer

navegar :: to search

NO olvidar :: to not forget

participar :: to participate

preguntar :: to ask a question

NO perder :: to not lose/miss

practicar :: to practice

NO preocuparse :: to NOT worry

prestar atención :: to pay attention

recordar :: to remember

repasar :: to review

repetir :: to repeat

respetar :: to respect

sacar buenas notas :: to get good grades

salir bien :: to do well

ser :: to be

seguir las instrucciones :: to follow the directions

NO suspender/fracasar :: to not fail

tomar un riesgo :: to take a risk

tener :: to have

traer :: to bring

valorar :: to value

Stem-changing Verbs

In the present tense of Spanish there are 3 types of stem-changing verbs. Stem-changing verbs change in every form EXCEPT the forms nosotros and vosotros.

  1. One of them is e → ie like the verbs PENSAR, QUERER, EMPEZAR, ENTENDER, PREFERIR

    Pensar :: to think

    yo :: pienso nosotros/nosotras :: pensamos

    tú :: pienses

    él/ella/usted :: piense ellos/ellas/ustedes :: piensen

  2. Another one of them is o → ue like the verbs ALMORZAR, DORMIR, PODER

    Dormir :: to sleep

    yo :: duermo nosotros/nosotras :: dormimos

    tú :: duermes

    él/ella/usted :: duerme ellos/ellas/ustedes :: duermen

  3. The other one is e → i like the verbs PEDIR, SERVIR, REPETIR

    Pedir :: to ask for

    yo :: pido nosotros/nosotras :: pedimos

    tú :: pides

    él/ella/usted :: pide ellos/ellas/ustedes :: piden

  4. Lastly you have one other which is u → ue which ONLY happens with the verb JUGAR

Jugar :: to play

yo :: juego nosotros/nosotras :: jugamos

tú :: juegas

él/ella/usted :: juega ellos/ellas/ustedes :: juegan

Los países de sudamérica con sus capitales y nacionalidad

  1. Venezuela

    • Caracas

    • venezolano/a

  2. Columbia

    • Bogotá

    • colombiano/a

  3. Ecuador

    • Quito

    • ecuatoriano/a

  4. Perú

    • Lima

    • peruano/a

  5. Bolivia

    • La Paz

    • boliviano/a

  6. Chile

    • Santiago

    • chileno/a

  7. Argentina

    • Buenos Aires

    • argentino/a

  8. Paraguay

    • Asunción

    • paraguayo/a

  9. Uruguay

    • Montevideo

    • uruguayo/a

  10. Brasil

    • Brasília

    • brasileño/a