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Weapons of Mass Destruction


Nuclear Weapons - weapons that cause immediate destruction of all life and structures within range. Radioactive ‘fallout’ has long-term effects

Biological warfare - uses living pathogens to bring death or severe illness to people

Chemical warfare - uses non-living toxins like mustard gas to cause incapacity, illness or death to people

Radiological weapons - weapons that use conventional explosives to create bombs that disperse radioactive materials. They contaminate the area and kill people.

Nuclear deterrence - stop others from attacking countries by threatening them with nuclear weapons

The catholic church thinks that Nuclear deterrence is dangerous and that nuclear weapons should be banned.

unilateral - one-sided, multilateral - multiple-sided

contrasting views

  • one view is that weapons of mass destruction should be banned as they are so destructive, this view is held by the Roman Catholic church but they recognise that some countries will have nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

  • a second view which is held by the quakers, is that they should not be used or held because possessing weapons inevitably leads to violence. Quakers are pacifist and they are indiscriminate.




Nuclear deterrence can work - no nuclear weapons have been used since WW2

against just war theory - Indiscriminate

End wars quickly

Long term effects: earth, buildings

Reduce number of countries involved in war

accidents could happen - if they get in the wrong hands like terrorists

Source of defense and strength, keeps the peace

against just war theory - not proportionate

can’t ‘disinvented', they already exist

Hugely expensive

disarmament could be the way forward, but it will take a long time

Mass destruction


Weapons of Mass Destruction


Nuclear Weapons - weapons that cause immediate destruction of all life and structures within range. Radioactive ‘fallout’ has long-term effects

Biological warfare - uses living pathogens to bring death or severe illness to people

Chemical warfare - uses non-living toxins like mustard gas to cause incapacity, illness or death to people

Radiological weapons - weapons that use conventional explosives to create bombs that disperse radioactive materials. They contaminate the area and kill people.

Nuclear deterrence - stop others from attacking countries by threatening them with nuclear weapons

The catholic church thinks that Nuclear deterrence is dangerous and that nuclear weapons should be banned.

unilateral - one-sided, multilateral - multiple-sided

contrasting views

  • one view is that weapons of mass destruction should be banned as they are so destructive, this view is held by the Roman Catholic church but they recognise that some countries will have nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

  • a second view which is held by the quakers, is that they should not be used or held because possessing weapons inevitably leads to violence. Quakers are pacifist and they are indiscriminate.




Nuclear deterrence can work - no nuclear weapons have been used since WW2

against just war theory - Indiscriminate

End wars quickly

Long term effects: earth, buildings

Reduce number of countries involved in war

accidents could happen - if they get in the wrong hands like terrorists

Source of defense and strength, keeps the peace

against just war theory - not proportionate

can’t ‘disinvented', they already exist

Hugely expensive

disarmament could be the way forward, but it will take a long time

Mass destruction