Solar Radiation
Not all incoming solar radiation reaches earth’s surface
26% reflected back into space by clouds & atm.
19% absorbed by atm. & clouds & radiated out into space & down to earth
The rest reaches earth’s surface where it can be absorbed or reflected (depending on the albedo of the surface it strikes)
Darker, lower albedo surfaces absorb sunlight & release infrared radiation (which we feel as warmth)
Lighter, higher albedo surfaces reflect sunlight, directly back out into space, or into clouds/GHGs that absorb it
Greenhouse effect
Gases in earth’s atmosphere trap heat from the sun & radiate it back down to earth
Without it, earth would be too cold
How it works:
Solar radiation (light waves like UV & visible light) strike earth’s surface, heating it
Earth’s surface releases infrared radiation
GHGs absorb infrared radiation & radidate it both out into space and back towards earth
Portion coming back to earth is the “greenhouse effect”
Greenhouse Gases & Sources
Most important Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) are:
CO2 - FF comb, decompostion, deforestation
Methane (CH4) - natural gas extraction & combustion, animal agriculture, anaerobic decomp. (especially permafrost thaw)
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) - agricultural soils (denitrification of nitrate, especially in overwatered, over fertilized soils)
CFCs/HCFCs/HFCs - refrigerants, blowing agents in aerosol products
*Water vapor (H2O) - evaporation & transpiration from plants
*Technically a GHG by definition, but doesn’t drive atm. Temp change (other way around - temp. Controls atm. H2O vapor level)
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Measure of how much a given molecule of gas can contribute to the warming of the atmosphere over a 100 year period, relative to CO2
Based on 2 factors:
1) Residence time: how long molecules stay in the atmosphere
2) Infrared absorption: how well the gas absorbs & radiates infrared radiation (IR)
CO2 has a GWP of 1 (all other gases are measured in relation to CO2)
Methane (CH4) remains in atm. Around 12 years, absorbs more IR than CO2
N2O remains in atm. Around 115 years, absorbs much more IR than CO2
CFCs remain in atm 50-500 years, absorb much, much, much more IR than CO2