Bladder irrigation, turp, acute renal failure, nursing management ( WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR OR NOT)
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ATI books and questions
Functions of the kidney: Ecretion of waste from the blood, formation of urine, regulation of fluid and electrolytes, regulation of acid and base balance, secretion of erythropoietin, productions of urine, Vitamine D, production bradykinin prostagladin
Anything less than
1,000 to 2,000 diaresing
Greater number is alarming
Acute kidney injury. polycystic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, benign protatic hypertrophy
Stages of acute kidney injuery
Prereneal, intrinsic renal, prosternal
Intrinsic renal getting hit right away
Postrenal: there a blockage already
4 Phases of AKI:
oliguric: Less than 40 mL
diuretic: when the healing process to occur if its able to, starts to excrete more than 2,000 ml. Keeps being leading to dehydration then goes to hypotension
Will need replacement therapy in this stage
recovery: Renal functions and tubular edema resolve and able to take PO to health
Monitor I/O and is there rentiional going on
Antibitoics, NSAIDS are nephrotoxic so you have to titrate ( have it in lower dose)
CT contrast causes damage to the nephrons
Treatment plan for AKI for difference stages ( FOCUS)
Correct hemodynamic rehab
Focus on loop diuretic, fluids to use, diuretics
Insulin is given due to hyper or hypoglycemia action
Electroyltes replacement when all the electrtroyles
Treatment of AKI: Monitor the electyoltes, checks BUN and creatinine level, vital signs but extra attention BP during diuresis phase, daily weight ( same clithign and same beddings), high calorie, low protein, low potassium, low sodium
TURP is surgery to treat urinary bloacke due to enlarge prostate, remove excessive prostate tissue blocking the urine flow
Bladder Catheter Irrigation: Prevent the formation of new organized clot
Irrigation of NS into a 3 way catheter. accurate I/O, Volume instilled into bladder, hourly output must be greater or equal to input
Blood should be light rosey pink, watch the bag closely so it deosn’t dry out,
Drink lot of water, everything has to be in moderation, not lifting anything heavy post surgical, erectile dysfunction, fresh blood is not normlaso reach out
Difficulty peeing with small amount and complains about abdominal fullness
PMH: Benign prostatic hypertrophy and patient with diabetes usual have urinary disorder
Question to ask:
Is there blood in the urine and the characteristics
BP 148/74, HR 106, RR 24, anxiety, tachypnea, racing in the chest, S1, S2 irregular, hypoactive sounds in lower quadrants, GU feeling of fullness
Bladder scan, indwelling catheter
Orders: CBC, CMP. UA, PIV insertion, bladder scan, strict I/O, indwelling catheter insertion, continuous cardiac monitoring
We will now catherization and strict I/O
Need a coude catheterization, sterile technique, need a nephrologist insertion
When there is a prostate problem call the nephrogsit ( at night)
Increase BUN (6-20) and creatinine (0.74 - 1.35) which is unable to exrete
BUN and creatine go hand in hand whihc is leading to kidney damage
This is the hallmarker for AKI
Potassium cant be excreted causing cardiac arrhythmias leading to toxicity in the heart
With EKG will have shortening
PVC are cause by increase in potassium
24 hours urine collection
At risk for post type renal kidney injury
Has history of BPH, HTN, DM
TURP is surgery to treat urinary bloacke due to enlarge prostate, remove excessive prostate tissue blocking the urine flow
Post op: Continous bladder irrigation, strict I/O, repeat CBC, CMP, cardai monitoring, vital signs, NS, PRN narco
Check patient for vital signs with pain, check characteristics of blood in catheter, bladder spasm can happen after TURP
Elderly patient have a foley catheter in leading