The Crusades Unit 6 Topic 2

The Crusades

  • Series of wars (1096 - 1291) between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy Land

  • Muslim Turks were fighting the Byzantine Empire 

    • The Byzantine Emperor asks Pope Urban II for help

  • Holy Land

    • Jerusalem

    • Israel 

Council of Clermont - 1095

  • Granted a plenary indulgence to those who fought to help the Christian Byzantine Empire

  • Sending knights overseas would stop the fighting in Europe between Christian kings

Crusader States

  • 1099 - Captured Jerusalem

    • Most Crusaders returned home

  • Divided captured Muslim lands into 7 kingdoms/dominions

    • Led by crusaders left behind

  • Muslims would try to take back the lost land, prompting new crusades

  • Outremer

    • Overseas 

Fall of Jerusalem

  • 1187 - Jerusalem captured by Muslim forces under Saladin

  • 3rd crusade failed to retake the city

    • Saladin allowed pilgrims access to the Holy Land

  • 1209 - crusaders forces sack Constantinople on the way to the Holy Land

    • This causes further division between Catholics and Orthodox

  • 1291 - Kingdom of Acre falls to Muslim forces

    • Last crusader kingdom

Effects of the Crusades

  •  Religious tension - Both Christian and Muslim forces had committed atrocities; Anger sometimes directed at Jews

  • Increased trade

    • More trade with the Middle East

    • Ships used to carry crusades became merchant vessels 

  • Papal authority increased
