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Social Studies Part 2

Social Studies Part 2

1. Wisdom is right view and right thought.

2. Morality is right speech, right action, livelihood

3. Meditation is the right effort, mindfulness, concentration

4.  The symptom is life and dissatisfaction

5. The cause is dissatisfaction is a result of clinging and craving

6.  The diagnosis is dissatisfaction can be chided

7.  The prescription is the way to end dissatisfaction to follow the old path

8.Five reasons the Mongol empire was good for China were improved roads and postal system, building a new capital near modern Bejing, Mongol soldiers keeping the peace, welcoming foreign traders at Chinese Ports, kept sea trade between China, India, and Asia safe.

9.  Reasons Mongol Empire was not good for China, made the Chinese pay heavy taxes, prohibited Confucian scholars from gaining too much power, were insensitive to Chinese cultural values, the Mongols killed and destroyed, destroyed the irrigation system in central Asia.

10. Empress Wuu was intelligent and talented and her methods were vicious, she chose advisors based on their abilities, she was unpopular because she kept power for herself and she was stern and threatened those who judged her rule.

11. The grand canal contributed to China's trade because it carries a huge amount of trade goods and farm products and allowed the Chinese to move goods and crops from distant agriculture areas, making marine trade possible and safe and booted economies.

12.  The Song and later governments emphasized neo-Confucianism by being influential and had official government teaching after the Song.  It also eliminated problems in the government.

13. Isolationism was good thing for China because it allowed everyone to be in China to help to or defend when invaders came and provided protection to the Great Wall.

14. Isolationism is a bad thing because they couldn't trade and had a lack of progress and a ruined booming trade.

15. The age of Budiasim brought major change to China by influencing Chinese Culture and is one of the largest religions and ends suffering and helps people follow their path.  

16. The Chinese were attracted to Buddiasiam because it helped them find their way during the period of disunion.

17. The parts of Buddhism of Chinese culture that Buddhism influenced are art, architecture, literature.

Social Studies Part 2

Social Studies Part 2

1. Wisdom is right view and right thought.

2. Morality is right speech, right action, livelihood

3. Meditation is the right effort, mindfulness, concentration

4.  The symptom is life and dissatisfaction

5. The cause is dissatisfaction is a result of clinging and craving

6.  The diagnosis is dissatisfaction can be chided

7.  The prescription is the way to end dissatisfaction to follow the old path

8.Five reasons the Mongol empire was good for China were improved roads and postal system, building a new capital near modern Bejing, Mongol soldiers keeping the peace, welcoming foreign traders at Chinese Ports, kept sea trade between China, India, and Asia safe.

9.  Reasons Mongol Empire was not good for China, made the Chinese pay heavy taxes, prohibited Confucian scholars from gaining too much power, were insensitive to Chinese cultural values, the Mongols killed and destroyed, destroyed the irrigation system in central Asia.

10. Empress Wuu was intelligent and talented and her methods were vicious, she chose advisors based on their abilities, she was unpopular because she kept power for herself and she was stern and threatened those who judged her rule.

11. The grand canal contributed to China's trade because it carries a huge amount of trade goods and farm products and allowed the Chinese to move goods and crops from distant agriculture areas, making marine trade possible and safe and booted economies.

12.  The Song and later governments emphasized neo-Confucianism by being influential and had official government teaching after the Song.  It also eliminated problems in the government.

13. Isolationism was good thing for China because it allowed everyone to be in China to help to or defend when invaders came and provided protection to the Great Wall.

14. Isolationism is a bad thing because they couldn't trade and had a lack of progress and a ruined booming trade.

15. The age of Budiasim brought major change to China by influencing Chinese Culture and is one of the largest religions and ends suffering and helps people follow their path.  

16. The Chinese were attracted to Buddiasiam because it helped them find their way during the period of disunion.

17. The parts of Buddhism of Chinese culture that Buddhism influenced are art, architecture, literature.