To filter out the PowerShellISE process in a script, use the Get-Process
cmdlet combined with the Where-Object
cmdlet to select processes where the process name is not equal to PowerShellISE.
Example code:
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -ne "PowerShell_ISE"} | Sort-Object -Property PM -Descending
The $_
is a special variable that represents the current object in the pipeline.
After filtering the processes, the next step is to select the top 10 processes based on their memory property (PM). This can be accomplished by appending the Select-Object
cmdlet to your current command.
Example code:
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -ne "PowerShell_ISE"} | Sort-Object -Property PM -Descending | Select-Object -First 10
This will create a report of the ten processes using the most physical memory.
The Format-Table
cmdlet is crucial for controlling how output properties are displayed. By using the Property
parameter, specific properties can be chosen and displayed in a controlled format.
Example code:
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -ne "PowerShell_ISE"} | Sort-Object -Property PM -Descending | Select-Object -First 10 | Format-Table -Property ProcessName, @{Label="PM (MB)"; Expression={$_.PM / 1MB}}
This converts the memory values from bytes to megabytes, enhancing readability.
When building scripts in PowerShell, encountering errors is common. Here are some tips to troubleshoot effectively:
Clear typing enhances readability and helps avoid character misinterpretation. Following conventions such as capitalizing the first letter of each word and ensuring consistent spacings between cmdlets and parameters improves script clarity.
For instance, instead of writing getprocess
, use Get-Process
PowerShell will indicate parsing errors by displaying red text. Understanding the error messages can help identify the problem's location and nature. For example, if the output shows a part of the command underlined, it indicates a typo or syntax error.
Enabling script level tracing allows for monitoring commands as they are executed. This can be set using the Set-PSDebug
cmdlet with varied levels of output:
0 turns off tracing
1 traces each command without variable assignments
2 traces each command including variable assignments
When writing shell scripts on CentOS, begin by opening a text editor and ensuring the script begins with a header line indicating the shell type (e.g., #!/bin/bash
). Store executable permissions with the chmod
To pass parameters to scripts, use placeholders like $0
, $1
, etc. Example usage when copying files:
cp /path/to/source $1 /path/to/destination $2
Utilize conditional structures like if
, while
, and for
to control the flow of execution within scripts.
If statement:
if [ condition ]; then
# commands
While loop:
while [ condition ]; do
# commands
For loop:
for i in {1..10}; do
# commands
PowerShell ISE provides a conducive environment for script writing and testing. Functions like Where-Object
, Select-Object
, Sort-Object
, and Format-Table
are essential for data handling.
Scripting practices in both PowerShell and CentOS lead to effective automation of tasks, while also emphasizing the importance of debugging and clear syntax to enhance functionality and reduce errors.