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Week 6 Physical Development - ch 3 p 110- 125

What is infancy? (0-2)

  • period between birth and the development of language (appx. 2 years)

Physical growth of the body - infancy

  • marked by rapid growth rate

    • First 2 years rate of change is fast

    • slows down as we get older until it suddenly fluctuates during puberty

  • We’re looking at rapid brain growth during infancy period


  • Point that sexual maturity is reached and capable of reproduction

    • Marked by enlargement of sexual organs

    • development of secondary sexual characteristics

  • Genetic formula that is followed at middle teenage years

  • Subject to environmental things

    • Found by secular trend in sexual maturation

      • Chart demonstrated

        • 150 years ago median age to hit puberty - 17

        • has declined overtime to ages 12-13

        • happens earlier in western cultures

  • Reasons?

    • Industrialized places have eliminated genetic variances

    • chemicals in industrialized products, growth hormones, pollutants.

  • Pattern in low SES children developing earlier than others in US (7-8 yrs)

    • Issues: cognitive abilities for reasoning (engage in drugs, sexual activity)

  • Opposite things for males

    • Late puberty for males → less popular, attractive

  • Stress, food, nutrition can cause puberty to happen earlier → War examples

Brain development

Ontogeny recapitulated phylogeny

  • We as humans are related to other mammals → highlighted by the embryonic period

  • development of individual is repeating the evolutionary changes that exists

→ Brain changes and becomes more “bumpy”, 27 weeks → 38 weeks

What happens during this period of change?

  • period of the embryo

    • Neural tube becomes spinal cord

    • vertebrae armour around the tube to protect it

  • At 13 days post implantation

    • inner layer creates membrane ‘straw”, → Neural tube

    • critical around 14 day period

      • If not developed can create birth defects or issues in development

    • All important for typical brain development to occur

  • Failure of the neural tube to close causes (by day 30):

    • Top (develops into the brain) - condition called anecephalitis, failure of breathing

    • bottom (developes into the back, tail) - spinabifida

      • can vary in effects

      • Depending on where the closure doesnt happen, may be paralysis on bottom half of body

Stages of brain development

  • Neuron production (completed by 18 weeks post implantation)

  • Terminally differentiated → cell division that created that cell will not divide, reproduce again

    • Explains the problems of brain damage

    • Cant grow the neurons back

  • Speed of neuron proliferation is fast

    • avg 100 billion neurons created during this period

    • all in place by 4 months

Neuron migration → movement of the neurons

  • Moving to places they have to get, Can happen;

  • Passively

    • Neurons dont move, but are pushed by other neurons

    • This type of migration is evolutionarily an old process

    • As new neurons are born, they push older neurons

  • Actively

    • active in their movement, happens in cortical areas

    • born in the middle and somehow have to make their way to the top

Movement possibly happens with glial cells

  • Help facilitate action potential

  • Tidy up after neurons

Stages of brain development


  • creation of connections between neurons

  • Happens around 5th week

Amount of synapse development between 0-15 months is remarkable as it keeps growing

  • Babies have more synapses than us because there is more being created

Stages of brain development

Differentiation and specialization

synapse death and operating on Hebb’s rule

  • environment plats most relevant role in the process

  • Peak of synaptogenesis happens 8 months post natal

    • Noting the decline and levelling off on the chart

    • Why?

      • When you open your eyes, visual experience creates this spike

      • it then starts pruning excess branches created prior to 8 month period, that are not connected to important things

      • improving in visual acuity from elimination of excess branches

Week 6 Physical Development - ch 3 p 110- 125

What is infancy? (0-2)

  • period between birth and the development of language (appx. 2 years)

Physical growth of the body - infancy

  • marked by rapid growth rate

    • First 2 years rate of change is fast

    • slows down as we get older until it suddenly fluctuates during puberty

  • We’re looking at rapid brain growth during infancy period


  • Point that sexual maturity is reached and capable of reproduction

    • Marked by enlargement of sexual organs

    • development of secondary sexual characteristics

  • Genetic formula that is followed at middle teenage years

  • Subject to environmental things

    • Found by secular trend in sexual maturation

      • Chart demonstrated

        • 150 years ago median age to hit puberty - 17

        • has declined overtime to ages 12-13

        • happens earlier in western cultures

  • Reasons?

    • Industrialized places have eliminated genetic variances

    • chemicals in industrialized products, growth hormones, pollutants.

  • Pattern in low SES children developing earlier than others in US (7-8 yrs)

    • Issues: cognitive abilities for reasoning (engage in drugs, sexual activity)

  • Opposite things for males

    • Late puberty for males → less popular, attractive

  • Stress, food, nutrition can cause puberty to happen earlier → War examples

Brain development

Ontogeny recapitulated phylogeny

  • We as humans are related to other mammals → highlighted by the embryonic period

  • development of individual is repeating the evolutionary changes that exists

→ Brain changes and becomes more “bumpy”, 27 weeks → 38 weeks

What happens during this period of change?

  • period of the embryo

    • Neural tube becomes spinal cord

    • vertebrae armour around the tube to protect it

  • At 13 days post implantation

    • inner layer creates membrane ‘straw”, → Neural tube

    • critical around 14 day period

      • If not developed can create birth defects or issues in development

    • All important for typical brain development to occur

  • Failure of the neural tube to close causes (by day 30):

    • Top (develops into the brain) - condition called anecephalitis, failure of breathing

    • bottom (developes into the back, tail) - spinabifida

      • can vary in effects

      • Depending on where the closure doesnt happen, may be paralysis on bottom half of body

Stages of brain development

  • Neuron production (completed by 18 weeks post implantation)

  • Terminally differentiated → cell division that created that cell will not divide, reproduce again

    • Explains the problems of brain damage

    • Cant grow the neurons back

  • Speed of neuron proliferation is fast

    • avg 100 billion neurons created during this period

    • all in place by 4 months

Neuron migration → movement of the neurons

  • Moving to places they have to get, Can happen;

  • Passively

    • Neurons dont move, but are pushed by other neurons

    • This type of migration is evolutionarily an old process

    • As new neurons are born, they push older neurons

  • Actively

    • active in their movement, happens in cortical areas

    • born in the middle and somehow have to make their way to the top

Movement possibly happens with glial cells

  • Help facilitate action potential

  • Tidy up after neurons

Stages of brain development


  • creation of connections between neurons

  • Happens around 5th week

Amount of synapse development between 0-15 months is remarkable as it keeps growing

  • Babies have more synapses than us because there is more being created

Stages of brain development

Differentiation and specialization

synapse death and operating on Hebb’s rule

  • environment plats most relevant role in the process

  • Peak of synaptogenesis happens 8 months post natal

    • Noting the decline and levelling off on the chart

    • Why?

      • When you open your eyes, visual experience creates this spike

      • it then starts pruning excess branches created prior to 8 month period, that are not connected to important things

      • improving in visual acuity from elimination of excess branches
