Dr. Derrick Moot - Professor of Plant Science
Research Focus: Agronomy and Grazing Management of Lucerne
Study Overview: Dry matter yield and botanical composition of the ‘MaxClover’ grazing experiment at Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand
Timeline: Photo diary from 2002/03 to 2010/11
Research Team: DJ Moot, A Mills, RJ Lucas, KM Pollock, M Smith
Funded by: Lincoln University’s DryLAND Pastures Research Team
Pasture Types Studied: Lucerne, with various companion pastures (RG/Wc, CF/Sub, CF/Balansa, CF/Cc, CF/Wc)
Yield Trends (t DM/ha/y):
RG/Wc caught from 10.5 to 6.6 t after Year 9
Lucerne generated yields over 17 t/ha during 3 years, average 12.9 t/ha in Year 9
CF/Sub fell from 12 t/ha to 8.7 t/ha in Year 9
Other variants (CF/Wc, CF/Cc, CF/Bal) often yielded less than CF/Sub
Figure 1 Summary: Reports significant variations in DM yields across years and pasture types.
Cocksfoot Pastures: lost sown components at approximately 3% per annum
Perennial Ryegrass/White Clover Pasture: lost RG+Wc components at about 10% per annum
Unsown species contributed <5% in Year 1, increasing to over 45% by Year 6
Includes annual grasses and taprooted dicot weeds
Water Use Efficiency (WUE):
Lucerne = 28 kg DM/ha/mm
Grass only = 20 kg DM/ha/mm
Autumn Spraying: Critical timings using glyphosate and other products help conserve soil moisture and eliminate competitors.
Grazing Recommendations: Optimal grazing practices include avoiding set stocking of lucerne to maintain quality forage.
Lime Application: 3-5 tons/ha advised;
Fertilizer Requires: 250-500 kg/ha, balancing nutrient uptake during growth.
Soil Health Outcomes: Notable pH and nutrient level improvements between 2008 and 2010.
Listed cultivars provide varying resistance to pests (Blue-green aphid, Pea aphid) and diseases.
Key identifiers include dormancy and resistance numbers (e.g., I = Immune, HR = Highly resistant).
Rotation Patterns: Include periods of resting and grazing to optimize forage utilization and maintain pasture health.
Yield Metrics: Recorded metrics indicate pastures achieved significant dry matter yields over designated periods.
Bonaveree Case Study: Illustrates the financial and production changes over the last decade, highlighting lucerne's value in a farming system.
Environmental Implications: Strategies aimed to develop resilient farming approaches addressing economic, environmental, and social dimensions.
Key Findings: Emphasized the importance of nitrogen from legumes (e.g. lucerne) to improve water use efficiency.
Future Directions: Addressing the gap between meat demand and supply projected over the next decade.