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1984 - Introduction Notes

1984 - Introduction Notes


  • George Orwell 

    • Born Eric Blair - India, 1903

    • Dystopian novel that describes the overbearing control of the government 

      • The paranoia that “Big Brother is Always Watching”

    • Only son of British civil servant 

    • 1911 formal education began 

    • Eventually won a scholarship to Eton 

    • Began to recognize the difference between his own background and the wealthy lives of his classmates 

    • After graduating - Indian Imperial Police in Burma

    • Feeling guilty over class privilege - resigned his position 

    • Changed name to Orwell 

    • By 1936 - lucrative writing career

    • Published 1994 in 1949

    • Died unexpectedly of tubercular hemorrhage in 1950 

    • 1984 introduces characters such as Winston Smith, Julia, O’Brien, and Goldstein

    • These characters symbolise the different attitudes towards the authority of the government and their response

      • Winston wants to actively rebel against the solitary conformity o becoming less individualistic in society

        • Craves for more meaningful, human interaction 

      • Julia desires for love and affection, but does not necessarily want to rebel against the government 

      • O’Brien seems to be quite similar to Winston in the fact that he wants to rebel against the government

        • Potentially part of an organization that is against the Party’s ideals 

        • The organization, the Brotherhood, is kept under close wraps to the point where it is seen as a rumor

      • Goldstein openly opposes the Party, and is hated on during the two minute hate

  • Three superstates

    • Oceania

    • Eurasia

    • Eastasia 

  • The Novel - setting 

  • Near future - A World of Contradictions 

  • Why is Time important to the beginning of the novel?

    • Spring 

    • Diary Entry

    • Clock

  • Airstrip One - how is it described?

  • How is the government organized?

  • Ruled by The Party - led by a figure called “Big Brother”

  • The Inner Party (2% of pop.) control the country 

  • O’Brien - representation of inner party 

  • The other Party (13% of the pop.) are controlled by the Inner Party 

    • Anyone working at the Ministry of Truth 

  • The Proles (85% of pop.) are the labor power who live in poverty 

    • Not intentionally controlled by Big Brother 

    • Big Brother controls their lives about the goods and day-to-day things

    • Not afraid of Big Brother/ not as brainwashed as the Outer Party 

    • They do not live in the city 

  • The Brotherhood is an underground rebellion organization lead by Emmanuel Goldstein

    • Jewish

  • Two Party objectives

    • Whole-world domination

    • Eliminate independent thought

  • Big Brother 

    • Four Main Agencies of the Government (4)

    • Ministry of Truth (minitrue) - history is altered to suit the present - day conditions 

      • Responsible for information (news, entertainment, and the fine arts)

    •  Ministry of Peace (minipax)

      • War 

    • Ministry of Love (minilove)

      • To enforce the law 

      • Law and order 

      • Utilize fear to instill the law and order 

      • Torture and vaporized

    • Ministry of Plenty (miniplenty)

      • Economic affairs 

      • Give them false information 

    • Maintains status quo of brainwashing 

    • The Party Slogans 

      • What are they? How is each paradoxical in nature?

      • Freedom is slavery - the man who is independent is doomed to fail

      • Ignorance is strength - the inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime

      • War is Peace - having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united

1984 - Introduction Notes

1984 - Introduction Notes


  • George Orwell 

    • Born Eric Blair - India, 1903

    • Dystopian novel that describes the overbearing control of the government 

      • The paranoia that “Big Brother is Always Watching”

    • Only son of British civil servant 

    • 1911 formal education began 

    • Eventually won a scholarship to Eton 

    • Began to recognize the difference between his own background and the wealthy lives of his classmates 

    • After graduating - Indian Imperial Police in Burma

    • Feeling guilty over class privilege - resigned his position 

    • Changed name to Orwell 

    • By 1936 - lucrative writing career

    • Published 1994 in 1949

    • Died unexpectedly of tubercular hemorrhage in 1950 

    • 1984 introduces characters such as Winston Smith, Julia, O’Brien, and Goldstein

    • These characters symbolise the different attitudes towards the authority of the government and their response

      • Winston wants to actively rebel against the solitary conformity o becoming less individualistic in society

        • Craves for more meaningful, human interaction 

      • Julia desires for love and affection, but does not necessarily want to rebel against the government 

      • O’Brien seems to be quite similar to Winston in the fact that he wants to rebel against the government

        • Potentially part of an organization that is against the Party’s ideals 

        • The organization, the Brotherhood, is kept under close wraps to the point where it is seen as a rumor

      • Goldstein openly opposes the Party, and is hated on during the two minute hate

  • Three superstates

    • Oceania

    • Eurasia

    • Eastasia 

  • The Novel - setting 

  • Near future - A World of Contradictions 

  • Why is Time important to the beginning of the novel?

    • Spring 

    • Diary Entry

    • Clock

  • Airstrip One - how is it described?

  • How is the government organized?

  • Ruled by The Party - led by a figure called “Big Brother”

  • The Inner Party (2% of pop.) control the country 

  • O’Brien - representation of inner party 

  • The other Party (13% of the pop.) are controlled by the Inner Party 

    • Anyone working at the Ministry of Truth 

  • The Proles (85% of pop.) are the labor power who live in poverty 

    • Not intentionally controlled by Big Brother 

    • Big Brother controls their lives about the goods and day-to-day things

    • Not afraid of Big Brother/ not as brainwashed as the Outer Party 

    • They do not live in the city 

  • The Brotherhood is an underground rebellion organization lead by Emmanuel Goldstein

    • Jewish

  • Two Party objectives

    • Whole-world domination

    • Eliminate independent thought

  • Big Brother 

    • Four Main Agencies of the Government (4)

    • Ministry of Truth (minitrue) - history is altered to suit the present - day conditions 

      • Responsible for information (news, entertainment, and the fine arts)

    •  Ministry of Peace (minipax)

      • War 

    • Ministry of Love (minilove)

      • To enforce the law 

      • Law and order 

      • Utilize fear to instill the law and order 

      • Torture and vaporized

    • Ministry of Plenty (miniplenty)

      • Economic affairs 

      • Give them false information 

    • Maintains status quo of brainwashing 

    • The Party Slogans 

      • What are they? How is each paradoxical in nature?

      • Freedom is slavery - the man who is independent is doomed to fail

      • Ignorance is strength - the inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime

      • War is Peace - having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united