gon: in general, "competition"; specifically, the debate in a drama.
anagnorisis: recognition on the part of the hero; the change from ignorance to knowledge
ate: a divine temptation or punishment sent by the gods in response to hubris; causes mortals to act irrationally and in self-destructive manner.
catharsis: purification to fight off miasma – craved by all; achieved by performing a ritual. Also, purgation of pathos.
hamartia: a tragic but sometimes desirable personality characteristic or course of action that, due to unforeseen circumstances, results in tragic consequences. AKA tragic flaw
hubris: the arrogance that results from too much self-satisfaction and leads to the shaming of lesser people
miasma: pollution (sin) of a mortal – feared by all.
moira: unavoidable relationship between a crime and its punishment; stronger that the gods; can be individual, familial, or societal.
tragic hero: character, usually of high birth, neither totally good nor evil, whose downfall is brought on by a tragic flaw; learns wisdom and to accept limitations of being human.
Peripeteia: sudden reversal of fortune