Complete Bipartite Graph: a graph that has its vertex set partitioned into two subsets of m and n vertices, respectively with an edge between two vertices if and only if one vertex is in the first subset and the other vertex is in the second subset.
Subgraph - Graph G’(V’, E’) is a subgraph of G(V, E) if E’ is a subset of E and V’ is a subset of V, with each edge having the same end vertices as it does in G
A walk in the graph G:(V, E) is a finite seg of form v1, e_1, v_2, e_2, v_3, ... , e_k, v_k. The sequence alternates between vertices and edges, starting and ending with a vertex.
Length of a walk = total number of edges in a walk that bring the initial vertex to the terminal vertex
v1 is the initial vertex of the walk, vk is the terminal vertex of the walk
Walk is said to be closed if terminal vertex = initial vertex
A trail is a walk with no repeated edges
A path is a walk with no repeted vertices and edges with exception of initial and end vertex
Theorem: A graph is circuitless when there are no loops and there is at most one path between any two given vertices
A walk starting at vertex u and ending at vertex v is called a u-v walk
In a circuitless graph, this implies that the distance between any two connected vertices is uniquely defined, which is a crucial property for tree structures.