Unique marine green algae nicknamed "mermaid's wine glasses"
Found in subtropical seas
Exceptional for cell biology research due to its giant cell size
Height: 3-6 cm
Slender stalk
Attached to rock surface by rhizoid
Umbrella-like cap resembling nasturtium leaves
Large nucleus (50-120 μm in diameter)
Located at the rhizoid
Divides repeatedly as the alga matures
Daughter nuclei distributed through cytoplasmic streaming
Nuclear Transplantation Experiments
Could cut organism in half and regenerate
Bottom half with nucleus could continuously regenerate
Demonstrated nucleus controls developmental characteristics
Discovered gradient of substances controlling organism development
Substances distributed along stalk
Nucleus identified as source of morphogenetic substances
Anticipated messenger RNA (mRNA) concept 30 years before its description
Demonstrated genetic information transfer from nucleus to cytoplasm
Helped establish fundamental understanding of RNA and protein synthesis
Original cycle: 6 months in lab, 1-2 years in wild
Reduced to approximately 97 days using:
Improved growth medium
Axenic zygote techniques
mRNA localization studies
Cytoskeletal dynamics
Endomembrane processes
Signal transduction pathways
Environmental factor impacts
Physically large unicellular organism
Complex architectural structure
Multiple research approach possibilities
Joachim Hämmerling: Nuclear transplantation pioneer
Jean Brachet: RNA and protein synthesis researcher
D. F. Mandoli: Contemporary investigator
Model organism for developmental biology
Demonstrated nucleus as genetic control center
Provided early insights into molecular genetic processes
Organism | Maximum Size |
Caulerpa | 3 meters |
Xenophyophores | 15 cm |
Nummulites | 5 cm |
Gromia spherica | Variable |
Responsive to:
Light conditions
Gravitational influences
Hormonal signals
Developmental biology questions
Structural biology investigations
Localized function mechanisms
Core Concept: Heterotrophic cells acquired chloroplasts by incorporating cyanobacteria
Key Evidence:
Chloroplast DNA characteristics:
Circular DNA structure
Lacks histones
Ribosomal similarities to prokaryotic cells
Genetic matching between cyanobacterial and chloroplast rDNA
Mechanisms of Reduction:
Gene loss
Gene substitution
Gene transfer
Green Lineage
Green algae
Red Lineage
Red Algae
Glaucophyte Lineage
Unique primitive characteristics
Membrane Structure: Two closely associated chloroplast envelope membranes
Origin: Direct incorporation of cyanobacteria
Monophyletic Hypothesis: All primary plastids derived from single ancestor
Dinoflagellates incorporating:
Blue-green color
Retain original cyanobacterial cell wall
Highly reduced genome
Notable Examples:
Secondary Endosymbiosis: 3-4 additional membranes
Phenomenon: "Eukaryotes engulfing eukaryotes"
Nature's Strategy:
Develop new life forms by nesting pre-existing organisms
Recycle and repurpose existing biological components
No completely novel creation
Timeframe: Relates to early Earth conditions
Faint Young Sun Paradox
Snowball Earth (715 Million Years Ago)
Greenhouse gas concentrations
Endosymbiosis represents a revolutionary mechanism of cellular evolution, demonstrating how complex organisms emerge through symbiotic relationships and genetic integration.
Limited understanding of invasive algae
Marine environment is cryptic and challenging to study
Consequences of marine plant invasions less understood compared to terrestrial invasions
Species Type | Number of Exotic Species |
Rhodophyta (Red Algae) | 100 |
Brown Algae | 42 |
Chlorophyta (Green Algae) | 21 |
Phytoplankton | 15 |
Higher Plants | 11 |
Total | 189 |
Colonization: Species enters a new geographical area
Human-Linked Expansion: Range extension directly connected to human activities
Geographical Discontinuity: Clear separation between native and new habitats
Self-Sustainability: Ability to reproduce and establish independent populations
Reproductive Strategy:
Primarily vegetative reproduction
Highly prolific reproductive mechanisms
Flexible habitat requirements
High stress tolerance
Environmental fluctuation resilience
Ecological Advantages:
Similar native and recipient habitats
Absence of natural predators and diseases
Maritime Transport
Aquaculture Activities
Research Activities
Aquarium Trade
Fishing Activities
Opening Maritime Canals
39 marine plants dispersed via hull fouling
Primary mechanism for transoceanic plant migration
Example: Codium fragile subspecies
Native to Japan
Causes significant ecological disruption in NE USA
79 million metric tons of ballast water released annually in USA
317 species recorded from Japanese ship ballast in Oregon
Notable example: Sargassum muticum
64 species introduced through aquaculture
Laminaria japonica: Introduced to China (1925) and Korea (1997)
Undaria pinnatifida: Escaped French Atlantic cultures
Notable example: Caulerpa taxifolia
Mediterranean invasion since 1984
Colonizes surfaces up to 100m depth
Decreases marine biodiversity
Suez Canal (1869): Linked Mediterranean and Red Sea
200-300 Red Sea species colonized Mediterranean
Panama Canal: Limited marine species passage
Dispersal Pathways:
Shellfish transport: 30%
Ship hull fouling: 24%
Ballast water: 16%
Geographical Hotspots:
Mediterranean Sea: Highest exotic marine plant concentration
European Atlantic Coast: Secondary concentration
Trend Analysis:
Increasing rate of marine plant introductions
Directly linked to economic interests
Manual removal
Biological control (e.g., specific grazers)
Chemical interventions (controlled application)
Misconception: Term "coral reef" is often misleading
Red algae are actually more crucial in reef-building than corals
Coralline red algae are primary structural agents of tropical reefs
Reef Zones:
Reef Flat
Algal Ridge
Reef Slope
Extreme Conditions:
Intense ultraviolet radiation
High salinity
Elevated water temperatures
Some areas are barren pavement
Branching corals survive in areas with sufficient water flow
Encrusting coralline algae create elevated bank
Wave dynamics create "spurs and grooves" pattern
Corals adapt to withstand extreme wave forces
Three Primary Reef Configurations:
Fringing Reefs
Grow close to coastlines
Narrow water separation
Zones include:
Reef crest
Fore reef
Spur and groove zone
Barrier Reefs
Separated from land by lagoon
Parallel to coastline
Patch reefs
Back reefs
Bank reefs
Circular/sub-circular reef formations
Develop around subsiding islands
Two types:
Deep sea atolls
Continental shelf atolls
Order: Scleractinia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Approximately 6,000 species
Require water temperatures between 18-30°C
Dependent on sunlight for symbiotic algae
Zooxanthellae Interaction
Unicellular microalgae living within coral gastrodermis
Provide photosynthetic nutrients
Coral provides protection and light access
Often called "rainforests of the oceans"
Host up to 2 million marine species
Contain 1/4 of all marine fish species
Human development increases:
Freshwater runoff
Sediment accumulation
Nutrient levels
Pollutant introduction
Excess shade
Ultraviolet radiation
Salinity changes
Temperature increases
White Band Disease
Black Band Disease
Bacterial infections
Parasitic complications
Responsible for significant sand deposition
Generates approximately 1 meter of sand per 500 years
Critical for reef ecosystem management
Control algae growth
Contribute to bioerosion processes
Most coral reefs located between 30 degrees North and South latitudes
Warm temperatures
Shallow, clear water
Limited sediment
Minimal freshwater influence
Coral reefs are complex, dynamic ecosystems
Red algae are more important than corals in reef formation
Multiple environmental factors influence reef health
Human activities significantly impact reef sustainability
Definition: A unique taxonomic group of algae characterized by distinctive pigmentation and cellular structures
Over 10,000 described species worldwide
Predominantly marine (97%), with only 3% in freshwater environments
Red Coloration: Caused by phycoerythrin pigment
Light Absorption:
Reflects red light
Absorbs blue light
Peaks in green spectrum (500-570 nm)
Blue light penetration allows photosynthesis at greater water depths
Adaptive pigmentation strategy for marine environments
Primary Pigments:
Chlorophyll a
Only two plastid membranes
Originated from cyanobacteria via primary endosymbiosis
Thylakoids are single (never form grana)
Chloroplast DNA organized in small nucleoids
Cellulosic fibers embedded in phycocolloid matrix
Contains economically important polysaccharides:
Agars (used in bacterial/fungal media)
Carrageenans (food industry, gelatin substitute)
Pit Plugs: Characteristic connection between cells
Incomplete cell division
Multinucleated cell development
Polar rings instead of centrioles during mitosis
Asexual Reproduction:
Sexual Reproduction:
Special oogamy (trichogamy)
Non-flagellated male gametes (spermatia)
Female gametes with elongated trichogyne
Three-Phase Cycle:
Haploid Gametophyte (male/female)
Diploid Tetrasporophyte
Carposporophyte (parasitic)
Isomorphic: Morphologically similar generations
Heteromorphic: Morphologically distinct generations
Hard-bottom marine environments
Epiphytes on:
Mangrove roots
Coral reef formations
Principal cementing agents in tropical reefs
Often exceed corals in reef-building importance
Oldest resolved eukaryote: Bangiomorpha pubescens (1,200 million years)
Likely shared ancestry with green algae
Classification continuously evolving with molecular research
Unique lack of flagellated stages
Important food source in Asia (high vitamin/protein content)
Potential pharmaceutical applications from seaweed-derived compounds
Marine vs. Terrestrial Differences
Rainfall and air humidity irrelevant
Temperature more stable in oceans
Seawater chemical composition nearly constant
Unique challenges: wave action and tidal emersion
Physical Factors
Chemical Factors
Chemical substances
Dynamic Factors
Wave action
Biological Factors
Nutrient Acquisition
Not dependent on chemical nature of substrate
Nutrients dissolved in surrounding water
Substrate Preferences
Each seaweed has specific substrate preference:
Solid rock
Isolated blocks
Animal or plant surfaces
Geographical Distribution Impact
Minimum and maximum temperatures crucial
Tropical areas: Small temperature range (2-3°C)
Temperate areas: Wider temperature range (18°C)
Vertical Migration Patterns
Mediterranean algae: Seasonal level changes
Swedish seas: Winter surface temperatures limit upward seaweed extension
Light Intensity Effects
Polar areas: Weak light can eliminate certain species
Nordic species: More adaptable to light variations
Vertical Distribution
Light absorption by water column impacts seaweed distribution
Chromatic Adaptation
Not taxonomy-dependent
Both red and green algae can grow in full sunlight and deep, low-light environments
Depth Impact
Minimal effect on most seaweeds
Significant for algae with pneumatocysts
Euryhaline Capabilities
Some seaweeds survive varying salinity levels
Intertidal seaweeds most adaptable
Species like Ulva, Fucus, and Rhodophytes more tolerant
Mechanical Effects
Prevents spore fixation
Impacts fragile algae survival
Sediment deposition influences algae development
Tidal Zone Characteristics
Alternating submersion and emersion
Creates unique "zonation" of seaweeds
Emersion duration determines species localization
Ecological Progression
Opportunistic species initially colonize areas
Persistent species replace initial colonizers
Example: Ulva facilitates Fucus development
Symbiotic Relationships
Provide protection for host
Host can also benefit from epiphyte presence
Potential negative impacts with excessive growth
Consistent algal flora in homogenous regions
Horizontal bands in littoral belt
Lithophytic communities
Seagrass beds
Mangrove swamps
Salt marshes
Year-round species
Summer-fall peak species
Winter-spring peak species
Seaweed distribution is complex
Multiple ecological factors interact
Adaptability is crucial for survival
Geographical and seasonal variations significantly impact marine algae
Phycology: Study of algae
Phykos: Greek for "alga"
Logos: Study
Coined by Gerald W. Prescott: Organisms with chlorophyll, thalloid structure (no true roots, stems, leaves)
Oldest Living Forms:
Cyanobacteria: ~4,000 million years ago
Red Algae: ~1.6 billion years ago
Primary Producers:
Oxygen generation
Ecosystem ubiquity
Fundamental to global ecological systems
Size Range: 1 μm to 50+ meters
Structural Types:
Coccoid (non-flagellated)
Monadoid (flagellated)
Photosynthetic capabilities
Uniform chlorophyll-a presence
Consistent photosynthetic pathway
Independent nomenclature
Type-based naming
Priority of publication
Unique name per taxonomic group
Latin treatment of scientific names
Morphological Species Concept
Distinguishable structural characteristics
Challenges with seasonal variations
Biological Species Concept
Interbreeding capability
Viable offspring production
Phylogenetic Species Concept
Distinctive structural/molecular characteristics
Monophyletic group consideration
Primary production
Oxygen generation
Ecosystem diversity maintenance
Food Sources:
Human consumption
Aquaculture nutrition
Industrial Uses:
Phycocolloids (agar, carrageenan)
Pharmaceutical development
Biofuel research
Brackish water
Extreme temperatures
Symbiotic relationships
Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB)
Ecosystem disruption
Toxin production
Invasive species concerns
Chlorella: Photosynthesis studies
Chlamydomonas: Genetic research
Fucus: Cell polarity investigations
Acetabularia: mRNA research
Algal Group | Recognized Species |
Cyanobacteria | 2,000 |
Euglenoids | 900 |
Dinoflagellates | 4,000 |
Red Algae | 8,000 |
Green Algae | 17,000 |
Diatoms | 12,000 |
Algae are chimeric, evolutionarily complex organisms
Fundamental to global ecological systems
Immense diversity in structure and function
Critical for scientific and economic applications
Ancient Organisms: Existed for nearly 4 billion years
Ecosystem Presence: Found in almost every ecosystem
Planetary Impact: Critical primary producers releasing oxygen
Human Utilization: Diverse applications in food, medicine, biotechnology
Oxygen production
Nitrogen cycling
Fundamental primary producers in ecosystems
Total Industry Value: US$5.5-6 billion annually
- **Food Products**: Contribute US$5 billion
Phycocolloids: Account for remaining ~$1 billion
Annual Harvest: 7.5-8 million tons of wet seaweeds
Primary Species:
Gelidium (North Spain, Korea, Pacific Mexico)
Gracilaria (Tropical countries, Indonesia, Chile)
Storm-cast seaweed collection
Diver harvesting
Cultivation on lines, ropes, nets, tanks
Gel Formation Properties:
Dissolves in boiling water
Gels between 32-43°C
Stable up to 85°C
Stabilizer in food products
Confectionery ingredient
Meat/fish product packing
Dairy product texture enhancement
Wine clarification
Bacteriological research
Dietary supplement
Brown seaweeds from:
South Africa
Hand sickle
Storm-cast collection
Specialized equipment (crane, rake)
Mowing vessels
Textile printing
Food industry thickener
Pharmaceutical uses
Paper production
Welding rod coatings
Enzyme immobilization
Annual Production: 168,400 dry tons
Iota: Elastic, clear, temperature-stable
Kappa: Rigid, opaque gel
Lambda: High viscosity solution
Dairy products
Food suspension
Meat product processing
Pet food
Biocatalyst immobilization
Nori (Porphyra/Pyropia)
Sushi wrapping
Japanese cultivation
Kombu (Laminaria japonica)
Soup ingredient
Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida)
Noodle and soup ingredient
Seaweed salads
Dulse (Palmaria palmata)
Cocktail snack
Culinary versatility
Potential cell differentiation applications
Animal feed
Biomass fuel
Wastewater treatment
Integrated aquaculture
Potential negative impacts
Algal blooms
Toxin production
Invasive species risks
Algae: Critically important, ubiquitous organisms with immense potential for human innovation and ecological sustainability.
First photosynthesizers to evolve
Dominant life form for over a billion years
Responsible for major planetary changes
Prokaryotic microorganisms with unique characteristics
Unicellular and Colonial Forms
Examples: Synechococcus, Microcystis, Gloeocapsa
Lack specialized cells or complex reproduction mechanisms
Filamentous Forms
Examples: Oscillatoria, Spirulina, Microcoleus
Characterized by trichomes and filaments
Specialized Reproduction Forms
Exospore-producing forms
Endospore-producing forms
Heterocyst and akinete-producing forms
Cell Structure
Prokaryotic organization
No membrane-bound organelles
Peptidoglycan cell wall
Mucilaginous sheaths
Small 70S ribosomes
Light Reactions
Capture sunlight
Split water molecules
Produce high-energy molecules (ATP, NADPH)
Occurs in thylakoids
Calvin Cycle (Dark Reactions)
Uses high-energy molecules
Produces sugar molecules
Takes place in stroma
Green pigments
Soluble in alcohol
Types: a, b, c, d
Chlorophyll a: Most important pigment
Yellow and orange pigments
Two types:
Blue and red water-soluble pigments
Three types in Cyanobacteria:
Can change phycobilin content based on environmental light
Green light → Red phycoerythrin synthesis
Red light → Blue phycocyanin synthesis
Heterocysts: Specialized cells for nitrogen fixation
Thick cell walls
Reorganized thylakoids
Increased respiration
No flagella
Unique movement mechanisms:
First oxygen-producing organisms
Responsible for:
Cellular respiration evolution
Eukaryotic cell development
Ozone layer formation
Food source (Spirulina)
Potential medical applications
Anti-cancer drugs
Anti-inflammatory compounds
Primarily asexual
Binary fission
Akinete formation
Endospore production
Pigments: Chlorophyll a and Phycobilins
Storage Product: Glycogen
Cell Wall: Peptidoglycans
No Flagella or Membrane-Bound Organelles
Associated with neurological disorders
Produced by Nostoc genus
Found in symbiotic relationships with cycad plants
Traditionally divided into two subclasses: Bangiophycidae and Florideophycidae
Differentiated by vegetative morphology, reproduction, and life histories
Florideophycidae thalli are pseudoparenchymatous
Growth primarily through apical cell divisions
Morphological diversity ranges from unicellular to complex multicellular structures
Observations based on:
Light microscopy
Staining techniques (aceto-iron-hematoxylin-chloral hydrate)
Detailed examination of mitosis and cytokinesis patterns
Growth Patterns:
Diffuse growth
Early development often starts with apical growth, shifting to intercalary and diffuse growth
Distinctive Features:
Extended nucleus during prophase
Chromosomes form ring-like structures during metaphase and anaphase
Greatly extended interzonal spindle
Involvement of chloroplast and pyrenoid in nuclear separation
Porphyridium: Unicellular or colonial
Erythrotrichia: Filamentous thallus
Bangia: Filamentous or foliose gametophyte
Rhodochaete: Strictly filamentous growth
Presence of acrochaetioid stages in life history
Primitive mitosis and cytokinesis patterns
Similar pit plug ultrastructure
Simple branching patterns
Minimal cell differentiation
Unique nuclear division characteristics
Heteromorphic life history
Multiaxial gametophyte
Tetrasporophyte resembles Acrochaetium
Macroscopic gametophyte
Diminutive sporophyte (pseudochantransia stage)
Uniaxial construction with whorled lateral filaments
Development of distinct axial and lateral filaments
Complex cortex formation
Advanced branching patterns
Prostrate System Development
Two primary germination types:
Naccaria-type (monostromatic)
Dumontia-type (polystromatic)
Upright Axis Initiation
Lateral initials from prostrate filaments
Tetrahedral initial formation
Multiaxial thallus development
Nuclear Volume Increase Mechanisms:
Nuclear size enlargement
Increased nuclear number
Secondary pit connections
Nuclear divisions without cell division
Ramisympodial Branching: Lateral branches overgrow parent axis
Cellulosympodial Growth: Systematic lateral branch development
Facultative Branching: Transformation of determinate to indeterminate filaments
Flexible growth patterns
Complex cellular communication
Efficient resource utilization through specialized filament types
Understanding red algae morphogenesis
Insights into multicellular evolution
Potential biotechnological applications
Red algae exhibit remarkable morphological diversity
Vegetative growth is highly regulated
Cellular mechanisms play crucial role in thallus development