Unit 4: Going Nuclear!
Focus Areas: Subatomic particles, radioactivity, and nuclear chemistry.
Brief History of Electricity
Discovery of Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons
Concepts of Isotopes and Ions
Understand the discovery process of each subatomic particle.
Recognize the role each subatomic particle plays in atomic structure.
Utilize atomic symbols to describe atom composition.
Calculate average atomic mass from isotopic abundances.
Comprehend the significance and applications of various atomic models.
How much empty space constitutes solid objects?
Historical Context of Atomic Theories
Changed perceptions about atomic structure over time.
Key Models:
Solid Sphere Model (John Dalton, 1803): Indivisible particles.
Plum Pudding Model (J.J. Thomson, 1904): Electrons within a positive sphere.
Nuclear Model (Ernest Rutherford, 1911): Dense nucleus with electrons orbiting.
Planetary Model (Niels Bohr, 1913): Electrons in fixed orbits around the nucleus.
Quantum Model (Erwin Schrödinger, 1926): Electrons as wave functions in probabilistic clouds.
Early Observations
Electric eels and natural phenomena observed by ancient civilizations.
Thales of Miletus conduct experiments confusing static electricity with magnetism.
William Gilbert differentiates electricity and magnetism (1600s).
Named electricus from the Greek word for amber (electron).
Benjamin Franklin's Contributions:
Kite experiment linking lightning to electricity.
Developed lightning rods for safe electric discharge.
Identified two charge types: positive and negative, along with the law of conservation of charge.
JJ Thomson's Experiments:
Studied cathode rays leading to the identification of electrons as negative components of all elements.
Transition from indestructible models to the Plum Pudding model.
Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment:
Revealed dense nuclei through scattering of alpha particles.
Concluded that positive charge was concentrated in the nucleus, leading to the discovery of protons.
Defined atomic number based on proton count.
James Chadwick's Research:
Utilized radiation studies to discover neutrons, aiding in atomic mass understanding and nucleus stability.
Neutrons and protons exhibit strong nuclear force, acting as stabilizers in the nucleus.
Understanding Atom Composition:
Atoms are primarily empty space; electron clouds encompass their size.
Nucleus contains nearly all atomic mass; protons and neutrons significantly heavier than electrons.
Perception of solidity arises from electron repulsion, illustrating that solid matter is mostly empty space.
Defining Isotopes:
Same element differing in neutron number.
Mass number = total of protons and neutrons.
Calculating Atomic Mass:
Atomic masses on the periodic table represent weighted averages of isotopic abundances.
Ionic Charge Calculation:
In neutral atoms, protons = electrons; charge imbalance leads to ions (Li, Mg examples).
From Dalton's indivisible spheres to Schrödinger's probabilistic clouds, the atomic model has evolved, reflecting advanced understanding of subatomic particles and interactions.