(verb past tense) to anesthetize someone with ether
In olden times patients were etherized before surgery.
When you don’t come to school your grades will be etherized.
Quick, the charging rhino will need to be etherized unless you want to die.
The blood samples were obtained from the etherized frogs.
Synonym: Destroy
Antonym: Encourage
(verb past tense) to free from a constraint or difficulty
The prisoner was extricated from the tiny prison cell when the officers decided he was no longer a threat
They extricated the tractor from the mud.
Synonym: remove
Antonym: stuck
Prisoners were extricated from the cell.
(verb) to begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish
GMOs allow for plants to burgeon at a much faster rate.
NEW SENTENCE: The burgeoning company continued to add various departments to their stores.
The burgeoning startup has quickly become a major player in the tech industry.
The burgeoning plant grew at an astonishing rate.
Synonym: prosper
Antonym: die/fade
(adj) narrowly restricted in scope or outlook
He had a very parochial outlook on life and didn’t look out for anything but his own happiness.
His ignorance provided only a parochial view of society.
Synonym: Narrow-minded
Antonym: broad
(adj) used in ordinary or familiar conversation, not formal
He used colloquial expressions to ensure his directions were well understood.
They have little acquaintance with colloquial English.
NEW SENTENCE: He talked in a colloquial way, as if he had known her forever.
The man talked in a colloquial way to his wife.
Synonym: informal
Antonym: formal
(noun) Someone who does not live in his or her own country
F. Scott Fitzgerald was an expatriate living in Paris.
NEW SENTENCE- Hannah’s father is an expatriate and has dual citizenship.
She didn’t know how many expatriates were living in the country.
Many people can be considered expatriates, including those stationed or working abroad in the military.
Synonym: migrant
Antonym: national
(adverb) openly, publicly
Ryan became overtly defensive when he came out of the closet in the auditorium.
NEW SENTENCE Mrs. Jones was overtly annoyed when the students didn’t finish the reading assignment from yesterday.
Will Smith overtly slapped Chris Rock in the face right in front of the entire audience at the Oscars.
Synonym: Honestly, openly, truthfully, publicly
Antonym: Lying, shady, uncertain, unclear
(noun) a group of artists in the early 20th century who exploited accidental and incongruous effects in their work and who programmatically challenged established canons of art
NEW SENTENCE - My art teacher is teaching our class about dadaism because she wants us to understand new styles of art.
Mr. Rasmussen informed us that dadaism was irrelevant to history.
Synonym: Surrealist
Antonym: Straightforward
(noun) new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.
The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing.
Not many people understand avant-garde art because it looks so unusual.
I think avant-garde art is dumb because it has no meaning.
The photos were very avant-garde, unlike the more traditional portraits.
Synonym: Progressive
Antonym: Conservative
(verb) To place together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
There was a clear effort to juxtapose the two concepts mentioned in Lou’s persuasive speech.
Synonym(s): pair, connect, line up
Antonym(s): apart, separate, isolated
Overlord Destroyer Conqueror Dominator Enslaver Jones juxtaposed the two children so she could decide which one would be ostracized, and which one would die for speaking out of turn.
(noun) a tall fern with coarse lobed fronds that occurs worldwide and can cover large areas.
I saw bracken in the forest, it was cool.
The bracken started to grow until it was as big as a skyscraper.
NEW SENTENCE: Bracken is traditionally used as animal bedding because after time it will break down to create fertilizer for plants.
Synonym: brush````````````
Antonym: tiny plant
The gusts of wind blew the bracken around in the forest.
(noun) a climbing plant of the buttercup family that bears white, pink, or purple flowers and feathery seeds. Several kinds are cultivated as ornamentals.
The clematis had been planted by my grandmother and covered the entire trellis.
NEW SENTENCE: The side of the old house was covered in clematis as well as vines and other climbing plants.
Synonym - climbing flower
Antonym - flower that does not climb - tulip
The clematis was beautiful as its colorful feathery flowers and seeds climbed up the building.
My grandmother gifted me a clematis when she passed away.
(noun) a severe abscess or multiple boil in the skin, typically infected with staphylococcus bacteria.
Ryan had a nasty carbuncle that was so disgusting it drove him out of polite society and into the woods to live as a hermit until his early demise.
An infection that developed on his leg became a carbuncle so severe that doctors considered amputation.
NEW SENTENCE: The girl had a carbuncle, nobody wanted to go near her.
Synonym: sore
Antonym: healthy skin
(adj) showing deference; respectful.
The young are deferential to their elders.
She is always very deferential towards her teachers.
NEW SENTENCE: I decided to be deferential towards my parents after they asked me to do the dishes.
Syn: civil
Ant: disobedient
(adj) Grayish/White in color.
I ran into the hoary cobwebs while looking for my old yearbook in the attic.
His hair was hoary in color due to his age.
NEW SENTENCE: Her hoary hair seemed to glow in the dark.
Syn: Age-old
Ant: new
(adj) intended to teach a lesson
James was a very didactic person; he really loved teaching even if he didn’t know much about the subject.
Marvin gave a long and didactic speech about the influence of gluten on our health.
Mrs. Jones’ gave a long didactic speech to the class about the essay we are supposed to write.
NEW SENTENCE-The new teacher’s speech was didactic in style and intrigued many students.
Syn: educational
Ant: uninformative
(noun) A mixture or blend
Dentists use a mercury silver amalgam to fill cavities.
NEW SENTENCE The potluck supper at the church always consists of an amalgam of foods ranging from apricot salad to zucchini casserole.
The crowd was an amalgam of young and old.
Synonym - compound, admixture, alloy
Antonym - element, division, separation, pure
(adj) state of having many bracelets on one’s arms or ankles.
The woman’s braceleted arms glittered in the candlelight as she danced.
The child enjoyed having braceleted arms because she could play with the little jewels.
NEW SENTENCE: After returning from vacation, Tom’s ankles and arms were braceleted by colorful items he had bought on the beach.
Synonym: handcuffed, accessorized
Antonym: plain, simple
(noun) the action or process of flowing or flowing out OR a type of capacitor that is necessary for a person to travel through time in a 1980s automobile-HA!
The flux of water from the waterfall is a beautiful view. OR
Our company was in flux after the sudden departure of the entire tech department.
There was a flux of black ooze seeping from the floorboards.
Everything is in flux at the moment; a continuous flux is the schooling system.
Synonym - Fluctuation
Antonym - Stability
(adj) grimly mocking or cynical.
His mouth twisted in a sardonic smile.
NEW SENTENCE - Bob attempted a sardonic smile
Synonym: mocking, cynical, sarcastic, satirical
Antonym: honest, encouraging, sincere
The assassin gave a sardonic laugh as he poured the poison into Hitler’s soup.
The actor gave his best sardonic smile for the audition.