Outcome_measures flashcards

Outcome Measures in Clinical Trials

  • Institution: UCL

  • Course: MEDC0014


  • Instructor: Laura Murphy, Medical statistician at MRC Clinical Trials Unit, UCL

  • Contact: laura.murphy@ucl.ac.uk

Fundamentals of Design for Major Randomized Controlled Trials

Choice of Patients and Centers

  • Set precise eligibility criteria; balance specificity and generalizability.

  • Prefer large-scale, multicenter trials for broader representation.

Choice of Treatments

  • Specify precise treatment regimens, placebo/sham control group, or active comparator.

  • Consider using a 3-arm trial design if appropriate.

Choice of Outcomes

  • Define the primary efficacy endpoint carefully.

  • Select components of composite primary endpoints with care.

  • List secondary endpoints and incorporate predefined safety concerns into outcome priorities.


  • Allocation concealment is essential for unbiased results.

  • Choose statistical methods for randomization.

  • Stratification aids in maintaining balanced groups.

  • Unequal randomization favoring new treatment can be beneficial.

Use of Blinding

  • Implement double-blinding whenever practical; if impractical, ensure blinded evaluation.

  • Blinding is especially crucial for subjective (softer) endpoints.

Choice of Trial Size

  • Use power calculations to determine necessary sample size.

  • Anticipate a realistic effect size for the study.

  • Balance desired targets with feasibility for real-world applications.


  • Understand the importance of selecting outcome measures in clinical trials.

  • Ability to choose meaningful outcome measures for specific trials.

  • Understand recording and analysis methods of outcome measures.

Overview of Sections

Section 1: Types of Outcome Measure

  • Define the research question and differentiate primary/secondary outcomes.

  • Distinguish between types of outcomes: hard/soft, surrogate, composite, statistical.

Section 2: Analysis Methods

  • Continuous, binary, and time-to-event analysis.

Section 3: Statistical Validation

  • Sensitivity analyses and handling missing data.

Choice of Outcome

  • Importance of a clear research question guiding study design.

  • Outcomes must be clinically relevant, straightforward to ascertain, include clinical/statistical input, and consider core outcome sets.

Defining Outcome Measures

Primary Outcome Measure

  • Considered the most crucial; determines intervention effectiveness.

  • Shapes study design and sample size calculations.

Secondary Outcome Measures

  • Offer insights that may support or contrast the primary outcome.

  • Should not compromise the main research question.


  • Primary outcomes should be pre-specified to prevent outcome switching.

Types of Outcome Measure

  • Classifications include hard vs. soft, surrogate vs. true clinical outcomes, and single vs. composite outcomes.

Hard vs. Soft Outcomes

  • Hard Outcomes: Reliable, objective (e.g., death, tumor size).

  • Soft Outcomes: Subjective assessments (e.g., pain, quality of life).

  • Some outcomes are intermediate (e.g., tumor grading).

Surrogate Outcomes

  • Assess if new drugs reduce risks of true clinical outcomes by focusing on surrogate measures (e.g., blood pressure instead of actual cardiovascular events).

  • Advantages include smaller trials and reduced time.

  • Definition: Laboratory measurements substituting for meaningful clinical outcomes.

  • Assumptions: improvements in surrogates should correlate with true clinical outcomes.

Surrogate Use and Failures

  • Surrogates can clarify mechanisms of drug actions in early trials or provide supporting evidence in phase III trials.

  • Failures may occur due to lack of causal relationships between surrogates and clinical outcomes.

Composite Outcomes


  • Address multiple health aspects, help avoid arbitrary outcomes, and increase event rates for efficiency.


  • May combine inconsistent components leading to complex interpretations.

Statistical Outcome Types


  • Measurements like blood pressure or weight.


  • Two possible outcomes (e.g., recurrence yes/no).


  • Measures survival times and can include censoring.

Summary on Outcome Measures

  • Must be directly relevant, pre-specified, included both primary and secondary outcomes, and considering hard/soft nature.

Summary on Analysis Methods

  • Different methods accommodate data types: Continuous (means comparison), Binary (odds/risk ratios), and Time-to-event (Cox models).

Sensitivity Analysis

  • Crucial for validating robustness; regulatory bodies emphasize its importance.

Missing Data Handling

  • Addressing missing data is vital for valid inference, employing methods like imputation, or last observation carried forward.


  • Transparency about outcome measures is essential for valid statistical inference, with methodologies in place to handle data complexities and ensure trial robustness.
