Unit 2. Managing Data

2.1: Modelling

  • A model can provide a realistic copy of a real-life system. For example a model airplane has the same features as an actual airplane. It can help understand how something will feel, look or work.

  • A simulator is a type of model. They are copies of systems or scenarios that can help people understand complex processes, practice skills in a safe environment, and make informed decisions based on simulated outcomes. For example a surgeon can use a surgery simulator to practice performing surgery, so that the surgeon can look at the different things that could go wrong during surgery without risking any lives.

  • Spreadsheet models can be used to calculate things like how much money a business can make or how many resources are needed for a project, allowing for effective planning and forecasting.

  • One way spreadsheets can be used is ‘what-if analysis’. This is where you ask the question ‘what-if?’ and change the values in the spreadsheet to see the potential results, like if a company wanted to increase the price of a product by 50 cents, they could adjust the price in the spreadsheet and observe how this change affects overall sales, revenue, and profit margins.

  • In spreadsheets, there’s a tool called the ‘goal-seek’ tool which can allow you to set specific goals and then the app shows what values are needed in the spreadsheet to achieve this goal.

2.2: Data and Databases

  • We need to make sure that the data we have suits its purpose, because the purpose is the whole reason we collected the data in the first place.

  • A database is the stored collection of data in a system. It allows the users to easily access, analyse and enter the data they need.

  • In a database, a ‘primary key’ is used to uniquely identify each record, ensuring that no two entries are the same. Basically a primary key is a unique identifier of each record. A relational database can only have one primary key.

  • A relational database is a type of database that stores data in tables, with relations between the tables.

  • When we search a database, we want to get the correct results and make sure that all the records that should be found are found. A record is the set of data about one single object in the database. It is made up of one data item from each field or column, while records are rows in the relational database table.

  • The format of the data should be the same so that it’s accurate.

  • Validation checks can be used to ensure that the data entered into the database meets specific criteria, such as being in the correct format, within a certain range, or matching predefined values.

  • Presence Check: This is the simplest validation check. It checks whether data has been entered into a field. It stops people from leaving the field blank.

  • Format Check: This checks whether the format is the correct format required like whether a birthday has been written in the date format.

  • Length Check: This makes sure that numbers or text entered doesn’t exceed a range of length like not letting someone set a 3-digit long number in the phone number field.

  • Range Check: This makes sure that numbers are within a particular range, like an age should be limited to 10-18 on a school survey.

  • Data collection forms are forms used to collect data from people such as surveys. They can be made using a help tool on the computer called a wizard.
