Consensus Sequences associated with Alternate Sigma Subunits of E

  • Sigma 28 → -35 =TAAA, -10 =GCCGATAA

  • Sigma 32 → -35 = CTTGAA, -10 = CCCCATTA

  • Sigma 54 → -35 = CTTGPyAPyPu, -10 = TTGCA

  • Sigma 70 → -35 = TTGACA, -10 = TATAAT

    What are the two most commonly occurring consensus sequences in Bacteria? Where in the promotor region are they located?

  • Pribnow box (TATAAT), -10

  • Consensus sequence (TTGACA), -35

    How many polypeptides does pentameric RNA Polymerase have?

    Five → alpha I/II (36.5 kD), Beta(151 kD)/ Beta’ (155 kD), omega (4 kD). Total length = 390 kD
