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Macbeth: Theme Violence


“Till he unseam’d from to th’chaps”= The violent imagery describing Macbeth at the of the play is honourable: his violence on the battlefield is for the king. The word ‘unseam’d’ implies Macbeths strength and how he is unphased by horrifically killing another man ( opens his enemy from the belly button to the face).

“The usurper’s cursed head”, at the end of the play, Macduff has killed Macbeth and removes his head, making Macbeth’s heroism at the beginning ironic as almost immediatly after receiving praise, he becomes a traitor and kills the king. “ Fair is foul and foul is fair”, witches statement.

Lady Macbeth

“Have plucked the nipple from his boneless gum”- Plucked, Simple but devastating, casually removes a baby from the breast and breaks the connection between them. Goes against her own nature of caring for a child and describes a violent image of murdering it. ‘Boneless’ reminds the audience of the baby’s innocence and vulnerability and how Lady Macbeth’s attitude goes against nature, especially for women during when the play was set.

Murder and Violence

“ Blood will have blood”- A metaphor emphasising that once a violent crime is committed, more violence will follow.

Macbeth: Theme Violence


“Till he unseam’d from to th’chaps”= The violent imagery describing Macbeth at the of the play is honourable: his violence on the battlefield is for the king. The word ‘unseam’d’ implies Macbeths strength and how he is unphased by horrifically killing another man ( opens his enemy from the belly button to the face).

“The usurper’s cursed head”, at the end of the play, Macduff has killed Macbeth and removes his head, making Macbeth’s heroism at the beginning ironic as almost immediatly after receiving praise, he becomes a traitor and kills the king. “ Fair is foul and foul is fair”, witches statement.

Lady Macbeth

“Have plucked the nipple from his boneless gum”- Plucked, Simple but devastating, casually removes a baby from the breast and breaks the connection between them. Goes against her own nature of caring for a child and describes a violent image of murdering it. ‘Boneless’ reminds the audience of the baby’s innocence and vulnerability and how Lady Macbeth’s attitude goes against nature, especially for women during when the play was set.

Murder and Violence

“ Blood will have blood”- A metaphor emphasising that once a violent crime is committed, more violence will follow.