“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” ~Abraham Lincoln
“Billy Yank”
USA, US, United States, United States of America
“Johnny Rebs”
“Red” or “Grey”
CSA (Confederate States of America)
Various titles include:
The War for Constitutional Liberty
The War for Southern Independence
The Second American Revolution
Mr. Lincoln's War
The Civil War Between the States
The War of the Rebellion
The War Against Northern Aggression
Sectional disagreements over:
Slavery's expansion into territories
States’ rights
Key events:
Northern abolitionists vs. Southern slavery defenders
Dred Scott Supreme Court decision
Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Ineffective leadership in the 1850s
Failed compromises on slavery expansion
Lincoln’s election and federal troop call in 1861
Seven states secede, taking over federal installations (US govt goods/supplies, forts, courthouses, post offices, lighthouses).
Confederate States of America founded in February 1861 in Montgomery, Alabama.
Only two Southern forts in Union hands by March 1861; Fort Sumter is critical.
Major Robert Anderson (commander of the forts) sends message to Lincoln about surrendering or attacking.
Lincoln didn’t provide any weaponry, but Anderson refused to abandon it.
Jefferson Davis chooses war; conflict starts on April 12, 1861 at 4:30 AM.
Fort Sumter falls on April 13, 1861 after intense bombardment.
Calls for 75,000 volunteers; Virginia secedes on April 17, 1861.
Virginia is the most crucial state since it was the most industrialized in the South, and had the only ironworks in the South + a navy yard.
By May 1861, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina join, totaling 11 seceded states.
Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri didn’t secede (apart of the South) these states are known as Border States.
Capital City moved to Richmond, VA + Citizens from those states ended up fighting for the Confederacy.
More manpower, factories, food production, and railroads.
Skilled leadership under Lincoln.
King Cotton, experienced generals, and motivated troops defending homeland.
Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan (“Scott’s Great Snake”):
Blockade Southern coasts (stop supplies coming in n out)
Split the Confederacy via Mississippi River
Capture Confederate capital, Richmond
Survive until the Union would recognize themselves as an independent country.
Primarily defensive strategy with some encouragement from leaders to attack the North.
Jefferson Davis held the country together until this was accomplished
July 21, 1861; Thomas J. Jackson nicknamed “Stonewall.”
First use of Rebel Yell !
Confederate victory boosts morale; Lincoln calls for over 1 million troops.
CSS Virginia vs. USS Monitor; marks end of era for wooden ships.
CSS Virginia
Created this to break Union blockade
USS Monitor (“cheese box on a raft”): Invented by John Ericsson
March 8-9, 1862; CSS Virginia attacks and sinks Union wooden ships blocking the harbor → Union unaware Confederates have an Ironclad
USS Monitor arrives and fights CSS Virginia (battle is a draw)
Rifle, Minie ball (soft lead bullet), Primitive grenades, land mines
Spring 1862; US General George B. McClellan moves army forces down the Potomac River to Fortress Monroe in Hampton Roads
Union controlled “Fort Monroe” + March up the Peninsula between York/James Rivers to capture Richmond
Attacked by Confederates lead by Robert E. Lee → threatens D.C
Lee wins at 2nd Bull Run → heads to Maryland → Union corporal finds Lee’s Army orders → Armies fought at Antietam Creek
Fought on September 17, 1862; bloodiest single day battle; result is a tie.
Leads to the Emancipation Proclamation.
Lincoln disliked slavery & used “victory” at Antietam to promote emancipation as a war aim.
Believes the federal govt had the power to abolish it
Major reason for fighting the war is preservation of the Union
Lincoln adds emancipation of slaves as a war aim & as a weapon of war
Issued Proclamation
Effective January 1, 1863; applied to areas behind Confederate lines outside Union control, does not apply to slave states (not seceded) + Southern territory occupied by Union.
Military action aimed at the states in rebellion
Symbolic significance, moral purpose added to the war; Confederates view it as a threat.
Free blacks liked they could enlist in the Union army
War became a fight to the death with the issue of slavery being settled at its outcome (Confederates)
Law passed in 1862 allowing African Americans to join the military.
Greatly supported by Frederick Douglass, former slave/abolitionist
Faced discrimination, lower pay, couldn’t rise above being a captain.
Had a higher mortality rate, usually executed/returned to slavery (not treated as POWs)
Slaves sought freedom behind Union lines (Contrabands): some stay on plantations to destroy the farm
Weakens plantation system
Food shortages lead to riots; Union blockade blocked needed supplies.
Economic boom with new jobs (manufacturers & farmers); women began to enter workforce (obtained govt jobs, served as battlefield nurses).
Wages didn’t keep up with prices + Standard of living declined
Congress enacts first income tax
Bad hygiene among soldiers, common aliments: body lice/diarrhea, army rations: beans, bacon, hardtack
Lincoln urges McClellan to act & chase Lee → replaced by Burnside → Burnside settles into winter quarters (attempts winter attack, lots of battle deaths) → replaced by General Hooker (disastrous)
Lee forced the Union to retreat → General Stonewall Jackson accidentally shot by own Confederate forces (dies) → Lee’s greatest victory (attempts to reinvade North, Southern spirit high)
Turning point battle from July 1-3, 1863; heavy casualties on both sides.
Most decisive battle of the war → After 3 days of fighting, Lee believed he can break the Union Lines → Lee orders an attack at Pickett’s Charge (Union center)
Union Major Ulysses S. Grant continues his campaigns in the West + begins siege of Vicksburg
residents took shelter in caves, food supplies ran low (ate rats)
Confederate defeat cuts the South in two on July 4, 1863.
Ceremony held to dedicate a cemetery in Gettysburg ~ First Speaker: Edward Everett
November 19, 1863, Lincoln’s speech (2 minutes) redefines the war’s purpose.
Gettysburg + Vicksburg defeats → cost south power + no foreign support from England/France
Low on goods + morale deteriorated + many soldiers deserted
Jefferson Davis had a hard time governing because of internal discord