Chapter I: Introduction and Background of the Study


  • Importance of Critical Thinking: Increasing demand for students with critical thinking skills for problem solving and informed decision making.

  • Research Aim: Investigate the effects of different teaching styles on the critical thinking skills of Grade 11 ABM students.

  • Concerns: Traditional pedagogical methods often do not equip students adequately for modern complexities.

Statement of the Problem

  • Objective: Identify challenges in using various teaching techniques to enhance critical thinking skills.

  • Key Questions:

    1. Challenges faced by students/teachers (Peer Pressure, Lack of Time, Information Overload, Academic Stress).

    2. Alignment of perceptions regarding teaching effectiveness.

    3. Measures to determine improvement in critical thinking skills.

Scope and Delimitation

  • Focus on teaching methods’ effect on critical thinking in the ABM strand at St. John the Baptist Catholic School.

  • Use surveys and analyze feedback from 95 ABM students.

Significance of the Study

  • For Students: Helps understand teaching methods and adapt.

  • For Teachers: Evaluates teaching effectiveness for ABM students.

  • For Parents: Aids in recognizing academic pressures.

  • For Schools: Encourages policy development based on student needs.

  • For the Government: Highlights real challenges in education for future improvements.

  • For Future Researchers: Offers insights on critical teaching methods.

Definition of Terms

  • Complexities: Connection of multiple parts complicating understanding.

  • Teaching Methods: Strategies used to facilitate student learning.

  • Critical Thinking: Evaluative process of assessing information and making judgments.

  • Skills: Abilities to perform tasks effectively.

  • Academic Performance: Measure of student learning efficiency.

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Relevant Theories

  • Constructivist Learning Theory (Piaget): Learning through active engagement.

  • Experiential Learning Theory (Kolb): Learning via experience through observation and experimentation.

  • Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Culturally sensitive approach to psychology focusing on Filipino identity and values.

  • Pilipinolohiya: Studies Filipino culture from a Filipino perspective.

Relevant Literature

  • Empirical studies on teaching methods and critical thinking outcomes based on various instructional interventions.

Chapter III: Research Methodology

Research Design

  • Qualitative Approach: In-depth exploration of teaching methods' impacts on students' critical thinking.

  • Case Study: Emphasizes understanding the instructional context.

Respondents of the Study

  • Participants: 72 Grade 11 ABM students from St. John the Baptist Catholic School.

  • Sampling Method: Random sampling for representative feedback.

Research Instrument

  • Self-constructed Questionnaire: Designed to gather students' perspectives on teaching methods.

Data Gathering Procedure

  • Conducted surveys and observations during breaks and preparations to facilitate comfort.

Data Processing

  • Analyzing gathered data qualitatively to reveal patterns and themes influencing teaching strategies and critical thinking skill development.
