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Unit 2 - Understanding the Atom

The Historical Development of Atomic Theory

  • Democritus - Early philosopher who proposed the existence of the atom

  • Dalton’s Atomic Theory

    • First scientific theory of the atom

    • Based on Joseph Proust and other scientists’ research

      • Proust’s research: each compound contains exact proportions

        • Law of definite proportions

    • Atoms are indivisible

    • Elements are made of identical atoms unique to each element

    • Compounds are made of 2+ atoms in fixed proportion

    • A chemical reaction is the rearrangement of atoms

  • Discovery of the Electron (Cathode Ray Experiment)

  • By JJ Thompson

  • Led to the Plum Pudding Model

  • Oil Drop Experiment

    • By Millikan

      • Thompson found charge & mass of electron

  • Discovery of Nucleus (Gold Foil Experiment)

    • By Rutherford

    • Most particles pass directly through the atom, some get deflected

    • → Most of the atom is empty space, with a large particle at the center

  • Quiz:

Electromagnetic Waves

  • Vocab

    • Electric Field - The area surrounding a charged object in which it can act upon another charged object

    • Electromagnetic Spectrum

      • The frequency spectrum containing all electromagnetic waves

    • Electromagnetic Wave

      • A combination of electric & magnetic fields radiating from a source @ the speed of light.

        • The electric & magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular of each other

      • Caused by disturbing charged particles, which then oscillate and produce oscillating fields

        • Source produces an magnetic field, the magnetic field then produces an electric field, the electric field the produces another magnetic field, repeat forever

    • Magnetic Field - The area surrounding a magnetic object in which it can act upon an object

    • Polarization

  • Types of Waves

    • Mechanical - Waves that use matter to carry energy

    • Electromagnetic - Waves that do not use/need matter to carry energy

      • Are all transverse waves

  • Parts of a Transverse Wave

    • Crest - Midline → Top

    • Trough - Midline → Bottom

    • Amplitude - Top → Midline or Midline → Bottom

    • Wavelength - Crest 1 → Crest 2

    • Frequency - Oscillations per second

  • Electromagnetic Waves

    • Each type is contained on a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum

      • High frequency/low wavelength → low frequency/high wavelength:

        • Gamma Rays → X-Rays → Ultraviolet → Visible Light → Infrared → Microwaves → Radio waves

    • Energy transferred

      • Energy = plank’s constant * frequency

        • Plank’s constant ~ 6.63 * 10^-34

    • Frequency, Wavelength, & Speed

      • Speed of light = frequency(hertz) * wavelength(meters)

      • Slower = Smaller wavelength

    • Uses

      • Gamma Rays - Used to destroy cancer cells

      • Ultraviolet Rays - Disrupts DNA production in bacteria & viruses

      • X-Rays - Used for medical imaging

      • Infrared - Heat lamps, remote controls

      • Microwaves - Warm food

      • Radio waves - Long distance transmission of information

    • Polarization - Modifying light by forcing it to only vibrate in a singular plane

The Modern Atomic Theory

  • Theories of Light

    • Newton - Corpuscular theory; light is made of particles

    • Thomas Young - Diffraction double slit experiment; light behaves like waves

    • Heinrich Hertz - Photoelectric effect observed; also acts like a particle

  • Photoelectric Effect

    • Electrons are emitted when electromagnetic waves hit a material

    • Shows particle like behavior

      • Einstein proposes light is a stream of particles called photons

        • Energy = Plank’s constant * frequency

  • Emission Spectrum

    • Visible light spectrum where emitted light produce colored bands

    • Some metals showed up as discrete lines

  • Bohr Model

    • Electrons orbit nucleus made of protons & neutrons

  • Electron Cloud Model

    • Electrons have probable locations

    • Each cloud has different energy levels

The Structure of the Atom

  • Atom - Smallest particle of a substance

    • Made of a nucleus surrounded by orbitals

    • Consists of 3 types of particals

      • Protons - Positively charged

      • Neutrons - Particle w/o charge

      • Electron - Negatively charged electron

    • Charge of proton = negative charged of electron

      • If charge of atom = 0, then the atoms has == number of protons & electrons

    • Locations

      • Nucleus - Contains all the protons & neutrons

      • Orbitals - Contains the electrons

  • Atomic mass unit

    • 1/12 of a C12 atom

    • ~ 1.660538921 * 10^-24 g

    • Proton - 1 amu

    • Neutron - 1 amu

    • Electron - 0.0006 amu

  • Atomic Number

    • of Protons in an atom

  • Ions

    • Charged atoms

    • Changed number of electrons

  • Atomic Mass / Mass Number

    • of Protons + # of Neutrons

  • Isotopes

    • Different # of neutrons

Unit 2 - Understanding the Atom

The Historical Development of Atomic Theory

  • Democritus - Early philosopher who proposed the existence of the atom

  • Dalton’s Atomic Theory

    • First scientific theory of the atom

    • Based on Joseph Proust and other scientists’ research

      • Proust’s research: each compound contains exact proportions

        • Law of definite proportions

    • Atoms are indivisible

    • Elements are made of identical atoms unique to each element

    • Compounds are made of 2+ atoms in fixed proportion

    • A chemical reaction is the rearrangement of atoms

  • Discovery of the Electron (Cathode Ray Experiment)

  • By JJ Thompson

  • Led to the Plum Pudding Model

  • Oil Drop Experiment

    • By Millikan

      • Thompson found charge & mass of electron

  • Discovery of Nucleus (Gold Foil Experiment)

    • By Rutherford

    • Most particles pass directly through the atom, some get deflected

    • → Most of the atom is empty space, with a large particle at the center

  • Quiz:

Electromagnetic Waves

  • Vocab

    • Electric Field - The area surrounding a charged object in which it can act upon another charged object

    • Electromagnetic Spectrum

      • The frequency spectrum containing all electromagnetic waves

    • Electromagnetic Wave

      • A combination of electric & magnetic fields radiating from a source @ the speed of light.

        • The electric & magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular of each other

      • Caused by disturbing charged particles, which then oscillate and produce oscillating fields

        • Source produces an magnetic field, the magnetic field then produces an electric field, the electric field the produces another magnetic field, repeat forever

    • Magnetic Field - The area surrounding a magnetic object in which it can act upon an object

    • Polarization

  • Types of Waves

    • Mechanical - Waves that use matter to carry energy

    • Electromagnetic - Waves that do not use/need matter to carry energy

      • Are all transverse waves

  • Parts of a Transverse Wave

    • Crest - Midline → Top

    • Trough - Midline → Bottom

    • Amplitude - Top → Midline or Midline → Bottom

    • Wavelength - Crest 1 → Crest 2

    • Frequency - Oscillations per second

  • Electromagnetic Waves

    • Each type is contained on a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum

      • High frequency/low wavelength → low frequency/high wavelength:

        • Gamma Rays → X-Rays → Ultraviolet → Visible Light → Infrared → Microwaves → Radio waves

    • Energy transferred

      • Energy = plank’s constant * frequency

        • Plank’s constant ~ 6.63 * 10^-34

    • Frequency, Wavelength, & Speed

      • Speed of light = frequency(hertz) * wavelength(meters)

      • Slower = Smaller wavelength

    • Uses

      • Gamma Rays - Used to destroy cancer cells

      • Ultraviolet Rays - Disrupts DNA production in bacteria & viruses

      • X-Rays - Used for medical imaging

      • Infrared - Heat lamps, remote controls

      • Microwaves - Warm food

      • Radio waves - Long distance transmission of information

    • Polarization - Modifying light by forcing it to only vibrate in a singular plane

The Modern Atomic Theory

  • Theories of Light

    • Newton - Corpuscular theory; light is made of particles

    • Thomas Young - Diffraction double slit experiment; light behaves like waves

    • Heinrich Hertz - Photoelectric effect observed; also acts like a particle

  • Photoelectric Effect

    • Electrons are emitted when electromagnetic waves hit a material

    • Shows particle like behavior

      • Einstein proposes light is a stream of particles called photons

        • Energy = Plank’s constant * frequency

  • Emission Spectrum

    • Visible light spectrum where emitted light produce colored bands

    • Some metals showed up as discrete lines

  • Bohr Model

    • Electrons orbit nucleus made of protons & neutrons

  • Electron Cloud Model

    • Electrons have probable locations

    • Each cloud has different energy levels

The Structure of the Atom

  • Atom - Smallest particle of a substance

    • Made of a nucleus surrounded by orbitals

    • Consists of 3 types of particals

      • Protons - Positively charged

      • Neutrons - Particle w/o charge

      • Electron - Negatively charged electron

    • Charge of proton = negative charged of electron

      • If charge of atom = 0, then the atoms has == number of protons & electrons

    • Locations

      • Nucleus - Contains all the protons & neutrons

      • Orbitals - Contains the electrons

  • Atomic mass unit

    • 1/12 of a C12 atom

    • ~ 1.660538921 * 10^-24 g

    • Proton - 1 amu

    • Neutron - 1 amu

    • Electron - 0.0006 amu

  • Atomic Number

    • of Protons in an atom

  • Ions

    • Charged atoms

    • Changed number of electrons

  • Atomic Mass / Mass Number

    • of Protons + # of Neutrons

  • Isotopes

    • Different # of neutrons