Part 1-Figurative Language and Literary Devices
Directions: For the first 9 words, write the appropriate definition of the literary device.
Setting– The place, period, and conditions in which a story takes place.
POV– The perspective from which the story is told.
Symbolism– a literary device where characters, objects, actions, or ideas are ingrained or associated with a deeper meaning beyond the literal sense.
Theme– The message woven throughout a story that the author wants the audience to take away.
Tone– The writer or speaker's attitude towards the audience or subject.
Mood– Evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through the words and descriptions in the text.
Foreshadowing– Hints or clues that something may happen in the future
Flashback– An interruption of events in sequential order to give the reader important background information about a situation, character, etc.
Motif– An idea that is presented over and over again, almost like a mini theme.
For Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” choose 3 of the terms from above and explain how they are used in the poem and how they contribute to the poem's meaning.
Settings: They are used in the poem by contributing to where this poem takes place and what the surroundings are. For example, it says, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.”
Symbol: The symbol in this poem contributes to it taking about said two roads, which in meaning means there is always two paths you can take.
Motif: The Motif is the two roads because it gets mentioned over and over again throughout the poem, adding on to the fact that there is always two path themes.
Directions: Match the definitions to the correct figurative language words on the right by writing in the corresponding letter. Then, write an original (from your brain) example phrase using the figurative language technique correctly.
Figurative Language Matching
Word | Definition | Original Example |
| A comparison in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else. | The classroom was a zoo during recess. |
| A comparison using the word “like” or “as.” | Her smile was as bright as the sun. |
| A comparison using the word “like” or “as.” | The wind whispered through the trees. |
| The repetition of beginning sounds of words close to one another. | Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. |
| The repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. | The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plains. |
| Words that imitate sounds. | The clock ticked loudly in the quiet room. |
| A figure of speech that combines two opposing or contradictory ideas. | The sound of silence filled the room. |
| A statement that seems contradictory or absurd, but which expresses the truth. | Less is more. |
| A play on words based on different meanings of words that sound alike. | I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough. |
| A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art. | He’s a real Romeo with the ladies. |
| Part is used to represent the whole. | All hands on deck. |
| Where characters, events, or settings represent abstract concepts often with moral or political meaning. | The story of Animal Farm" is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. |
| A brief story about an interesting, amusing, or strange event told to entertain or to make a point. | Let me tell you about the time I got lost in the city during a storm. |
| A polite expression used in place of words or phrases considered harsh. | He passed away last night. (instead of “he died”) |
| A deliberate exaggeration or overstatement for special effects. | I’ve told you a million times! |
| The difference between what someone would reasonably expect to happen and what does happen. | Ironically, the fire station burned down. |
Part 2- Plot and Characterization
The author writing that Jack has red hair, freckles, and wears a black cap with gold trim is an example of which type of characterization?
Direct characterization
Indirect Characterization
The author writes that Della flopped down onto the couch in frustration and cried, leading us to assume that she can be dramatic and sensitive. This is an example of which type of characterization?
Direct characterization
Indirect Characterization
List the protagonists of “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Most Dangerous Game,” and Lord of the Flies.
“The Gift of the Magi”: Della and Jim
“The Most Dangerous Game”: Rainsford
“Lord of the Flies”: Ralph
List the antagonists of “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Most Dangerous Game,” and Lord of the Flies.
“The Gift of the Magi”: Money
“The Most Dangerous Game”: Zaroff
“Lord of the Flies”: Jack
Correctly match the plot elements to their definition. Then, add an image as a symbol for that part of the plot.
Word | Definition | Symbol |
| The beginning introduces the main characters, settings, themes, and tone. | |
| The event that starts the story’s main conflict must be resolved by the end. | |
| Follows cause-and-effect plot points. | |
| The moment the story’s conflict peaks. | |
| The main characters react and take action following the climax. | |
| The end of the story ties up all loose ends. |
In approximately 6 sentences, describe the plot of the Lord of the Flies. (One sentence per plot element).
The Lord of the Flies is a story where a boy named Ralph gets trapped on an island with a bunch of school boys. The boys end up living their lives on an island and trying to contribute to responsibilities and understand life without parents. There ended up being a fight with power between the two boys, Ralph and Jack, which led to a lot of conflicts on who takes power over who. Ended up being some deaths in the process due to miscommunication. And through all that chaos, Ralph and some of the boys who survived ended up getting rescued.
Write out and order the plot elements for “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Exposition- Rainsford talks to his buddy while they sell a boat about a dangerous island.
Inciting incident: Rainsford falls off the boat.
Rising action- Rainsford meets General Zaroff and he tells Rainsford what he hunts and the “game” and they eventually play this very violent game.
Climax- Rainsford jumps off a cliff to escape from Zaroff
Falling action: Zaroff eats dinner and gets ready for bed.
Resolution- Rainsford sneaks into the house and kills Zaroff
Write out and order the plot elements for “The Gift of the Magi”.
Exposition- Della realises she only has 1.87
Inciting incident- Realises she doesn't have enough to buy her husband something for Chrismtas
Rising action: cuts her hair and sells it for money and buys him a watch chain.
Climax- Waits for her husband Jim after buying his gift
Falling action- they realise they both sell their valuables for a gift that they each don't have.
Resolution- They realise all they need is each other and live happily ever after.
Short Stories
Describe the setting of one of the short stories:
“The Gift of the Magi”: Christmas Eve, around late 1800, early 1900s at their apartment.
Explain the significance of the motif of the MDG.
The Motif is whoever is more powerful is the one to survive.
Red and Black refer only to Zaroff, kinda referring to danger.
What is one of the main symbols in “The Gift of the Magi”?
The main symbols are 1.87, hair, clock chain, and combs.
Explain the significance of the motif in “The Gift of the Magi.”?
The motif is the 1.87 because it keeps getting referred to and it symbolies how they struggle with money problems.
Describe Jim and Della’s relationship:
They have a very good relationship, and they understand each other and appreciate what they can go for each other.
How are Jim and Della like the Magi? What figurative language word is this?
Jim and Della are like the Magi because they both sacrifice something valuable out of love for each other. This comparison is an example of an allusion.
How does Rainsford’s mindset change throughout the short story?
Rainsford starts off seeing hunting as a sport and feels superior to animals. By the end, after being hunted, he understands fear and the value of life.
Does Zaroff have a character arc by the end of the story? Does he stay the same?
Zaroff does not change by the end of the story. He continues to see hunting humans as a game and remains confident in his beliefs.
Pick one of the short stories, choose a theme, and support your theme using a quote from the text as evidence.
“But the most important thing is that you’ve given me your hair,” Della said to Jim. This shows that both Jim and Della sacrificed their most prized possessions out of love for each other, demonstrating the depth of their selflessness.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
List all the boys who are in Jack’s tribe:
Sam n Eric
List all the boys that are most loyal to Ralph as chief.
Somewhat Sam n Eric
When does the novel take place?
The novel takes place during an unspecified war, but it is often interpreted as occurring around the time of World War II.
Describe the setting of the novel:
The novel is set on a remote, deserted island where a group of boys are stranded after a plane crash. The island is tropical, isolated, and characterized by dense forests, mountains, and a lagoon.
What is “the scar”?
"The scar" is the area on the island where the boys' plane crashed, leaving a jagged, damaged mark on the land. It symbolizes the destructive impact of humanity on nature.
What is the Lord of the Flies? What does it symbolize?
The Lord of the Flies is a severed pig’s head mounted on a stick, left as an offering to the "beast." It symbolizes the descent into savagery and the dark, primal instincts within the boys.
Explain how the concepts of civilization versus savagery are present in the novel. Use quotes from the text as evidence.
The novel shows the conflict between Ralph, who represents civilization and order, and Jack, who embraces savagery and chaos. This struggle highlights the breakdown of rules and the rise of primal instincts.
Describe what Simon symbolizes and how he is an allegory. Use quotes from the text as evidence.
The novel takes place during an unspecified war, likely World War II. It is set on a remote, deserted island in the middle of the ocean
Briefly describe what these items or people symbolize:
Fire- Symbolizes hope and the boys’ connection to civilization.
Jack- Represents savagery and the desire for power.
Ralph- Symbolizes order and leadership.
Piggy’s glasses- Represent intelligence and reason.
Conch shell- Symbolizes authority and rules.
Lord of the Flies- Symbolizes authority and rules.
Why is the boy’s rescue at the end of the novel ironic?
Jack set the Island on fire after Ralph complained that they couldnt keep the fire going, and that caused a signal to get rescued.
Write a theme for Lord of the Flies. Support your theme in 3-5 sentences, using quotes from the text as evidence.
In Lord of the Flies, the boys on the island go from being normal kids to completely losing their innocence as they turn to savagery. At first, they try to keep order, but eventually, their true nature comes out. Ralph even says, "The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away," which shows how everything is falling apart. The worst part is when they chant, "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" It’s super creepy because it shows how the boys let go of their morals and give in to their darker, wild sides. Golding shows that when there is no structure or rules, people can turn savage.